Pope Francis

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed

I covered the initial Jesuit and Freemason Rust-shooting ritual back on October 22, 2021, the day after the alleged shooting had happened on the movie set, starring Alec Baldwin. To recap, we all know that “prop guns” are non-functional replica guns that can’t even be fired. And the staged and fake shooting with “live ammunition” happened on October 21, 2021, exactly a Jesuit 201-days after Alec’s April 3rd birthday. Of course, 201 fitted the […]

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed Read the Full Article »

Go Forth And Set California on Fire

A grass fire that began Saturday afternoon in San Joaquin County, California, trended the news during Sunday, June 2, 2024. The ‘Corral Fire’ began in the City of Tracy around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon about 30% of it was contained – still with high risk of spreading due to dryness and winds. As you probably know, most of these fires are purposedly started by Freemasons within your government, as in

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World Stage: Trump Guilty on All Charges — Updated (Storm)

As predicted, the staged and totally fake ‘criminal trial,’ the political theatre, entered its final stages with the Manhattan jury finding Donald Trump “guilty” of all 34 counts of falsifying business records. This verdict was the only possible outcome, as it is perfect for the elites and the Jesuit Order’s ‘divide and conquer’ strategy while going into the 2024 US presidential election. Democrats will be cheering while using this as fuel for Trump not

World Stage: Trump Guilty on All Charges — Updated (Storm) Read the Full Article »

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual

If you’ve seen the released video footage of this alleged “assault,” you likely had a good laugh at the bad acting. While the media called it a “gut-wrenching” video, all we saw was Sean Combs pulling Cassie to the ground and then moments later delivering as ‘soccer kick’ that barely graced her baggy clothes. After that he delivers another very slow and weak kick, more like a controlled stomp not to actually hurt her,

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Slovakian Prime Minister Staged Assassination Attempt

This story and decode was requested. According to the scripted official story, the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times Wednesday in an assassination attempt and is believed to survive.The staged and fake shooting took place after an off-site government meeting in the central Slovak town of Handlova. The crisis actor playing the role of a gunman was among a small crowd of other crisis actors acting as a crowd waiting to

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The Ascension Health Hospitals and the Fake Cyberattack Reported on Ascension Day

Allegedly, a “cyberattack” occurred late Wednesday on the Catholic (Jesuit) Ascension Health network that includes 140 hospitals in 19 states, which disrupted access to electronic health records, some phone systems and “various systems utilized to order certain tests, procedures and medications,” during Thursday, the day of Ascension the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, or simply, ‘Ascension Day.’ So, we had someone in a ritualistic fashion pull the plug for some of the

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World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, a staged theatrical scene unfolded in central London when supposedly several elite military horses from the Household Cavalry broke loose and galloped through the streets, allegedly causing mayhem and injuring at least four people. One of the horses was reportedly covered in very badly faked blood, which should be more than enough to understand that it has been orchestrated. The incident allegedly occurred during a routine exercise in Belgravia,

World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London Read the Full Article »

The Dubai Deluge – Cloud Seeding Weather Warfare

By request, I’ll cover the flooding of Dubai — the heaviest rainfall recorded in 75 years in the United Arab Emirates according to their government.While some news media blamed ‘cloud seeding’ gone wrong, a practice frequently used in the dry Emirates, the “liberal” outlets, such as CNN, immediately put together articles blaming “human-driven climate change,” which more correctly should be called ‘human-driven propaganda.’Well, at least they now openly admit that cloud-seeding and weather control

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