June 2022

R. Kelly and Another Fake Trial

R. Kelly and Another Fake Trial Just after the silly Psy-Op of crisis actor Ghislaine Maxwell being sentenced to 20 years in prison, another actor on the world stage in “R. Kelly” was sentenced to 30 years for “racketeering and sex trafficking.” All complete nonsense of course, as both trials were fake and all done by the numbers as rituals to distract the masses and keep Q’tards happy. R. Kelly was found guilty on […]

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The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial and Verdict Psy-OP

I’m not sure if I should use the word ‘hilarious’ or the word ‘sad’ when people who acknowledge that pretty much everything in the media is scripted theatre, yet they cling to obvious pys-ops such as Epstein and the Ghislaine Maxwell trial believing that it’s real. As if they can cherry-pick what is real and what is fake based on their level of Q’tardness. And now they scream for the release of a non-existent

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial and Verdict Psy-OP Read the Full Article »

Turkey Drops Objections to Finland and Sweden Joining NATO on World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand Anniversary

The alleged spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand — heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire — was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914. And now, with the staged and mostly fake war in Ukraine where Putin is threatening with World War III, Turkey drops its objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO on the

Turkey Drops Objections to Finland and Sweden Joining NATO on World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand Anniversary Read the Full Article »

Facebook Jail Again

Today I got another 29-day ban over at CIA-book for citing the actor and puppet playing Joe Biden about the next and coming ‘planned-demic,’ the evil of administering maiming and killing vaccines to children and toddlers, and the pseudo-science of the retarded virus hoax. Yes, if you still think coronavirus is real, you are severely retarded. There is no nicer way to put it after 2.5 years of unrivaled infantile propaganda and stupidity. So,

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22 Children Found Dead in Ritual Killing in South African Tavern

According to the official story, 22 young people, of which some as young as 13-years old, were found dead at an African tavern on Sunday in East London, South Africa. Samples from the bodies will be taken to toxicology labs in Cape Town, police minister Bheki Cele told the press. So, this ‘incident’ as they call it, happened on a Sunday, the day infamous for Jesuit rituals and sacrifices as their God is Saturn,

22 Children Found Dead in Ritual Killing in South African Tavern Read the Full Article »

The False Flag Staged Shootings in Oslo and at WeatherTech on June 25

I guessed you couldn’t miss these staged and fake false flag shootings on social media even if you wanted to. Gullible people using the silly Facebook “I’m safe from…” feature, which actually reads as, “I’m a gullible turd believing in this staged event…” Well, the Oslo shooting at a ‘gay bar’ supposedly happened at 1:14 am, which is the 74th minute of the day. And it’s supposed to have been an ‘active shooter’ scene

The False Flag Staged Shootings in Oslo and at WeatherTech on June 25 Read the Full Article »

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade to Create Civil Unrest and Division

There is only one reason for this ‘historical’ Roe v. Wade overturning decision, that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion, and that reason is to create division; to further distance people on the left and the right, to create separation and civil unrest.States that allow abortion will be filled with liberals and states that ban abortion will be filled with republicans. It’s like recreating the civil war. This division

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade to Create Civil Unrest and Division Read the Full Article »

Elon Musk’s 7-Eleven Tweet on June 21 as TSLA Stock Closed at 711.11

On June 21, about 4 hours before the stock market closed, Elon Musk tweeted a picture of 7-Eleven with gas prices showing at 7.11 – only to troll his clueless followers in how rigged the stock market game is. And, of course, this was on June 21, exactly 7-days before Elon Musk’s birthday on June 28. And Tesla was founded on July 1, 2003, which means that this happened at a span of 11-days

Elon Musk’s 7-Eleven Tweet on June 21 as TSLA Stock Closed at 711.11 Read the Full Article »

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