Cafestol, a Diterpene Found in Coffee, is Extremely Toxic and Will Cause Cellular Damage

Again, the evil backwards-thinking government- and pharmaceutical shills at Medical News Today are sharing extremely dangerous disinformation, aimed to reduce your lifespan, keep you weak, docile, controllable, and dependent on their damaging medical care.
This time it’s about the retarded practice of drinking coffee — a hot and bitter (which tells us it’s extremely toxic) beverage made from the most toxic and poisonous part of any plant; the seed/bean. It should be obvious that drinking something made from the most toxic and damaging part of a plant is extremely unintelligent and unhealthy, however, most people have no clue about toxins, much less a clue about biochemistry and basic physiology.

So, let’s see how Medical News Today tries to convince their gullible readers to poison and damage themselves this time.

“Cafestol is a natural diterpene compound found in coffee, particularly coffee brewed through unfiltered methods, such as boiled, Turkish, French press, and espresso coffee.
It adds to coffee’s flavor and aroma and may possess certain health benefits.”

You frikkin’ morons. There can never be any “health benefits” from a plant-compound, as a plant is inherently chemically different compared to our human biology and how compounds are chemically stored in human cells. They do not match, and plants defend themselves through all its chemical compounds, making them extremely toxic and poisonous to anyone who eats it. Even herbivores who have a higher tolerance and can ferment some of the fiber and starches, can die from consuming too much of one single plant and thus getting too many of the same defense chemicals and antinutrients.

Thus, claiming that a plant compound of any kind can benefit human health is extremely dumbfounded and a complete lie as it lacks any scientific support and simply is chemically impossible. 

Diterpenes are classified as defense chemicals as they are produced as a defense strategy against predators, parasites, and mechanical injury. As such, they have antimicrobial properties, which means that they will kill bacteria that are essential to life. And as defense chemicals, they also have “antioxidant” properties, which simply means that they will damage and kill things, as in human cells.

And, of course, being plant compounds, they’re not compatible with any physiological processes of the human body and are poorly metabolized, resulting in accumulation within the body and thus a steadily increased toxic load. This will lead to cellular damage and eventually cardiovascular issues, hypertension, glaucoma, and organ damage. And that is only scratching the surface as I can’t add everything I can find within the literature or the article would take hours to read.

“In recent years, a team of Danish researchers has studied cafestol’s influence on insulin sensitivity and other metabolic health markers. Their initial findings suggested that cafestol might help prevent type 2 diabetes.

In cell studies, they observed that cafestol increases insulin secretion and enhances glucose uptake, while in mouse models of diabetes, it improved insulin sensitivity and reduced blood glucose (sugar) levels.”

Let’s just for a second imagine that this would be true. Would you still consume something that will increase your toxic load and damage your cells, leading to cardiovascular disease and organ damage — only to be able to tolerate toxic carbohydrates a little better? Why not cut out the real problem, the carbohydrates, and let the body heal and be ridden of diabetes
Nah, it’s better to poison people, lessen their symptoms for a bit while toxicity continues to build up, and make sure that they get really “sick” with something much worse and that their lifespan is kept short.

And these “researchers” have studied this in “recent years,” as in several years, totally oblivious to biochemistry, human physiology and biology — not realizing that it was a total waste of time? It only took me a few minutes of critical thinking, simple logic, and searching the literature to debunk everything they’ve been doing and to explain what really is going on. Our world really is in a sad state, isn’t it?

To continue, as cafestol is a diterpene, a defense chemical, it can not have any positive health effects in a human body. We have already established this. Cafestol plays a role in the plant’s defense mechanisms and development. As a diterpene, it is involved in the regulation of plant growth and differentiation. In coffee plants, cafestol and its structural analog, kahweol, are thought to contribute to the plant’s resistance to pathogens and insects. In other words, it’s made to defend and kill. With that simple fact in mind, does anyone still think it’s a good idea to consume it? 

As for increased “insulin sensitivity” or the ability to “assist” in removing blood glucose from the bloodstream, this is a simple mechanism of human survival priority.
The biggest threat to our soft tissues and organs are blood glucose at levels above our normal fasted state, as in every time someone consumes carbohydrates — and even worse, when you have done so for a long time and the damage caused has led to diabetes, as in chronically elevated levels of blood glucose. This is why blood glucose control usually takes precedence and most other functions are temporarily shut down until blood glucose is back to its neutral unharmful levels.

So, if blood glucose levels are elevated and you consume some specific plant toxins that also poses a similar threat to the body, your body will experience a fight-or-flight stress response and has no other option than to upregulate its efforts to lower blood glucose so it then can deal with the next threat, that of the poisoning from consuming the plant based toxins, in this case, cafestol and likely a myriad of other toxins that are found in coffee as well.

And as you know, one of the consequences of a fight-or-flight stress response is increased blood glucose utilization, effectively lowering blood glucose levels. This, of course, has nothing to do with a “positive health effect” from consuming a toxic plant compound. It’s the effect of acute poisoning and a stress response. Hardly healthy, and only an evil bastard would recommend it as a way to help with blood glucose issues.

“In their latest randomized controlled trial — published in the journal Nutrients — the researchers aimed to assess whether pure cafestol affects insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in healthy individuals with high waist circumference, which is a diabetes risk factor.

Their novel findings suggest that 6 milligrams (mg) of cafestol twice daily for 12 weeks may lead to slight weight and body fat loss, but not significantly improve insulin sensitivity or glucose tolerance.”

Yes, every time you inflict a fight-or-flight stress response, you use up more blood glucose, you get an adrenaline (epinephrine) rush and will simply use up a little more energy. So, sure, it might very well lead to a slight loss of body fat — in the most unhealthy way possible.

After this, Medical News Today simply repeats the same nonsense over and over again when it comes to weight loss and lowered blood glucose. And since we know why and how unhealthy and damaging it is, there’s no point in commenting on it.

Should you start drinking coffee to prevent diabetes?

No, no one should ever drink coffee or consume anything plant-based unless they really hate themselves and want to cut years of their life.

“Simpson stated that while the research suggests cafestol might help with fat reduction, it doesn’t strongly support the idea of using coffee to prevent type 2 diabetes in healthy individuals.
Still, she noted that moderate coffee consumption of 2 to 3 cups per day has been linked to cardiometabolic health benefits in previous research, so adopting this habit could be part of a balanced lifestyle.”

You evil little bastard. There are zero cardiometabolic health benefits. Again, there can’t be any as the compounds are plant-based, they are toxic. They interfere with bodily functions and cause cellular damage. Coffee contains, as a short example, alkaloids, glycoalkaloids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids, diterpenes, carboxyatractyligenin derivatives, cyanogenic glycosides, and other extremely toxic compounds like anthocyanins, stilbenes, coumarins, lectins, lignans, and lignins. There are actually several hundreds of compounds, and as they’re plant-based, they are all incompatible and inherently toxic to human biology. Let that sink in. Hundreds of poisonous toxins every time you take a sip. If you drink several cups a day, it’s almost as bad and retarded as drinking idiotic green vegetable powders and smoothies (although they are way worse as they consist of concentrated powders, as in concentrated toxins.)

And with that my time is up for today. It should be obvious, once again, that you can never improve a health problem by taking something that is toxic. You might be able to mask some symptoms, or force your body to temporarily “work more efficiently” as it has no other choice to avoid unnecessary damage, but all this will come at a very high cost — that of more accumulated toxins and increased cellular damage. Ultimately, it reduces your lifespan and accelerates you towards more complicated health issues such as cardiovascular- and organ failure.

Also, all types of coffee are highly toxic with several hundred defense chemicals, antinutrients, heavy metals, pesticides, and so on. So again, anything plant-based, especially from seeds should always be avoided.

The only way to get healthier and slow down the aging process is to follow our natural human carnivore diet and to utilize fasting to help with detoxification and healing.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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