The Corrupted Food Industry, The Inverted Medical- and Pharmaceutical Field and The Rising Dangers of AI

One of the worst disinformation and propaganda websites within the “health care,” medical-, and pharmaceutical field is WebMD. WebMD also owns Medscape Medical News, another platform for disinformation, propaganda and pushing the inverted pseudoscience of the medical industry and Big Pharma.

As you probably know by now, the medical field and the pharmacology industry was created by the Rockefeller family by orders of the governing elite families as a way to keep people weak, docile, ridden with disease and dependent on “medical care” and the assistance of the government by focusing on suppressing symptoms (by reducing the body’s ability to detox and heal) instead of solving the underlying problems that cause “disease” and declining health in the first place.

This agenda goes hand-in-hand with the hijacked and inverted field of “nutrition science” and the food industry where dirt-cheap, toxic, and damaging plant-based foods has been pushed onto the public to make sure they are in a constant state of nutrient deficiencies (overfed, but undernourished) while the toxic load is very high, making sure that our lifespan is cut in half while making us sick from the toxic load and damage, so they can implement the pseudoscience of the “health care,” as in their medical science and pharmacology. It’s a perfect circle of lies, deceit, and pure disinformation to keep us as weak slaves within their system — barely functioning so the government can cash in on our social security number, so we can perform our “job,” pay taxes, spend our money on food and drugs that kills us, and then die shortly after retirement to minimize the costs on society.

This is why they spew out propaganda and lies all the time to push people away from animal-based foods, our natural and only source of bioavailable nutrition as obligate hyper carnivores. It’s why they try so hard to blame animals for all their juvenile made-up agendas, whether it’s the climate change hoax or silly viruses that do not exist.

And looking at WebMD and Medscape we see a new trend developing, that of trusting and using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to prescribe treatment for various “diseases” or to find new ways to use or even develop drugs. They have several made-up stories about the people behind its development and those using it, and how AI helped in “curing” untreatable diseases that do not even exist — all to make it sound like it’s the future of medicine and drug development.

Now, since the medical field is totally backwards and has no interest in helping or curing anything, the AI they use will only have access to their inverted information and be focused on their backwards “solution” of lessening or removing symptoms by shutting down people’s natural detoxification and/or repair processes.

While this may actually help some extremely unhealthy people in the short run, as their bodies are too compromised to withstand the detoxification and healing process, it will cause even more accumulated toxicity and damage, which will ultimately lead to other much more serious health problems such as extreme tumor growth, cardiovascular failure such as a heart attack or stroke, and/or severe organ damage. 

The only time you should consider shutting down your detoxification and/or healing process is if you’re so toxic and malnourished that these processes become a chronic heavy burden, the symptoms are so severe that you can’t function in daily life, and it’s a losing battle. In this case, you can inhibit these processes by taking specific drugs. However, as soon as you feel better, you need to focus on nourishing your body and removing everything that contributes to the accumulation of toxins, such as plant-based foods, processed foods, environmental toxins, and so on. And once your body is a bit stronger and the toxic load is not as heavy, you need to stop the medication and let the body detox and heal. You might need to do this in cycles — but it’s the only way to remedy the problem, to heal, to actually get better. 

However, no doctor will tell you this. They will simply put you on a drug so you feel better as the symptoms lessen. And without any further guidance, you will likely continue with the same lifestyle, consuming the same toxic foods, building up even higher levels of toxicity and causing much more damage, which will ultimately lead to a much worse outcome. I’ve covered all this in multiple articles.

And since most people know absolutely nothing about the importance of proper human nutrition, as in animal-based foods, nor do they understand toxins or the toxic load of the body, focusing on symptoms is the ultimate evil deceitful “solution,” making sure that you only temporarily feel better, giving you the illusion of being helped or even “cured,” only to have you become seriously sick and in need of new treatments, or die years later.

And this is where AI comes into the picture. They use it to find new ways to relieve symptoms even more effectively than the drugs or “treatments” can do today, fooling people into believing that they got cured, while the toxic load and damage continues to accumulate.

This is crucial to keep their illusion alive. Removing symptoms, deceiving you into believing that you are healthy, and then years later, have you come back with more serious health complications so they can prescribe even more drugs, and this continues until your body is so damaged that you die, which is their end goal once they made enough profits of you and you’re to old to be of any use to the system. 

Remember, all the sciences tell us that if we follow our natural species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods, preferably being fully carnivore, and thus minimize our toxic exposure, we are able to live for 120 to 150 years. 

Still, the retirement age is set at 60 to 65-years of age as we take so much damage from our plant-centric processed diet and all drugs that are meant to keep us dumbed-down, docile, weak, compliant, and dependent. And of course, they want us to die soon after retirement when most of our retirement funds have been spent on medical care, drugs, and backwards treatments so as not to be a burden on the system. 

Now, we will likely see AI being used within the pseudoscience of diet and nutrition, trying to make “plant-based” substitutes for meat and processed junk seem “healthier” by new “innovative” processing and manufacturing methods, or by combining different plants and compounds to make a better “nutrition profile.” Surely, we will see special “foods” or nutritional shakes and supplements being developed for different “health problems” or treatments of “diseases” to be used in combination with specific drugs.

However, as we know, every single plant, be it a vegetable, grain, seed, nut, or fruit is filled with defense chemicals, antinutrients, heavy metals, pesticides, and other extremely damaging toxins, which means that anything plant-based can never be healthy or even provide you with nutrition. It’s biochemically impossible as plants store all their “nutrition” in a different chemical form than we as mammals do. And again, the little available nutrition, that hardly can be absorbed by humans, is protected by defense chemicals, antinutrients or bound to fiber.

In other words, while they attack us on all fronts to make sure we only live to half our potential age and are ridden with health problems for at least half of that life, all we can do is to step away from the medical field, from pharmacology, and the food industry. We have to take responsibility for our own health, and especially the health, wellbeing and longevity of our children. And this can only be accomplished by nourishing our bodies with our natural human carnivore diet and minimizing our toxic load. We need to fight for animal-based foods

And as there is no such silly thing as contagious diseases or viruses, we need to understand that all disease comes from within, from nutrient deficiencies, from toxins, from stress, and from mental trauma. If we can control all of these variables to the best of our abilities, we will thrive and never experience any modern diseases, all while being stronger, full of energy, and most importantly, mentally strong and being able to reach our cognitive potential. All the things that the governing elite fears from the people.

It’s up to you. And it’s also up to you to help and educate others whenever possible, which is my personal mission. Thank you for reading!

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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