World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 24

In part 23 we covered the first real organized Jewish revolt against the Roman rule in 66 AD, which led to a temporary Jewish government until the Romans quelled the rebellion in 70 AD. As a result, the Temple was once again destroyed, over a million Jews were killed, Rabbis (Rabbinic Judaism) took the role of the high priests, and the Torah became the most invaluable source of knowledge for the Jewish people.
In the Americas, Teotihuacan became the largest city in the west, and the sixth largest in the world. With it’s three pyramids aligned with Orion, it was a city with monuments being continuously under construction, practicing black magic with mercury and recurring mass sacrifice rituals.
In Europe, the Gnostics began worshipping Abraxas as a sun god, claiming that Jesus Christ was only a phantom sent to earth by him.
We also saw a locust invasion in northern Africa followed by starvation, malnutrition, and contamination, which by historians, in line with the agenda to rule by fear, was dubbed to have been a ‘plague;’ that of transmittable disease which do not exist in nature, and something that had never previously been recorded in history.

In 131 AD, emperor Hadrian of the Roman Empire visits Judea and the ruins of Jerusalem, which was almost razed after the siege in 70 AD. Around the ruins he founded the colony Aelia Capitolina and began the construction of a temple to Jupiter. As covered in previous parts, the God called Jupiter was the equivalent to Sumerian Enlil, Egypt Ammon and Osiris (Orion,) Babylonian Marduk, Greek Zeus, Hebrew YHVH, and Nordic Odin.

In 132 AD, the third Jewish revolt took place, also known as the Bar Kokhba revolt, as a result of the large Roman military presence and the construction of a temple dedicated to Jupiter on Temple Mount in former Jerusalem.
The revolt was led by Simon Bar Kokhba. The surname “Bar Kokhba” means “Son of a Star” in the Aramaic language, and comes from the Star Prophecy in the Book of Numbers of the Jewish Torah, stating that, “there shall come a star out of Jacob.”
Simon Bar Kokhba took the title “Nasi Israel,” where ‘Nasi’ means ‘prince,’ or ‘president’ in modern translation. He ruled over an entity called Israel, which was virtually independent for two and a half years.
Following a series of setbacks, emperor Hadrian called his general Sextus Julius Severus from Britannia, and called in troops from all over Europe. All-in-all, about one third of the Roman army took part in the campaign against Bar Kokhba.

In the summer of 135 AD, after losing many of their strongholds, Bar Kokhba and the remnants of his army withdrew to the fortress of Betar. It was said that the fortress was breached and destroyed on the fast of Tisha B’Av, a day of mourning for the destruction of the First and the Second Jewish Temple.
In the aftermath of the revolt, the Romans executed eight leading members of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish elders, and then went on a rampage of systematic killing and destroying all remaining Jewish villages in the region and seeking out any refugees. According to Roman records, 50 outposts and as many as 985 villages were razed to the ground, and more than 580,000 men were slain. Some scholars describe it as genocide.
Emperor Hadrian renames the province to Syria Palaestina, to erase the memory of Judea. The Jews were also expelled from Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem) and were only allowed to mourn their defeat at the Weeping Wall.

In early 138 AD, Emperor Hadrian makes Antoninus Pius his successor, on condition that he adopt Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. Hadrian dies six months later of heart failure.
One year later, Marcus Aurelius is named Caesar, and he marries the 9-year-old Faustina the Younger, daughter of his new father Antoninus Pius.

In 142 AD, Emperor Antoninus Pius orders the construction of the Antonine Wall in Britannia, 160 kilometers (100 miles) north of the previous Hadrian’s Wall, to extend the Roman territory and to protect the borders against the Caledonians. The wall stretches 63 kilometers (39 miles,) from Old Kilpatrick in West Dunbartonshire on the Firth of Clyde, to Carriden near Bo’ness on the Firth of Forth (Scotland.)
The Romans called the land north of the wall Caledonia. That land later became a part of Scotland known as Albany. The Antonine Wall was completed in 154 AD.

In 148 AD, emperor Antoninus Pius hosts a series of grand games to celebrate Rome’s 900th anniversary. Meanwhile, the Germanic Goths of the east start moving south, into the Carpathians and Black Sea area.

On March 7, 161 AD, Emperor Antoninus Pius dies and is succeeded by Marcus Aurelius, who shares imperial power with Lucius Verus, although Marcus retains the title Pontifex Maximus. Marcus pursued the policy of his predecessor and maintained good relations with the Senate. As a legislator, he focused on creating new principles of morality and humanity, particularly favoring women and slaves.

In 164 AD, after only 10 years, the Antonine Wall in Brittania/Scotland is abandoned by the Romans. And meanwhile, in Rome, emperor Marcus Aurelius gives his daughter Lucilla in marriage to his co-emperor Lucius Verus.
Parthia, a region of northeastern Iran, is invaded and conquered by the Romans.

In 165 AD, the “Antonine Plague,” also known as the Plague of Galen, was said to have been the first “pandemic” to hit the Roman Empire. It was said to have happened shortly after soldiers returned home after the war in Parthia, which indicated the healing process of a separation conflict, and not an imaginary “infectious” smallpox or measles “virus,” which does not exist. However, the description of a measles-like plague also fit malnutrition, especially a vitamin A (retinol) deficiency; a nutrient only found in meat, organ meats and other animal-based foods, something that was severely restricted to the population of large cities of this era, as the pleb was treated like slaves being fed grains and other toxic plant-based foods, very much like today.
It can also manifest from poisoning and a body trying to detox through the skin, a process that will drain nutrients, especially vitamin A, making you nutrient deficient, accelerating the problem.
As a note, the Romans began using plumbing around 200 BC, and in 100s AD, around this time, led-plumbing had become very common, something that later was stopped around 250 AD.
Considering the likelihood of contamination of both food and water supplies (especially by metals,) and the poor quality of the food, people getting sick is not an unlikely scenario, and calling it a plague fits the ruling through fear narrative, as discussed in the previous part and in the mind-control series.

In 167 AD, after the Marcomanni tribe waged war against the Romans at Aquileia, Marcus Aurelius repelled the invaders and ended the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) that had kept the Roman Empire free of conflict since the days of Emperor Augustus (about 200 years.)

In 169 AD, the Marcomannic Wars escalate as Germanic tribes invade the frontiers of the Roman Empire, specifically the provinces of Raetia, which in present-day are parts of Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Italy, and in the region of Moesia which in present-day are parts of Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania.
Meanwhile in Rome, Marcus Aurelius becomes sole Roman Emperor upon the death of Lucius Verus.

In 170 AD, The Suebian tribes of the Marcomanni cross the Danube and invade Northern Italy. The Roman army of 20,000 men is destroyed.
In Rome, Marcus Aurelius orders humane treatment for Christians and slaves throughout the Roman Empire.

In 171 AD, Marcus Aurelius forms a new military command, the praetentura Italiae et Alpium, and the Marcomanni are evicted from Roman territory. This was followed by a peace treaty with several Germanic tribes.
However, the Costoboci Dacian tribe crossed the Danube and reached Eleusis near Athens, where they destroyed the temple of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

In 177 AD, after a few years of better treatment, Christians were once again being persecuted in Rome, and the followers took refuge in the catacombs.
Churches in southern Gaul were destroyed after a crowd accuses the local Christians of practicing cannibalism, and forty-eight Christians were martyred in Lyon, France.

In 180 AD, Marcus Aurelius died after a week of illness at his camp in Vindobona (modern-day Vienna.) He is succeeded by his son Commodus, which marked the end of the ‘Five Good Emperors.’
The Germanic people known as the Goths, who had slowly been settling and moving south for years, reached the banks of the Black Sea.

In 185 AD, Emperor Commodus drained Rome’s treasury with his gladiatorial spectacles and confiscated property to support his pleasures. He participated as a gladiator in several rigged games and boasted of being victorious in more than 1,000 matches in the Circus Maximus.

In 189 AD, farmers were unable to harvest their crops, and food shortages brought on riots in Rome. This was followed by what officials called a “plague” that killed as many as 2,000 people a day in the city. As we can see, a pattern of governance through ‘fear of disease’ was emerging.

To be continued in the next part.

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