
Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes

This story trended in Swedish media on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. It seems to be based on some complete and extremely evil nutjobs within the Swedish medical industry, as I could not find any similar or related articles published in international media. If you find something, feel free to contact me on social media and I might do a follow up. Now, the retarded and also extremely harmful, maiming, and potentially deadly theory put […]

Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Non-Existing Bird Flu Fearmongering

After the staged and utterly fake Coronavirus Plan-demic, people of at least average intelligence should have figured out by now that viruses do not exist, that contagion is a lie, that living organisms cannot infect each other with disease. And thus, people of at least average intelligence should immediately see that this ongoing “Bird Flu” psy-op is nothing more than a lie, that it’s complete and utter bollocks! While the news and the media

World Stage: Non-Existing Bird Flu Fearmongering Read the Full Article »

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism

The pseudo-scientific “germ-based” shill website Medical News Today recently posted another article on cancer, claiming that “early-stage cancer cells” hide from the “immune system.”This is yet another made-up lie to add to the growing misinformation and fear propaganda about cancer – while trying to normalize it, as cancer is growing due to our bad modern lifestyle of stress, pollution, and toxic slave food. And as most people should know by now, we do not

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism Read the Full Article »

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might

Once again, I see diet-woke truthers jumping on anything put out by controlled opposition that is ‘anti-vaccine’ without any kind of rational or logical thinking behind sharing such nonsense. While ALL vaccines are useless, dangerous, and nonsensical, there still is no such thing as a virus! Yes, vaccine makers such as AstraZeneca claims that they use another virus, of the Chimpanzee-adenovirus family, that has been modified to contain the gene for making a protein

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might Read the Full Article »

Latest from the Q’tards and Truth Social: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Going Live on March 18

This rubbish showed up in my social media feed from well-known controlled opposition as they try to hype the new Jesuit/Freemason, as in CIA-controlled, ‘Truth Social.’ You know, the Social Media platform allegedly created by Donald Trump. Yes, the Q’tards actually buy into that, thinking it will be their salvation, a wet dream, when in reality it will be an information collecting platform ten times worse than Facebook and Instagram combined. As for this

Latest from the Q’tards and Truth Social: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Going Live on March 18 Read the Full Article »

A Simple Test of Awareness. CDC’s “Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19”

Anyone who have broken free of the programming and done just a little bit of research and rational thinking after being exposed to this extremely obvious fake and staged Covid pandemic know that no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist, that there is no evidence anywhere that any kind of disease is transmittable. You do know however, that the exact opposite has been proven countless of times; that people cannot infect

A Simple Test of Awareness. CDC’s “Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19” Read the Full Article »

Drs. Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman Interviewed by Mike Adams of Brighteon: Why the Covid Pandemic is a Farce

Many of us know by now that the Pandemic is a Psy-Op, a hoax, a big fat lie. We also know that a ‘virus’ has never been isolated or even proven to exist. It’s all a big scam. This interview, especially if you’re not familiar with the truth, is a must see to understand what is happening as far as virus isolation, the depopulation vaccines, and this so called viral pandemic. It is nothing

Drs. Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman Interviewed by Mike Adams of Brighteon: Why the Covid Pandemic is a Farce Read the Full Article »

A Few Simple Points to Measure Awareness

Since I started my research in the late 90’s, I’ve had a saying that about 70% of the population is brainwashed, dumbed down and soulless bots. They simply run programs they are being fed, and they are so far gone that waking them up or changing their perception is almost impossible. On the other side of this spectrum is about 5% of us that are awake and aware.The remaining 25% is caught in between,

A Few Simple Points to Measure Awareness Read the Full Article »

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