Yesterday, March 16, 2024, this “active shooter” story made the headlines and trended the news.
According to the scripted story, an “active shooter” with the typical scripted “AR-15-style assault rifle,” killed three people in Falls Township, Pennsylvania, and then fled across state lines. Hours later, after an alleged “five-hour standoff,” the police took the suspect, the 26-year-old crisis actor called ‘Andre Gordon,’ into custody in Trenton, New Jersey.
Of course, this was staged on March 16, as in 3:16, reminding us of John 3:16, one of the most popular verses from the bible.

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
The verse emphasizes that God sent his Son into the world to save the world, not to condemn it. Those who believe in Jesus are not condemned, but those who do not believe stand condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. The verse emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus and the sacrifice he made for humanity.
As we know, the elite run this world through the Catholic Church’s Jesuit Order, the order with the Christogram “IHS,” which stands for “Iesus Hominum Salvator,” as in “Jesus, Savior of Men.” This is very relevant as this staged and fake shooting was executed by the Freemasons in tribute to the Jesuit Order, aka., The Society of Jesus, and to their real “god”, the Black Sun Saturn, the inverted light, that of Lucifer.
Falls Township, Pennsylvania, is located on longitude 74 West, a very significant number for a Jesuit ritual reminding us of Jesus and God’s sacrifice.

Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
A Sacrifice = 74
Messiah = 74
Heavens = 74
Gospel = 74
Preacher = 74
Of course, the Elites, their Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order do not follow the word of God, they follow the inverted light, the Black Sun God Saturn, as in Lucifer. And that’s why shooting and killing fits their rituals. And this staged shooting was about an “active shooter.”

Lucifer = 74
Masonic = 74
Killing = 74
Jesus Christ = 74
Active Shooter = 74
Not only was the location of Falls Township perfect for this Luciferian ritual, this staged and fake shooting, but the name is also a perfect match with the Jesuit Order, aka., the Society of Jesus, who run more than 112 countries, including the U.S.

Falls Township = 177, 69, 78, 1062
The Jesuit Order = 177, 69, 78, 1062

Falls Township, PA = 191, 79, 83, 1146, 78
Society of Jesus = 191, 79, 83, 1146, 78
Of course, the crisis actor playing the role of an “active shooter” was called “Andre Gordon,” again matched with both the Freemasons staging the fake event and the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order. Extremely obvious at this stage.

Andre Gordon = 61
Active Shooter = 61

Andre Gordon = 56
Freemasons = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Masonic Ritual = 56
And the name fits with the theme of March 16, as in John 3:16 and ties in with that of 74.

Andre Gordon = 115
Freemasons = 115
Masonic = 115
Killing = 115
Lucifer = 115
Heavens = 115
Messiah = 115
And March 16 came with a short 43-date numerology. The actor playing the shooter was said to be ’26-year-old.’
3/16/24 = 3 + 16 + 24 = 43

26-Year-Old = 43
Jesus Christ = 43
Freemasons = 43
Masonic = 43
Killing = 43
Lucifer = 43
Messiah = 43
Preacher = 43
Again, they do not worship God or Jesus, they worship Saturn, and all these staged shooting rituals are a tribute to Saturn.

Andre Gordon = 182, 61, 1092
Tribute to Saturn = 182, 61, 1092
March 16 was a Saturday, like “Saturn-day,” a notorious day for staged and fake shootings.

Saturday = 109, 107, 53, 37, 642, 654, 102
Shooting = 109, 107, 53, 37, 642, 654, 102
The governor of Pennsylvania is Josh Shapiro who was born on June 20, 1973. And this staged shooting by the Freemasons came on the 271st day of Shapiro’s age. 271 is the 58th prime number.

Fake Shooting = 58
Secret Society = 58
Morning Star = 58 (aka., Lucifer)
Freemasonry = 58
The Freemasons = 58
Pope Francis = 58, 58 (we’ll get to him later)
Counting forward, the ‘John 3:16’ fake shooting was staged 3 months and 4 days before the governor’s next birthday, like 34.
Also, notice that Fox published their article at 10:34 a.m., the 34th minute of the hour.

Jesus = 34
Cross = 34
Heavens = 34
Can you see how obvious the theme is? And this is only scratching the surface as I only have about an hour to decode this.
And again, they say “3 shot dead” by the actor-shooter from Trenton – 3 months and 4 days before the governor’s birthday.

3 Shot Dead = 34
Trenton = 34
Fox News updated their article at 7:07, like 77, with information about the shooter being arrested, and the alleged shooter was from Trenton, New Jersey.

Trenton, New Jersey = 77
Of course, the shooter from Trenton was played by a black actor and March 16 was the 76th day of the year, and the Catholic and Freemasonic pricks just love their racist division agenda.

Negro = 76
Slave = 76
Blues = 76
Rasta = 76
Barack Obama = 76
Skull and Bones = 76
March 16 came with a full 63-date numerology, which fits the racism aspect of the ritual.
3/16/2024 = 3 + 16 + 20 + 24 = 63

Racism = 63
Racism Ritual = 63
Person of Color = 63, 63
Negroid Race = 63, 63, 63, 63
And March 16 was also 59 days after the anniversary of governor Josh Shapiro taking office on January 17, 2023. And also, a span of 277 days before Pope Francis next birthday, and 277 is the 59th prime number.

And again, 59 fits with the racism theme and Skull and Bones freemasonry, the largest Freemasonic order in the U.S. and the secret order who usually stage these fake shootings.

Slave = 59
Negro = 59
Blues = 59
Rasta = 59
Pope Francis = 59
Fake Shootings = 59
Fake Shooting = 59
Skull & Bones = 59
Freemasonry = 59
And that is all I have time for this morning. Joseph Aquaviva also did a quick decode of this staged and fake shooting, check it out in the video below.