July 2022

This Week at Ungovernable

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating, or even better, join our community — the only place on the internet where I take part in discussions and answer questions every single day. And speaking of our uncensored online community, below are a few gleanings from the past week and the most popular posts and topics. WHO has called for a sex shutdown because of fake monkeypox virus.  Our fake history, no Dark Ages, […]

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Biden Tests Positive for Non-Existent CONvid-19 Again – Will He be the 9th to Die in Office, and will Harris be #47 on August 11?

This ongoing Biden Covid-19 farce could be seen as the ultimate mockery of your intelligence, simply shouting in your face that viruses does not exist, that Covid-19 is fake. It should be obvious at this day, even for those lacking in the thinking department, that the Coronavirus pandemic was staged and totally fake. Heck, you actually need to be a bit slow and challenged if you still believe in the germ theory and the

Biden Tests Positive for Non-Existent CONvid-19 Again – Will He be the 9th to Die in Office, and will Harris be #47 on August 11? Read the Full Article »

Puppet Alex Jones Files for Bankruptcy to Legitimize the Propaganda Tool of Fake Shootings – and The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012

On July 26, the lawyer and the shameless crisis actors playing the roles of ‘Sandy Hook Parents,’ asked the staged Freemasonic jury for $150 million in damages in the ongoing trial to determine how much money they receive from Alex Jones who called out the shooting as fake, which it blatantly was. And on Friday, July 29, Alex Jones’ filed for bankruptcy protection for his ‘Free Speech Systems,’ which operates his gatekeeper outlet Infowars.

Puppet Alex Jones Files for Bankruptcy to Legitimize the Propaganda Tool of Fake Shootings – and The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Builds U.S.-Mexico Border Wall

Another mockery all done by the numbers. Remember, Trump and his wall that was ridiculed (as part of the political theatre)?So… Joe Biden and his ‘administration’ just approved the construction of the controversial border wall near Yuma, Arizona. This happened yesterday, Thursday, July 28, 2022, which was Trump’s 45th day of his age. Trump was president #45… Mexico Wall = 45Berlin Wall = 45 (what they previously compared it to) For a full decode,

Joe Biden Builds U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Read the Full Article »

The Man-Made Kentucky Flooding — A Play at Genesis 7:24 — Updated

The eastern portions of Kentucky around the city of Hazard received more than 9 inches of rain from Wednesday to Thursday. The first news coverage on Thursday reported three dead, as they love ‘three’ as it sums to ’56,’ and the rain started on Wednesday, July 27, a day with ‘56’-date numerology (7/27/22 = 7+27+22 = 56.) Three = 56Natural Disaster = 56Climate Change = 56Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order) Keep

The Man-Made Kentucky Flooding — A Play at Genesis 7:24 — Updated Read the Full Article »

In the Year of Green: Sprite Will No Longer be Sold in Green Bottles

The Coca-Cola Company said Wednesday it’s changing the packaging of Sprite from green to clear plastic beginning August 1 as part to become more ‘environmentally responsible.’Well, if you think this has anything to do with the environment, then you are very naïve. This is a clear masonic ritual and part of the silly green agenda that has been accelerating this year. Remember the importance of the number ‘333’ in Masonic lore? I covered that

In the Year of Green: Sprite Will No Longer be Sold in Green Bottles Read the Full Article »

Large Man-Made Earthquake in Philippines

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake (downgraded from 7.1) struck the Philippines on Wednesday morning local time. It was located to the northern area of Luzon, the country’s most populous island, and it occurred at 8:43 a.m.While it happened on July 27, it was still July 26 in most of the world (CNN even wrote it happened on ‘Tuesday’ which was July 26.) Quake = 26Chaos = 26 (as in ‘Order out of Chaos’) Chaos is relevant

Large Man-Made Earthquake in Philippines Read the Full Article »

Your News Top Stories on July 25, All by The Numbers

As we always say, all top stories are fabricated or manipulated to fit their agendas, rituals and numbers. On July 25, CNN boosted their frontpage with articles featuring Walmart, the Pope, Pence, Biden, and Trump. Walmart = 25Pope = 25Pence = 25Biden = 25Trump = 25 And all in the same cipher too. They’re certainly having a laugh. Also, do not forget that the flooding in Pakistan (weather modification warfare,) which actually begun on

Your News Top Stories on July 25, All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

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