Secret Societies / The Cabal

The Character Joe Biden’s Dementia, The Political Script, And The World Stage

This article might be a bit repetitive for most of my readers as you are undoubtedly familiar with the world stage and that everything is simply staged and scripted. Everything you see in media and around you at a higher level, as in politics and governance, is nothing more than an reality show for the large masses with the goal to both control everything that is going on while being able to do so […]

The Character Joe Biden’s Dementia, The Political Script, And The World Stage Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Russian Ships Arrive in Cuba in Cold War Ritual

And here we go again with some really obvious ritualistic and scripted nonsense for the world stage. On June 12, the birthday of George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States, a group of Russian Navy ships, including a “nuclear-powered” submarine, arrived in Cuba – which the media describes as a sign of strengthening ties between the two Cold War allies. This happened on Wednesday morning, on the birthday of George H.W.

World Stage: Russian Ships Arrive in Cuba in Cold War Ritual Read the Full Article »

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Steps Back From Executive Role

The news of Klaus Schwab moving away from the day-to-day management of the World Economic Forum after more than 50 years at the helm trended social media late last night, as the announcement reached the media during late Tuesday, May 21, 2024. As always, baby troofers misunderstood the situation and thought that Klaus had resigned or been removed, as in some silly and retarded Q-nonsense (the Q-tards has been saying that Klaus has been

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Steps Back From Executive Role Read the Full Article »

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual

If you’ve seen the released video footage of this alleged “assault,” you likely had a good laugh at the bad acting. While the media called it a “gut-wrenching” video, all we saw was Sean Combs pulling Cassie to the ground and then moments later delivering as ‘soccer kick’ that barely graced her baggy clothes. After that he delivers another very slow and weak kick, more like a controlled stomp not to actually hurt her,

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Ascension Health Hospitals and the Fake Cyberattack Reported on Ascension Day

Allegedly, a “cyberattack” occurred late Wednesday on the Catholic (Jesuit) Ascension Health network that includes 140 hospitals in 19 states, which disrupted access to electronic health records, some phone systems and “various systems utilized to order certain tests, procedures and medications,” during Thursday, the day of Ascension the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, or simply, ‘Ascension Day.’ So, we had someone in a ritualistic fashion pull the plug for some of the

The Ascension Health Hospitals and the Fake Cyberattack Reported on Ascension Day Read the Full Article »

Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring

Yesterday was May 1st, known as ‘May Day,’ and also the birthday of the German Bavarian Illuminati, the Jesuit-founded order that later became the ‘Order of the Illuminati,’ and the order that influenced and helped in founding Freemasonry as a secret society, and especially Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry within the United States. And while Bavarian Illuminati was founded in Germany, its founder, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, was in fact Jewish. And the

Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, a staged theatrical scene unfolded in central London when supposedly several elite military horses from the Household Cavalry broke loose and galloped through the streets, allegedly causing mayhem and injuring at least four people. One of the horses was reportedly covered in very badly faked blood, which should be more than enough to understand that it has been orchestrated. The incident allegedly occurred during a routine exercise in Belgravia,

World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London Read the Full Article »

World Stage Mocking: David ‘Pecker’ as First Witness in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Trial

This will be a quick 30-minute breakdown as I’m a bit short on time this morning. According to a CNN breaking story, filling their landing page on this past Sunday, April 21, 2024, David Pecker, the former chairman and CEO of American Media Inc, is expected to be the first witness called by the Manhattan district attorney’s office in former President Donald Trump’s criminal hush money trial. If you’re awake and pay attention, you

World Stage Mocking: David ‘Pecker’ as First Witness in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Trial Read the Full Article »

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