August 2023

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 25

In part 24, emperor Hadrian of the Roman Empire visited the remining ruins of Jerusalem, where he founded the new city of Aelia Capitolina and built a temple to honor Jupiter, as in Sumerian Enlil, Egypt Ammon and Osiris (Orion,) Babylonian Marduk, Greek Zeus, Hebrew YHVH, and Nordic Odin.This led to the third Jewish revolt led by Simon Bar Kokhba, in which ‘Israel’ became independent for 2,5 years before once again being crushed by […]

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 25 Read the Full Article »

Current Status, a Quick Update

As of yesterday, the ventilation system is back online after ongoing renovations since mid-May. That is 3.5 months of bad stale air finally coming to an end. They will continue with adjustments throughout this week. Also, I’m currently experiencing one of my first “real” detox since 2018. Most likely because I went on two long hikes last week, for about 5 hours each, and got caught in the rain, which triggered a detox.As a

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A Few Words on Bloating and Digestion Problems — Updated

If you search the internet, you’ll be fed a bunch of nonsense regarding bloating and some alleged “quick fixes” to relieve it. Well, as with all remedies or drugs, it’s only a temporary relief at best, as you shut down your body’s attempt to heal and repair whatever damage you have done. When there is a problem and you experience symptoms from something you have done and your body is now trying to fix,

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What Makes You Fat?

This topic has been requested for a while. I already have several articles touching this subject, so this will be a simple breakdown and summary. Let’s start with some uncomfortable truths. Being overweight, or worse, being obese, is not natural, it’s not normal, it’s not something we see in nature with other species unless they are to go into hibernation, prepare for a cold winter, or about to migrate to new grazing/hunting areas. In

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 24

In part 23 we covered the first real organized Jewish revolt against the Roman rule in 66 AD, which led to a temporary Jewish government until the Romans quelled the rebellion in 70 AD. As a result, the Temple was once again destroyed, over a million Jews were killed, Rabbis (Rabbinic Judaism) took the role of the high priests, and the Torah became the most invaluable source of knowledge for the Jewish people.In the

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 23

In part 22 we went through the historic accord of Jesus’s crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Paul the Apostle spread the teachings of Jesus to various non-Jewish communities throughout the eastern Mediterranean region, while Mark the Evangelist spread it to Africa where he built a church in Alexandria.Meanwhile, Roman emperor Tiberius died and was succeeded by Caligula, who according to Greek-Roman literature was admired by everyone in “all the world, from the rising to the

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Trump Allegedly Booked in Fulton County Jail

This will be a short one. It’s sad to see that there are people who believe that this, or anything presented in the media, is real. To see sheeple spreading the viral mug shot of Trump as it’s some kind of historical event. Donald Trump is an actor, a puppet of the ‘elite.’ Everything on the world stage is theatrics, scripted rituals to entertain and program the masses, to herd them along in a

Trump Allegedly Booked in Fulton County Jail Read the Full Article »

Mocking 101: India Land a Masonic CGI-Toy on the Moon

Only a few days after the silly story about the failure of Russia’s Luna-25 lander, allegedly crashing into the moon’s surface, we are yet again mocked with the worst faked moon landing in history, allegedly achieved by a CGI rendered toy spaceship from India.While Russia is symbolically playing the role of the villain on the world stage, with the fake CGI-war in Ukraine, India is now, as the “great achievers,” symbolic of the fall

Mocking 101: India Land a Masonic CGI-Toy on the Moon Read the Full Article »

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