Current Status, a Quick Update

As of yesterday, the ventilation system is back online after ongoing renovations since mid-May. That is 3.5 months of bad stale air finally coming to an end. They will continue with adjustments throughout this week.

Also, I’m currently experiencing one of my first “real” detox since 2018. Most likely because I went on two long hikes last week, for about 5 hours each, and got caught in the rain, which triggered a detox.
As a kid, when I was severely ill with asthma, allergies, and recurring ear infections and sinusitis, the doctors flushed my sinuses several times, which is extremely bad. Since then, I have had recurring sinusitis almost every year until 2018 when I healed my tumors, my asthma, my allergies, and organ failure by going carnivore and doing prolonged water fasting mixed with dry fasting.
Since 2018, I have not been what people would call ‘sick,’ for a single day. I’ve only experienced some mild detox symptoms for about 8 hours up to a day as most; as in some sniffles or an hour of night sweats.

For the last couple of days though, I’ve been a bit tired, my body temperature has been slightly elevated by 0.5 C and I got the typical ‘head pain’ when moving my head too fast, but not much more than that. So, since Monday, I’ve been dry fasting and I’m already getting a lot better. The pressure around the sinuses and forehead is pretty much gone and my body temp is back to normal.
Before I learned about the terrain and stopped the madness that is Western Medicine, I would have been out cold for two weeks or more.

The interesting thing is that by following our natural species-specific diet and doing some regular yearly fasting, I went from being “sick” and bed-ridden for weeks several times a year prior to 2018, to only the occasional sniffles. So, it’s a big win for my health, mind, and body. Also, as they flushed my sinuses as a kid, I know that they will always be vulnerable and toxins will accumulate there, as well as bacteria from repairing tissue and eliminating said toxins.

And unless something big comes up, the World History series will be back in a day or two. With that said, I do have a ‘wish list’ of articles from my readers and followers that I look at time to time, hence the last two articles on obesity and bloating/digestive problems. And of course, I will be back following some current events and doing decodes as well. I just felt that it was time to give more background to everything that is going on, and if you follow the History series, you will get a much better grasp on what is going on, and especially why – very much in the same manner as the previous mind-control series.

That’s it for this morning. Take care and thank you for reading!

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