Toxic Sugar-Water “Milk” Replacements for Slaves

Muscle & Fitness, once a front-runner in the Bodybuilding- and Fitness industry, but since the 90’s a mainstream publication pushing the elite’s slave agendas, recently published an article about the vile and extremely toxic plant-based “milks.” As you might know, one of the first symptoms of nutrition deficiencies is mental illness, and that is why vegans are obsessed with imitating real animal foods, which they desperately crave, as in pretending to do meat dishes with red-colored sauces imitating blood and evil companies even producing fake meat such as “beyond meat,” and, in this case, imitating nature’s food of natural milk.

Let’s see what their writer, Matthew Kadey, MS, RD, has to say about this obvious toxic scam.

He begins with giving an excuse for drinking milk or seeking out alternatives with saying that, “If you have a dairy allergy or sensitivity, plant-based milk is, without question, a great option for you. Finally, a latte without later-on tummy issues. But, these days, many people are making the switch believing that these drinks are a healthier option than cow’s milk. In recent years, it’s become trendy to vilify cow’s milk for its saturated fat content, impact on the environment and status as a common allergen.

The only healthy and natural option is, of course, raw milk directly from the animal, as in a cow, sheep, or goat. Any kind of processed milk that has been pasteurized (heated – heat destroys nutrients,) homogenized (blasting milk at high pressure, reducing the size of fat globules to prevent the fat from raising to the top,) has been reduced in fat content, and have had toxic man-made vitamins added is no longer milk, it’s a dead watered-down imitation of milk with very little nutritional value and toxic properties. You should not drink processed milk. There are a few rare alternatives that has not been homogenized, not had anything added, and only pasteurized at low temperatures that might be acceptable, but that is it.

And, as hinted, saturated fats are the most important and healthy fat there is for humans. It’s actually the only kind of fat we need, as mono- and polyunsaturated fats goes rancid extremely quickly and becomes very toxic. There is no evidence in any literature that humans need those fats/oils. And as for the environment issue, that is pure propaganda as animals are a natural part of nature and only produce what is needed within the cycle of nature. That should be common sense unless you’re a brainwashed little snot worshipping the inverted boy-became-girl propaganda-tool Greta Thunberg.

He then goes on to present five bullet-points, and these are as follows:


Save for soy milk and newer on the market pea milk which have about 8 grams and 5 grams in a cup, respectively, plant-based milks are typically very low in protein. Some like almond, rice and coconut milk can barely have a single gram of this macronutrient in a cup serving.

Here we go again with the obsession of protein, which you should get from meat and eggs. Well, real natural raw milk is not only a source of highly bioavailable protein, it’s a source for every single nutrient and growth factor needed for growth and development, which is why it was so popular among pioneering strength-athletes and bodybuilders in the past. While you might debate that milk is for nourishing a baby animal into a fully grown animal, it’s still a good “supplement” of critical nutrients for anyone who is exposed to physical stress and need nutritional support for recovering and healing – or/and someone who want to gain weight. Of course, none of these nutrients are found in plants, and certainly not in plant-based imitations of nature’s milk.

Also, soy is extremely toxic for humans and contributes to hormone disruption through suppressing testosterone and increasing estrogen.


A serious concern when making plant milk the base of your post-gym protein shakes is that they can include a concerning amount of added sugars. Unless you buy those labeled “unsweetened” assume sugar has been added to a non-dairy milk. The words “vanilla”, “chocolate” and even “original” on the carton are good tip-offs the drink has been sweetened. A cup of chocolate almond or cashew milk can deliver up to 19 grams of added sugar in a cup serving, which is a lot. Plain cow’s milk does contain sugar but this is all naturally occurring in the form of lactose which for people who are not sensitive to it does not pose the same health risks as sugars that are added to foods and drinks.

The natural occurring sugars in animal milk are very low in comparison to the fat and protein content, and the milk also contains enzymes for breaking down lactose, which is why most people can drink raw milk without any issues, while processed milk, where the pasteurization process has destroyed those enzymes, can cause a lot of trouble. And of course, any kind of added carbohydrate, as in sugars, will add to the toxic load as your body has to prioritize to keep your blood sugar within a healthy range. Humans are not made for carbohydrate/sugar consumption, it’s very damaging. I covered this many, many, times. And up to 19 grams of sugars in only one serving, as in a small cup, is extremely bad. That’s is way worse than most candies, soft drinks, and juices. Of course, none of these should ever be consumed by a human.


When using plant-based milks, keep an eye on the vitamin and mineral content which can be alarmingly low. (The process that makes plant-based milk typically results in a liquid with little of the nutrition found in the item it is made from.) Many of the non-dairy milks on store shelves are now fortified with vitamins and minerals in an attempt to make them nutritionally more similar to cow’s milk. But not all brands add these in as it is not mandatory. So look for options enhanced with nutrients including calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, the same items you would get when drinking moo juice.

At least he got the first part right. And since the “nutrients” found in plants are not readily bioavailable for humans, but need to be converted using enzymes, which is a costly process resulting in only 8 to 12 % being absorbed, the abysmal amounts found in these toxic sugar-water substitutes pretty much accumulate to an absolute zero.
Now, as for added vitamins and minerals, as in ‘fortified,’ that is a big NO! Any kind of minerals added are the cheapest variants (as found in most plants) that simply are rocks and very little of them is absorbed, which can cause build-ups in tissues. And “vitamins” is mostly pseudo-science, as they are bleak copies of something they think exist in nature, something that seemingly made what they thought was a symptom of a deficiency better, when likely the toxic nature of the compound stopped the healing process making the symptom go away. I also covered this many, many times. Man-made vitamins are a scam and they are extremely toxic. Vitamin D being one of the worst scams. Stay away from them at all costs!


If you are trying to trim a few calories from your diet to trim a few pounds off your frame then it can be reassuring to know that plant-based milks are typically less caloric than dairy milk. A cup of unsweetened oat milk has about 45 calories with the same amount of sugar-free almond delivering a mere 30 calories. A cup serving of 2% cow milk delivers about 122 calories.” … “With this said, you should know that the stingy calorie counts are a tip-off you are paying for a lot of water. Considering that a cup of whole almonds has roughly 828 calories yet a cup of unsweetened almond milk may have only 30 calories it is clear the nutrition of the nuts has been watered down. So don’t expect to get anywhere the same levels of beneficial fats, micronutrients like vitamin E (some brands add this back in) and fiber when nuts are milked.

Ah, the obsession with “calories,” a very flawed “measurement” of heat energy that has absolutely nothing to do with the biochemistry and physiology of the human body. If you need to lose weight, you simply eat as much nutritious food as possible, as in animal-foods, to make sure you are nourished and your body is working at peak efficiency, and then you fast for a day or two every week until you reach your goal weight. Easy-peasy.

And again, nuts, just as seeds, are some of the most toxic things you can find in nature. There is no bioavailable nutrition at all in them, but they are full of defense chemicals and anti-nutrients.


When you scan the ingredient list of plant-based milk you’ll often find carrageenan, locust bean gum, guar gum, or other emulsifiers. These are commonly used in various processed foods like plant-based milks to improve texture, flavor, and shelf life. While most people don’t give these much thought, emerging research is questioning whether we should be eating them so liberally. Conducted by French researchers, a 2023 study in The BMJ followed a group of nearly 100,000 participants, predominantly female, and discovered that those with higher intakes of emulsifiers were at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Some other recent research has indicated that emulsifiers can disturb gut bacteria.

Yes, all additives are toxic, and that simply adds to the toxic load as all plant-based ingredients are toxic to begin with. So, in conclusion, all you are left with from any of these plant-based “milk” replacements is a flavored toxic sugar-water. It’s just as bad, if not worse, than most soft drinks/sodas.

He then finishes the article with some bullet points to follow for “minimizing” the harm when choosing any of these vile products, when he in reality should simply say that no living being should ever consume any of them.

To conclude, the article was not too bad, as he actually questioned the false claims usually made by these plant-based slave-food products. Unfortunately, like 99% of all writers, influencers and “experts,” he’s still trapped in the false paradigm of ‘nutrition’ pseudo-science, as in not understanding what nutrition actually is and the crucial fact that humans are obligate hyper carnivores.

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