O.J. Simpson Allegedly Dead at 76

O.J. Simpson, recently used in the agenda of normalizing cancer, as he announced his fake “prostate cancer” diagnosis on February 9, 2024, in a racism ‘Black History Month’ ritual, (which I decoded on February 10,) was announced dead on April 10, 2024, by his family. April 10 was a day with 38-date numerology, the number of death, murder and killing. 38 or it’s mirrored 83 are almost always used in death rituals.Also, O.J. was […]

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3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated

Yesterday, March 22, 2024, as in 3/22, or Order 322, as in Skull and Bones Freemasonry did not pass by unnoticed. And let’s not forget that Yale University, the headquarters of Skull and Bones, celebrates being 322 years old this year. As the world is ruled by the elite families through their Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, the Freemasonic orders are the ones doing all the work, as they have their members present

3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated Read the Full Article »

Biden’s Crackdown on Gas Cars Only Weeks After Car Manufacturers Pulls Back on Electric Cars

A few weeks ago, Apple pulled the plug on their electric car project, and here in Europe, several car manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen cut back on the production of electric cars in favor of more gas-powered cars. And that did not come as a surprise, as electric vehicles (EVs) have repeatedly showed extremely decreased performance and milage in real world conditions, including simply shutting down in cold weather or in heavy rain.

Biden’s Crackdown on Gas Cars Only Weeks After Car Manufacturers Pulls Back on Electric Cars Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Putin Secured 5th Term as Russian President by a Scripted 87% of the Vote

This will be a quick one as I’m a bit short on time today. This Monday, March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin secured his fifth term as the Russian President by walking away with a scripted 87% of the vote.Putin celebrated his victory by saying it was proof of the Russian people’s “trust” in him – which, of course, is complete bollocks. This is simply, yet again, 100% proof that the world is a

World Stage: Putin Secured 5th Term as Russian President by a Scripted 87% of the Vote Read the Full Article »

Staged Shooting in Falls Township, Pennsylvania

Yesterday, March 16, 2024, this “active shooter” story made the headlines and trended the news.According to the scripted story, an “active shooter” with the typical scripted “AR-15-style assault rifle,” killed three people in Falls Township, Pennsylvania, and then fled across state lines. Hours later, after an alleged “five-hour standoff,” the police took the suspect, the 26-year-old crisis actor called ‘Andre Gordon,’ into custody in Trenton, New Jersey. Of course, this was staged on March

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Black History Month Racism Ritual: O.J. Simpson Allegedly Has Prostate Cancer

Again, we see “celebrities” announcing that they have cancer, only days after King Charles III, as a conditioning tool to deceive the pleb into believing that even the “rich and famous” get the “disease.” Also, there is buzz about “vaccines” against cancer, which is utter mockery and another way to poison more stupid people.In reality, cancer is not a disease, it is simply a defense mechanism of the body; either shielding you from a

Black History Month Racism Ritual: O.J. Simpson Allegedly Has Prostate Cancer Read the Full Article »

World Stage Puppets: Seventh King Trump Says Civil War ‘Could Have Been Negotiated’

During a rally at Des Moines Area Community College in Newton, Iowa, on January 6, 2024, Donald Trump suggested the Civil War could have been avoided through “negotiation,” arguing that the fight to end slavery in the US was ultimately unnecessary and that Abraham Lincoln should have done more to avoid bloodshed. This weird “historical reference” was said to be a pun at Nikki Haley, who a week earlier had answered a question about

World Stage Puppets: Seventh King Trump Says Civil War ‘Could Have Been Negotiated’ Read the Full Article »

Don Lemon Fired by CNN, Tucker Carlson, aka., The Riddler, Leaves Fox News

So, on April 24, we had Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News after they had, allegedly, settled a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million, which of course was simply a scripted story. Then we had Dan Bongino saying that he will leave Fox News as well, just to add a little to the drama. And on the other side of the same axis, we had left-wing CNN firing Don Lemon over his

Don Lemon Fired by CNN, Tucker Carlson, aka., The Riddler, Leaves Fox News Read the Full Article »

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