
It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells

The supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation have been busy little bees as of lately, as always mixing backward-thinking “science,” bad interpretations, and the complete lack of understanding of physiology, biology, and biochemistry — especially the simple biological and chemical differences between animals, such as human, and that of plants. This time these deceiving bastards try to hijack the benefits of fasting by selling you them through a very toxic and potentially deadly supplement. […]

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells Read the Full Article »

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI

One of the worst disinformation and propaganda websites within the “health care,” medical-, and pharmaceutical field is WebMD. WebMD also owns Medscape Medical News, another platform for disinformation, propaganda and pushing the inverted pseudoscience of the medical industry and Big Pharma. As you probably know by now, the medical field and the pharmacology industry was created by the Rockefeller family by orders of the governing elite families as a way to keep people weak,

The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI Read the Full Article »

Cafestol, a Diterpene Found in Coffee, is Extremely Toxic and Will Cause Cellular Damage

Again, the evil backwards-thinking government- and pharmaceutical shills at Medical News Today are sharing extremely dangerous disinformation, aimed to reduce your lifespan, keep you weak, docile, controllable, and dependent on their damaging medical care.This time it’s about the retarded practice of drinking coffee — a hot and bitter (which tells us it’s extremely toxic) beverage made from the most toxic and poisonous part of any plant; the seed/bean. It should be obvious that drinking

Cafestol, a Diterpene Found in Coffee, is Extremely Toxic and Will Cause Cellular Damage Read the Full Article »

Going To Bed Late Increases The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and Diabetes

Again we return to Medical News Today and another review of a recent study where the authors found that going to bed late, independent of lifestyle factors such as late snacking, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as body fat accumulation. Of course, if you know anything about physiology, or if you’ve been coached by me and “lectured” on the importance of going to bed before 10 p.m., you should be

Going To Bed Late Increases The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and Diabetes Read the Full Article »

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You

Here’s another article I really didn’t feel like writing at first, as I had never heard of this ex-wrestler ‘Dave Bautista’ until his “transformation” pictures started circulating on social media and then, of course, the clueless writer Matt Weik of “Ironmagazine” had to write about it.So, let’s humor him while stating some undeniable facts. “The internet seems to be raging on fire lately with the recent images of Dave Bautista. More specifically, his weight

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You Read the Full Article »

Ancestral Health Principles Twisted Beyond Recognition

Again we return to the supplement-driven online bodybuilding-magazine ‘Iron Magazine’ and their writer Matt Weik, who in previous articles has shown that he has absolutely no experience or knowledge of human nutrition, or, in truth, anything he writes about. This time he tackles ‘ancestral health,’ the “study” of rediscovering and applying the dietary and lifestyle habits of our ancestors. While that might sound like a good pursuit, the problem is that most of the

Ancestral Health Principles Twisted Beyond Recognition Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications

With a recent article by the shills at Medical News Today, we’re back to beating (flogging) that old dead horse of carbohydrates. Yet, this is a really important issue, especially since the fake pseudo-science of modern medicine and nutrition twists and invert everything. Also, they tend to stick labels onto every little issue without even understanding it, as in diabetes for example. This time, MNT recently published an article with the headline, “Diabetes-related health

It’s Not Diabetes-Related Complications, It’s Carbohydrate-Related Health Complications Read the Full Article »

The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma

Once again we return to Medical News Today and a recent compilation of studies on the dangers of tattoos, especially the increased risk of cancer, and blood cancer in particular. In February of 2016, I wrote an article for my Classic Muscle Newsletter about the dangers of tattoos — something that should be obvious as you actually punch toxins (heavy metals) into the dermis of the skin, the layer of connective tissue, which also

The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma Read the Full Article »

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