August 2022

The Foreshadowed Staged Assassination of Trump Coming Soon?

I’ve mentioned the theories around the possibility of a staged fake assassination of Donald Trump, most likely by a “head wound,” in some older posts, like this one: Now, there was a story on August 29 that was so silly and stupid that it should not have gotten any news coverage unless it was coded for a specific reason. The story featured a Nebraska man, Duane Hansen, who paddled ‘38’ miles down the Missouri […]

The Foreshadowed Staged Assassination of Trump Coming Soon? Read the Full Article »

Mikhail Gorbachev, last leader of Soviet Union, dead at 91

Mikhail Gorbachev, who led the Soviet Union from 1985 until its breakup in 1991, has died at the age of 91, Russian state news agencies announced on August 30. Gorbachev was credited for helping end the fake “nuclear arms race,” also known as the “Cold War” – a period of ‘geopolitical theatre’ between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies, stretching from 1947 to 1991. As you can see, the

Mikhail Gorbachev, last leader of Soviet Union, dead at 91 Read the Full Article »

Artemis 1 Launch Postponed for September 2 (33) or 5 (56)

Nothing keeps the buzz going among the gullible sheep believing in space like some advanced mechanical engine trouble – not to mention that it validates the belief that the rocket is real and that everything surrounding this launch must be calculated to perfection. As for example, that the next silly made-up launch window is September 2, “opening” on 12:48 p.m. and closing on 2:48 p.m., or the one after that being on September 5,

Artemis 1 Launch Postponed for September 2 (33) or 5 (56) Read the Full Article »

Michael ‘Moonwalker’ Jackson’s Birthday, The Fake Artemis 1 Launch and Jackson, Mississippi, Flooding

Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba warned the residents of Jackson, Mississippi, on Saturday to “get out now,” as record-setting rain threatens to flood the streets and creep into homes on Monday, August 29 – the birthday of another Jackson, as in Michael Jackson. In other words, Jackson is about to flood on Michael Jackson’s birthday – a perfect play on words and names as the Freemasons always do. That alone should tell you that this

Michael ‘Moonwalker’ Jackson’s Birthday, The Fake Artemis 1 Launch and Jackson, Mississippi, Flooding Read the Full Article »

The Jesuit’s Doll-Puppet Britney Spears Make Comeback in Collaboration with Elton John – All by the Numbers

With something that is really painful to your ears and accompanied with a silly animated “music” video upholding the space and rocket lie, Britney Spears made a comeback after six-years of MK-Ultra relapses, this Friday with the song “Hold Me Closer” in collaboration with Elton John.Of course, being the music entertainment industry and involving two terrible fake idols made and molded to hypnotize the dumbed down masses, this comeback- and music release-ritual was extremely

The Jesuit’s Doll-Puppet Britney Spears Make Comeback in Collaboration with Elton John – All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Aaand… Dow Plunges 1,008 Points After Jerome Powell’s Remarks – History About the U.S. Dollar

Yesterday, I wrote about how the Dow rose 322-points on August 25 in a perfect Freemasonic Order 322 (Skull and Bones) and Genesis 3:22 ritual as a tribute to their Sun God, or Satan. And now, the day after that ritual, on August 26, the Dow plummeted all by the numbers (actually 3.03%, like the Freemasonic 33) in yet another satanic ‘dollar’ ritual blamed on Jerome Powell. They are really mocking our intelligence at

Aaand… Dow Plunges 1,008 Points After Jerome Powell’s Remarks – History About the U.S. Dollar Read the Full Article »

The Dow Rose 322 Points on August 25 with a High of 33,3k – Freemasonry and Genesis 3:22

Do you still think that the stock market is real? That it is not being manipulated? Well, think again. As I’ve shown numerous times, the hidden hand that rule the world own and controls everything. To them, the stock market is just another ritualistic tool to use to make sure that the numbers line up as they should, that everything is played out in accordance to their script. This is how they believe they

The Dow Rose 322 Points on August 25 with a High of 33,3k – Freemasonry and Genesis 3:22 Read the Full Article »

Space Junk to Validate and Mock Your Intelligence about Non-Existent Satellites and Fake Rocket Launches

Over the last couple of months, there have been several reports and ‘news articles’ of “space junk,” as in staged silly props, being found on people’s land across the Snowy Mountains area in Australia. Space junk is the new ‘crop circles (cc),’ a hoax – staged to keep lies alive while mocking the intelligence of people. One story that got a few headlines was about ‘SpaceX debris’ that allegedly smashed into a sheep farm.

Space Junk to Validate and Mock Your Intelligence about Non-Existent Satellites and Fake Rocket Launches Read the Full Article »

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