Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity

T-Nation, the self-proclaimed community for “enhanced fitness” is back with another advertisement article for a totally useless supplement. This time it’s “beta glucan,” a soluble fiber, as in a structural polysaccharide composed of β-D-glucose molecules linked through 1,3 and/or 1,6 glycosidic bonds, derived from the cell walls of various organisms, including algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plants (such as highly toxic oats and barley.)

To make it easy, a monosaccharide (mono means “single unit”,) is the simplest form of carbohydrate, consisting of a single sugar molecule, and can thus not be broken down into smaller units. It’s the most basic and fundamental building block of carbohydrates/sugar.
Thus, a polysaccharide (poly means “multiple”) is a larger “carbohydrate” molecule that is composed of multiple of these smaller monosaccharide units.

In biology, we classify polysaccharides into two primary categories: storage polysaccharides and structural polysaccharides. Storage polysaccharides are used for energy storage or reserve energy; such as ‘starch’ in plants or muscle glycogen in animals. 
Structural polysaccharides contribute to the structural components of cells, including cell walls, such as cellulose and hemicellulose (insoluble fiber) and chitin in both plants and animals.

And as for fiber, we have “soluble fiber,” which is a misnomer, and “insoluble fiber.” While both kinds of fiber bind-up nutrients, insoluble fiber simply moves totally undigested through the human digestion tract where it causes extreme irritation and damage to the intestine walls. You can compare it to swallowing barbed wire.

Soluble fiber on the other hand retains water and turns into a gel during digestion, which slows down digestion and also binds up nutrients, rendering them useless as your body cannot break down or use any of the fiber or whatever is bound up in it. The slowing down of digestion also means that the exposure to all the toxins, as in the defense chemicals and antinutrients from the plant-matter, and the damaging fiber, is prolonged and the damage done to the intestines multiply accordingly. A very, very bad scenario.

So, with this in mind, let’s see what the charlatans at T-Nation have come up with this time.

“Beta Glucan is the next big thing in natural health, and news of its capabilities is starting to trickle down into the mainstream. Here’s what you need to know about it.”

If you mean the backwards-thinking, the lies and deceit that is being pushed on the unaware masses, so sure, a lot of gullible people will fall for it, lining your pockets with their hard-earned money. But beta glucan, being a fiber, has absolutely nothing to do with “natural health,” as it is contraindicated to the natural human diet.

What’s Beta Glucan, What Does It Do?

“Beta glucans are polysaccharides in the cell walls of certain cereal grains, bacteria, fungi, and algae. Once ingested by humans, the immune system recognizes the beta glucans as pathogen-associated molecular patterns or PAMPs. This means beta glucan activates both innate and acquired immunity, which is a good thing.”

We do not have an “immune system,” you retards. That is germ theory pseudo-science. How about you go and study some biology and microbiology? Ok, I will help you. 

What backwards-thinking, and let’s be honest, retarded scientists, call “immune system” is simply a “healing response” to tissue damage. They actually admit that this function is the main purpose of what they call the “immune system.” However, then they screw up when they think that some cells fight invading “pathogens,” when in truth these cells are only there to repair the damage done by some toxins or poisons.

So, when it comes to beta glucans, these idiots believe that the human body reacts to PAMPs by recognizing them through PRRs, triggering the release of cytokines, and activating immune cells.

As I explained earlier, what they call “immune cells” are simply cells that react to damage and are needed for the healing and repair process. And cytokines are signaling molecules of damage, hence the inflammatory response, which is part of the healing process. So, to summarize, beta glucans damage the cell lining and your body responds by trying to repair the damage. It’s not an “immune response” as there is nothing to “build immunity” for, as no such transmittable imaginary things exist.
And no, you illiterate fools, doing damage to the body is not a good thing.

“Innate immunity is what you’re born with. It consists of cells like neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and 30 blood proteins known as the “complement proteins.” Together, they wage war on invading pathogens.”

No, “pathogens” do not exist. That is a made up construct by the debunked germ theory. The only things that can enter the body and hurt it are toxins and poisons. So these cells do not “wage war,” they simply assist in healing and repair when you out of stupidity consume or expose yourself to toxins and/or poisons.

Come on, this is not hard to understand. It’s all laid out in biology. You only need to separate the fictional pseudo-science that has infected modern medicine and nutrition, with the classical and well-established research that is present within biology and microbiology.

“Adaptive immunity, however, involves cells that require “training.” Each infectious exposure teaches T-cells and B-cells to produce antibodies that attack specific infections. These cells “remember” the infection and produce long-lasting immunity to it.”

No, that is more of the same pseudo-science and it’s also extremely ridiculous and juvenile. Requires training? Come on, now. Wake up.
No, your body will adapt to whatever you expose it to. It’s made for survival. No matter how much you mistreat it, it will try its best to adapt and survive. It has nothing to do with imaginary immunity against invisible “infectious” foes.

“In practical terms, it means beta glucan has immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and radioprotective properties. And since beta glucan is essentially insoluble fiber, scientists think it might also have cardioprotective effects through increased cholesterol management, body weight, and glycemic response.”

Again, based on backwards-thinking and a total lack of simple understanding of biology and physiology. And remember, microbes, as in bacteria and fungi, are essential for our well being and survival. They are needed in all repair and healing processes as they are our garbage men, our cleaning crew that discard damaged tissue and toxins. Anything that is “antimicrobial” is simply “anti-healing,” as in “anti-health.” That is a very bad thing!

And antioxidant properties are also from damage being caused, as all plant “antioxidants” are actually defense chemicals made to hurt, sterilize, and kill anyone who consumes them. It’s the same backwards thinking, believing that you get a “positive response” when in fact it is a response to tissue damage, as in your body being poisoned and damaged. That is never a good thing. I’ve covered this many, many times.

“Beta glucan is NOT a pathogen. It merely tricks the immune system into thinking it’s being attacked. It puts the immune system on alert.”

No, it’s not, because pathogens do not exist. And again, there is no immune system. However, you could say that the body is being “attacked” as beta glucan, as a fiber, damages the cell lining of the intestinal wall while slowing down digestion increasing the exposure to toxins from plant-based foods, hence the cytokine and healing response.

After this, the imbeciles at T-Nation discuss viruses, another misunderstanding of the thoroughly debunked germ theory. 

The Research

Here they cite some studies that allegedly showed that people who were given beta-1,3-glucan over 90 days or so had three fewer sick days, 70% fewer upper respiratory tract symptoms, and so on. Again, this is simply because you introduce another stressor to the body.

Remember, beta glucan is a fiber, which means that it binds up nutrients that you consume either at the same time, or many hours later as it forms a gel that slows down digestion. Anything that comes in contact with this gel will be very difficult for the body to absorb. This results in a lot less available nutrients from the other food you consume, which means that the risk for nutrient deficiencies increases manifold. That also means that your body will not function properly, as in detoxing, which is what idiots call getting sick, as in “upper respiratory tract symptoms.” And as beta glucan slows down digestion, even more damage is done to the intestines, requiring even more nutrients for healing and repair.

So, we have a scenario of less resources for detoxing, healing and repair while at the same time the stress and the damage to our body increases. This simply means that your body will refrain from detoxing, as in “getting sick,” as in getting a “cold” or the “flu,” as it does not have enough resources to do it properly and safely. Instead, you will continue to accumulate toxins. And we know that the accumulation of toxins will at first contribute to fat gain, as your body tries to store the toxins away from sensitive and important tissues by shielding it off in fat cells. Once that threshold is reached, it will form tumors, as in cancer, to shield off the toxins, and after that, if the exposure continues unchanged, we will see severe cardiovascular and organ damage.

In other words, you should only get “less sick,” as in experiencing less detoxification symptoms, if you really make an effort to reduce your exposure to toxins, as in removing all plant-based and processed foods from your diet, and making sure to avoid environmental toxins.

Now, on the other hand, if you simply continue your current life-style, but take something extra, like a “supplement,” and you suddenly get less sick than before, but your exposure to toxins has not decreased, then it’s frikkin’ logical that your body is being so stressed that it can no longer detox. And that is a very, very bad thing.

So, no. The studies do not show an imaginary increase in “resistance,” as in the imaginary “immune system,” they show an enormous negative impact on your body’s health from the damaging properties of beta glucan.
This is extremely easy to understand if you actually apply some logic. 

There’s no need to cover more of this atrocious article, as they got everything backwards, as usual. And in all honesty, we should not even have to cover or explain this, as humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Everything from plants are toxic and contraindicated to our natural human carnivorous diet. And fiber, as it cannot be absorbed and actually bind up nutrients, is extremely damaging to our digestive system. That should be a no-brainer.

If you need advice or help with health issues or with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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