World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 22

In part 21 we learned about the revival of obelisks as Roman troops brought 8 large and 42 small Egyptian obelisks back to the Roman empire, and new temples and even small cities were built around circles of obelisks most likely functioning as ‘antennas’ to achieve certain resonances, as in cymatics, to inflict certain emotions and alter the states of consciousness.
In Kashmir, the Buddhist doctrine was written down for the first time in history as the Pali Canon. It was partly a historical record of the Atlantean ‘golden age’ and humanity’s decline due to ‘unskillful behavior,’ reducing our lifespan from 80,000 years to a mere 100 years, with human beauty, wealth, pleasure, and strength decreased proportionately.
The Jews describe Saturn as the supernatural ruler of the Roman Empire and the ultimate cause of all evil in the world, and is depicted with the horns and hooves of Capricorn, and the trident of Poseidon, symbolic for power over heaven, earth and hell, which later would become Satan in the Book of Revelation.
Years later, as we approach 0 AD, Jesus was born in the Herodian Kingdom of Judea. And as he gained influence as a preacher, Christianity was born, but would not spread and flourish until after his death. Jesus left no writings of his own, and most information about him comes from early Christian writings that now form part of the New Testament.

It is said, that during the confession of Peter, he told Jesus that “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus affirmed that claim and then took Peter and two other apostles up an unnamed mountain, where “he was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun.” A bright cloud appeared around them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him.”
This event was followed by Jesus taking up a journey through Perea and Judea. It was said that Jesus rode upon a young donkey when he entered Jerusalem, reflecting the tale of the Messiah’s Donkey, an oracle from the Book of Zechariah in which the Jews’ humble king entered Jerusalem that same way.

In Jerusalem, Jesus comes into conflict with the Jewish elders when they question his authority. Meanwhile, Judas strikes a bargain with them to betray Jesus to them for 30 silver coins.

Around 30 to 33 AD, after the betrayal by Judas in the garden Gethsemane, Jesus is arrested by an armed mob sent by the chief priests, scribes, and elders.
During his trial, Jesus speaks very little and mounts no defense. The high priest then asks Jesus, “are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus replies, “I am”, and then he predicts the coming of the Son of Man. This provokes the high priest who accuse Jesus of blasphemy.

In the aftermath, Jesus is crucified and when he dies on the cross, a soldier pierces his side with a spear, the alleged Spear of Destiny. His body is put in a sealed tomb.
It is then said that that God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day (the resurrection.) And forty days after the Resurrection, as the disciples looked on, “Jesus was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight” (the ascension.)

After Jesus’ life, his followers were all Jews either by birth or conversion, and Paul the Apostle spread the teachings of Jesus to various non-Jewish communities throughout the eastern Mediterranean region. By the end of the 1st century, Christianity began to be recognized internally and externally as a separate religion from Judaism. Remember, Judaism was created by Pharaoh Akhenaten (Moses) and his followers that worship God/Allah/YHVH with the Torah as the holy book.
The New Testament, the biblical canon that discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity, was likely written between 50 AD and 120 AD.

Note that Jesus died at the age of 33, which might very well be true, or it might be doctored as it is a very important number. In the Pythagorean system, 33 is the highest of the three master numbers (used in Freemasonry,) the human spine is made of 33 individual vertebrae, the divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis, there are 33 deities in the Vedic or ancient Hinduism religion, arsenic a.k.a. ‘The Poison of Kings’ has an atomic number of 33, and on it goes.
As you might know, 33 is one of the most important numbers in Freemasonry, and they also claim that Jesus was a Freemason, as their roots goes back to the building of King Solomon’s Temple, as in being masons, builders – and that Jesus was said to have been a carpenter, and Masons use carpenter tools as symbols to teach ‘character building.’ They also claim that Nazareth did not exist, but instead that the name was indicative of Jesus being a member of a secret sect or order, a secret society, as in the Essenes, of whom he never spoke of (due to a vow of secrecy.) A secret brotherhood that prepared Jesus for his very special ministry and destiny, which was prophesied centuries before.

After Jesus death and ascension, Christianity was developed by the Essene brotherhood and Hebrews based on Druidism, Judaism, and the religion/mysticism of Babylon and Egypt. It uses the Aryan symbol of the cross and is a continuation of Aryan solar/sun worship (the daily death and rebirth cycle of the sun, inverted to the Black Sun Saturn by the Catholic Church and the Jesuits,) and the cult of Baal (with Satan.)
The worship of the pineal gland continued as the Son of God, the Sun God Jesus Christ. The Christ represents the heart energy, the Higher Self that can lead to a spiritual death-rebirth (as Jesus died and was resurrected.)
The three kings that announced the birth of the Christ was symbolic of the three stars of Orion. Jesus 12 apostles represent the 12 constellations with the sun (God) in the middle.

Also in 33 AD, after a shift in government policy and a series of confiscations resulting in early recalls of loans, a financial crisis hit Rome.

In 37 AD, Tiberius died and was succeeded by Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known by his nickname of Caligula, meaning “little boot” from a military boot, based on his father’s (Germanicus) military campaign in Germania.
Caligula was said to be the first emperor who was admired by everyone in “all the world, from the rising to the setting ‘sun.’” According to legend, more than 160,000 animals were sacrificed during three months of public rejoice to usher in the new reign.
Caligula completed the temple of Augustus and the theatre of Pompey. He built a large racetrack known as the circus of ‘Gaius and Nero’ (bread and circuses, pleasing the plebs) and had an Egyptian obelisk (now known as the “Vatican Obelisk”) transported by sea and erected in the middle of Rome.

In 39 AD, relations between Caligula and the Roman Senate deteriorated, however, in 40 AD, Caligula expanded the Roman Empire into Mauretania (present-day Algeria.)
Years later, Philo and Seneca the Younger, described Caligula as an insane emperor being self-absorbed and short-tempered, who killed on a whim and indulged in too much spending and sex; deliberately wasting money and causing starvation, and also wanting a statue of himself in the Temple of Jerusalem for his worship.
The situation escalated as Caligula told the senate that he planned to leave Rome and move to Alexandria.
As a reenactment of the assassination of Julius Caesar, Caligula was stabbed to death by a mob on January 24, 41 AD.
Caligula is succeeded by Claudius.

In 43 AD, Claudius sent Aulus Plautius with four legions to Britannia (Britain,) initiating the decades-long Roman conquest of Britain. At the Roman base settlement called Londinium, at a point just north of the marshy valley of the River Thames, the Romans performed sacrifices at an omphalos stone, a religious artifact representing the “navel” of the world, which was earlier used by the ancient Greeks at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. The sacrifices at the omphalos stone marked the founding of a new capital city of the conquered lands, that of London, placed in alignment with the ley lines (dragon lines.)
The first definite mention of London occurs in 60 AD by the Roman historian Tacitus.

Around 44 AD, Christianity reached Egypt as the Church of Alexandria was founded with Mark the Evangelist as the first Patriarch. However, in Rome, Claudius expelled the Jews between 41 AD and 53 AD in order to prevent political meetings and the influence of both Judaism and Christianity.

In 54 AD, Claudius died and was succeeded by Nero, the fifth and final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, reigning from 54 AD until his death in 68 AD. Most Roman sources offer a very negative assessment of Nero’s personality and reign. He is described as tyrannical, self-indulgent, and debauched.

In 60 AD, the Boudican Revolt began in Britannia, where several tribes (chiefly the Iceni,) led by Boudica, rebelled against the Roman occupation. The revolt led to the sacking of several Roman cities, but was ultimately quelled by governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus before the end of 62 AD.

In 64 AD, the Great Fire of Rome took place and lasted for six days, destroying about 70 % of Rome (10 out of 14 districts.) The fire was said to have been a cover for Nero’s persecution of Christians as he burned those who lived in the catacombs of Rome, and also to clear space for a new palace, the Domus Aurea. At the time of the fire, it was said that Nero was 35 miles away at his villa in Antium. After the fire, Nero blamed Christians for staring the fire and rounded up those who had survived and burned them alive. This initiated the first of many persecutions against the Christians throughout the Roman Empire.

To be continued in the next part.

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