June 2021

Portland record temperature

Record High Temperature in Portland by the Numbers! Hinting at Power Outages!

Portland had a little taste of weather modification warfare this past weekend as they were hit with record high temperatures. All-time high was 107, but on Saturday it reached 108, on Sunday it hit 112 and on Monday, for the third day in a row, it reached a record setting high temperature of 116 degrees.I wonder who reported these figures? Someone instructed by their overlord using Gematria. Let’s break this down. On the record-high […]

Record High Temperature in Portland by the Numbers! Hinting at Power Outages! Read the Full Article »

Stop falling for this!

Please! Stop falling for their Psy-Ops! Stop supporting their Controlled Opposition!

I still see multiple posts every day on social media pushing obvious psychological operations and fake information from controlled opposition. Stop sharing and writing about complete bullocks like: “99.8 chance that you will” memes Ivermectin (deadly poison) Hydroxychloroquine (deadly poison) Shedding of Spike Proteins Wuhan Lab Leak Manufactured viruses / bioweapons Or simply anything that suggest that people can infect each other with disease, which is biologically impossible. Every time you share or write

Please! Stop falling for their Psy-Ops! Stop supporting their Controlled Opposition! Read the Full Article »

Peps Persson dead at 74

Swedish Musician Peps Persson Dead at 74 by the Numbers

As a teenager, in the early and mid-90’s, I saw Peps play at several festivals all over Sweden. It was not the music I listened to or even enjoyed; it was more of a principle to see him play – he was a festival legend. My ‘awakening’ didn’t start until 1998 when my grandfather, who held a high position within the military and intelligence community, hinted at me that news were scripted and only

Swedish Musician Peps Persson Dead at 74 by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags, and Psy-Ops – What is Real, What is Fake?

I’ve touched briefly on this several times in various articles. Still, there seem to be a lot of confusion about all these scripted events presented by the media. First, any event that is being covered by the media can either be semi-real with a twisted story to fit their agendas or totally fake, as in made up by the police and government officials, it can also be staged, like a drill, using government agents,

Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags, and Psy-Ops – What is Real, What is Fake? Read the Full Article »

CONvid bullocks

More Silly Lies About the ‘Rona

We know that a virus has never been isolated, identified or shown to be able to exist outside of a living organism or be able to transmit disease. So, this story blatantly lies from the get go. It’s all about programming you with nonsense – hammering the lie deep into your brain. Repeat after me, “it’s real, it has existed for 20,000 years, it’s real, my precious”! Since we know that this story is

More Silly Lies About the ‘Rona Read the Full Article »

Tesla 33 ritual

Testa recalls 300,000 cars in Masonic Ritual by the Numbers – hinting at things to come

At a first glance, this story is very blatantly coded. Let’s start with the method they usually use in short TV clips and reports where space is limited for text.This concerns Tesla Model 3 and they write ‘300,000’, where we always remove the zeroes. Thus, we get a 33 Freemasonry connection. Also, the Tesla “Model 3” is already a ‘33’ as you flip the ‘M’ in Model to get a ‘3’. The reason for

Testa recalls 300,000 cars in Masonic Ritual by the Numbers – hinting at things to come Read the Full Article »

Even more fake news

Even more Virus and Vaccine CON-nonsense

It should be obvious that all these fantasy variants, whom very conveniently surfaced after the depopulation vaccination started, are just that – a cover for side effects and deaths from the vaccine. And of course, a clever way to continue to push those killer jabs. This is why stupid stories like this one surfaces almost daily now. Let us look at this nonsense using Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape

Even more Virus and Vaccine CON-nonsense Read the Full Article »

Fake Delta Plus Variant

More CONrona Virus Nonsense – Delta Plus is coming for you!

Beta males (mask wearers), Gamma (3) Freemasons, Indian Delta variants, and now a new variant of a variant – Delta Plus Coronavirus, like a frikkin’ membership PLUS card for Delta Air Lines. How stupid and gullible do you have to be to buy into this crap? Are there still braindead sheep who think there is a pandemic?Seriously folks, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist outside of a living organism or

More CONrona Virus Nonsense – Delta Plus is coming for you! Read the Full Article »

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