The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time

This will be an addition to my ‘What is Really Most Important for Health?’ article from a month ago. In that article, I listed ‘Diet/Nutrition,’ as in our natural homo sapiens species-appropriate and species-specific diet of 100% animal-based nutrition, also known as the carnivore diet, as the most important factor for health. That is an undisputable fact.
I also listed ‘strategic and planned fasting’ for accelerating healing, repair, and detoxification. The third point touched on the importance of sleep quality over sleep duration. The fourth point was about understanding and dealing with your psyche, as in past experiences and trauma, which is one of the most common causes of any sort of illness. And finally, I touched on moderate physical activity, not to be confused with strenuous exercise which is very unhealthy.

In this article I will expand a little on some of these points and how to quickly and easily make a change for the better. However, before I go on with that, let’s look at some of the worst health tips ever given in the history of humanity, as these will give some background to what is important when looking closer at the details of each point.

The Worst Health Tips/Advice of All Time

  • Low Fat/Avoiding Saturated (Animal) Fats
    We are literally made of saturated fats, as we are living beings just like any animal. Fat is needed for clean energy, for keeping cells healthy (or they will stiffen,) for hormone production, and especially brain health.
  • Reducing Cholesterol
    Every cell in our body is made of cholesterol, so is our brain and hormones. Cholesterol is also required for cellular repair, especially from damage done by insulin and glucose to our blood vessels. A very high cholesterol level from a blood panel indicates that healing is taking place. Trying to reduce that is the same thing as trying to stop the healing process, which is severely retarded.
  • Replacing Animal Fats with Vegetable Oils
    We are made of ‘animal fats.’ There is no evidence in any literature that humans need mono- and polyunsaturated fats as found in plants – quite the opposite. These oils are also extremely sensitive to light and oxygen, making them rancid, full of aldehydes and thus extremely poisonous.
  • Drink a lot of Water
    Water flushes out minerals and electrolytes unless you get plenty of them from raw meat or similar sources. If you cook your food and do not add salt and potassium, while drinking a lot of unnecessary water, it will dehydrate you severely, decreasing performance and stress the body.
  • Low Salt/Sodium
    Unless you are raw carnivore, you will need salt for your electrolyte balance and to keep your cells hydrated. Always go for sea salt and make sure it dissolves clearly in water.
  • Choose Lean Protein
    Protein to fat ratio is important for health. Too much protein in relation to fat will force your body to rely on glyconeogenesis, which will put unnecessary stress on the kidneys and the gall bladder. Also, protein without enough fats will stimulate insulin.
  • Carbohydrates is Our Main Fuel Source
    No, saturated fats are our clean source of fuel/energy. Glucose is very toxic and damages our blood vessels, thus blood glucose levels must be tightly maintained in our body. Glucose is produced through glyconeogenesis in perfect balanced amounts. Adding glucose from and outside source, as in carbohydrates, is thus extremely bad and will cause a lot of health issues in the long run, as well as a drastically shortened life span.
  • Several Small Meals a Day (5, 6 or more)
    This will keep insulin chronically high, never allowing the digestive system to rest, and most likely hinder you from reaching a fasted state in your sleep, which is crucial for repair and detoxification. It will also accelerate aging by a very large factor.
  • Exercise to Lose/Maintain Weight
    Exercise in moderation and at lower intensities can be beneficial for health, especially as you get older to prevent injuries and sarcopenia (muscle loss.) However, any kind of vigorous exercise will shorten your life span, especially if it’s done often. And using it for ‘fat loss,’ which is entirely ‘diet based,’ as in using it as a “band-aid” is extremely stupid.
  • Every kind of Diet Works as long as “Calories” are kept low
    Calories is a measurement of heat production; it has nothing to do with how your body handles nutrients and energy. And doing a ‘diet’ is simply slow-paced starvation causing nutrient-deficiencies and metabolic damage. Eat to maintain your body weight and then do fasting to reduce body fat.
  • Eat Vegetables for Micronutrients
    The ‘micronutrients’ found in plants are in the wrong form and not bioavailable to humans. At best, only 8 to 10% might be converted and absorbed. The only way to get micronutrients is from animal-based foods.
  • Consume Fiber for Digestive Health
    No, there is no evidence in any literature that humans need or can even make use of fiber. It’s extremely damaging to the intestines and cause fermentation and unnatural gases. Avoid all fiber!
  • There are Beneficial Antioxidants/Phytonutrients in Plants/Vegetables
    Yes, but they are not ‘beneficial,’ they are ‘defense chemicals’ made to protect the plant and to kill insects and bugs. These chemicals are extremely toxic and should never be consumed.
  • Take Vitamins/Supplements for Health
    All ‘vitamins’ in supplement form are extremely toxic and has absolutely nothing to do with what we can find in our bodies or in nutrition.
  • There is No ‘Bad Food’
    Humans are carnivores. Anything that is not animal-based, as in coming from an animal or produced by an animal is contraindicated to the human diet, and thus harmful. All plant-based foods are extremely toxic to humans and any kind of man-made Frankenstein food is even worse. If a food comes from a plant, it is bad. If the food has been processed, as in man-made, it’s even worse.

A Few Tips That Will Actually Make a Difference

If you for some reason do not want to go full carnivore, you will still need to have an animal-based nutritional foundation. The best meat and organ meat is from ruminant animals. If you’re ‘semi-carnivore,’ the key here will be to keep insulin in a normal and healthy range. That means to avoid all carbohydrates (or only have a little when you’re physically active) and to always consume protein and fat together, preferably as close to a 1:1 ratio in grams as possible. Always go for fattier cuts of meat and make sure to get some eggs and extra butter.

If you are more of a ‘ketogenic diet’ type of guy or girl, make sure to never consume any kind of vegetable/seed oil. They are all extremely toxic. This goes for olive oil as well. Only consume animal-based fats.
If you cook your food, make sure to get extra electrolytes and also watch the protein to fat ratio, or you might develop the ‘keto eyes.’

As for plant-foods, the most toxic are always the seeds, which also means nuts. Do not consume them.

If you want to incorporate prolonged fasting, for healing and/or losing body fat, make sure you have been eating well for a few weeks to guarantee that you do not have any nutrition deficiencies. If you’re fat and your diet sucks, fix your diet first, then try some fasting, not the other way around.

If you want to do some kind of intermittent fasting, do not wait to eat until later in the day as most clueless influencers suggest. Instead do the opposite! This is actually key for improving sleep quality, as eating late in the day will stop you from reaching a fasted state during your sleep. Instead, eat early in the day and make sure your last meal is at least 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. That simple change will do wonders for your sleep, recovery and health. Actually, this is so important that all my coaching guides have two pages dedicated to sleep quality.

Also, by adopting such a ‘feeding-window,’ it does not matter if you eat two meals or five meals within that window, as your digestive system will get its time to rest during the night, as long as you do not eat 4 to 6 hours before bed time.

If you want to further explore these points or need help with changing your lifestyle, I’m available for both coaching and consulting sessions. Please read more here:

Online-Coaching and Education – Animal-Based Nutrition
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