Movie / TV Industry / Hollywood

Trump Shooting: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 and Staged Fake Events

For the first time ever, my Facebook social media feed has actually had more people pointing out that the assassination attempt on Trump was staged and fake, than people claiming that it was real. However, the majority of my feed is made up of people waking up, as in newbie truthers and, of course, some veteran truthers that are contributing as well. Still, looking at platforms such as X, the vast majority of people […]

Trump Shooting: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 and Staged Fake Events Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed

I covered the initial Jesuit and Freemason Rust-shooting ritual back on October 22, 2021, the day after the alleged shooting had happened on the movie set, starring Alec Baldwin. To recap, we all know that “prop guns” are non-functional replica guns that can’t even be fired. And the staged and fake shooting with “live ammunition” happened on October 21, 2021, exactly a Jesuit 201-days after Alec’s April 3rd birthday. Of course, 201 fitted the

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed Read the Full Article »

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual

If you’ve seen the released video footage of this alleged “assault,” you likely had a good laugh at the bad acting. While the media called it a “gut-wrenching” video, all we saw was Sean Combs pulling Cassie to the ground and then moments later delivering as ‘soccer kick’ that barely graced her baggy clothes. After that he delivers another very slow and weak kick, more like a controlled stomp not to actually hurt her,

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

April Kill Date Announcements: Vincent Friell, Carl Erskine & Whitey Herzog

Yesterday, April 16, was the big ‘kill date’ for the month of April, as its date-numerology made all four of the most important numbers for a sacrifice kill ritual align. 4/16/24 = 4 + 16 + 24 = 444/16/2024 = 4 + 16 + 20 + 24 = 644/16/24 = 4 + 1+6 + 2+4 = 174/16/2024 = (4) + (16) + 2+0+2+4 = 28 Kill = 44, 64, 17, 28 This means that

April Kill Date Announcements: Vincent Friell, Carl Erskine & Whitey Herzog Read the Full Article »

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia

This weekend has been rather busy with ongoing psy-ops and scripted events. Unfortunately, I’m very short on time as I have clients in need of my immediate help, so this will be a simple recap of the two biggest events. In the last two days, the media has brewed a new conflict between Israel and Iran. And this morning, April 14, 2024, Israel that was founded on May 14, 1948, turned 911 months old,

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia Read the Full Article »

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

This story was one of the trending stories on FOX News, CBS News, Time Magazine, BBC, The Guardian, CNN and many more yesterday, and according to the media, the 43-year-old actress has been “battling” breast cancer since April 2023. As I’ve explained in previous articles, cancer has nothing to do with the pseudo-science of “genetics,” nor hormones or simply cells going rogue, mutating all over the place. Cancer, as in forming tumors, is simply

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Read the Full Article »

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year

According to the media, the Oscars continued to rebound with its biggest audience since 2020 thanks to abysmal movies such as “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie,” averaging 19.5 million viewers on Sunday night. Now, I have no idea how anyone could watch such extreme satanic filth, and with the revolting puppet Jimmy Kimmel as host to boot, but I guess some people did, even if the numbers are inflated and scripted. Of course, being the satanic

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

Actor Gary Sinise’s Son McCanna Dead at “33” by the Freemasonic Numbers

This story trended yesterday, on February 27, although McCanna “Mac” Sinise allegedly died on Jan. 5, 2024, at 3:25 p.m. and was laid to rest on Jan. 23. The Gary Sinise Foundation shared the news on Instagram of McCanna Sinise’s death on Tuesday, with the caption, “In Honor & Memory of McCanna ‘Mac’ Sinise 1990-2024.” In a statement, the foundation said that on August 8, 2018, Mac was diagnosed with a very rare cancer

Actor Gary Sinise’s Son McCanna Dead at “33” by the Freemasonic Numbers Read the Full Article »

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