
Real Organic Nutrients Makes A Meal More Satiating

A lot of studies nowadays are a total waste of time and resources. Most of the time when browsing new “study finds” and summaries, you will likely keep repeating the question, “how the f**k did they come up with researching such a useless and retarded thing?” Well, today’s study summary from is no exception. Hopefully I can salvage it by adding something useful. Quick Summary “In this randomized crossover trial, 44 adult participants […]

Real Organic Nutrients Makes A Meal More Satiating Read the Full Article »

Obesogens: One Of Many Toxins That Can Be Stored As New Fat Cells

Today we return to the supplement-pushers at T-Nation and a recent advertisement article they published concerning obesogens. Let’s see if they managed to get at least one thing right this time. “Imagine a pair of identical twins. Let’s call them Robert and Matt. Imagine they’re separated at birth and adopted by different families. Now, fast-forward a few decades. Robert and Matt are overweight but decide to clean up their diets and start training. Both

Obesogens: One Of Many Toxins That Can Be Stored As New Fat Cells Read the Full Article »

Drinking Sparkling Water Will Force Your Body To Produce More Bicarbonate Ions To Avoid Hypercapnia

Today we return to Medical News Today and another great example of the wrong-think and the embarrassing lack of knowledge we see in almost every single medical- and nutritional study conducted today — as well as the publications writing about them. This should be basic level biology, physiology, and biochemistry, yet they fail at almost every single step. Let’s see what the morons have to say about something as stupid as sparkling water and

Drinking Sparkling Water Will Force Your Body To Produce More Bicarbonate Ions To Avoid Hypercapnia Read the Full Article »

Citrulline May Only Help With Athletic Performance If Your Diet Is Extremely Bad

Today we return to and one of their summaries of a recent study of useless quercetin and the non-essential amino acid citrulline on elite cycling performance. What was studied? “The effects of combined supplementation with quercetin (500 mg) and citrulline (3,000 mg) on measures of cycling performance, including average power, oxygen uptake, respiratory exchange ratio, 20-kilometer time trial performance, and rating of perceived exertion in trained cyclists.” Quercetin is a flavonoid belonging to

Citrulline May Only Help With Athletic Performance If Your Diet Is Extremely Bad Read the Full Article »

Oral Health: A Toothpaste Containing Curcumin And Melatonin Will Kill Cells In Your Mouth

Today we return to and a review of yet another idiotic study where they fail to explain what they found and how dangerous to your health it actually is. Also, this should be a no-brainer as we know that curcumin is a very potent poison and that synthetic melatonin is not the same as the melatonin naturally produced by the body, even if the chemical structure is almost identical and it can bind

Oral Health: A Toothpaste Containing Curcumin And Melatonin Will Kill Cells In Your Mouth Read the Full Article »

Ramadan Is Not Fasting And It’s Practiced Backwards

Since there has been no real interesting articles or news as of lately, we once again return to and one of their summaries of yet another really stupid meta-analysis. What was studied? “The effect of Ramadan fasting on kidney function in people who either had chronic kidney disease (CKD) or received a kidney transplant. The primary outcomes were changes in creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate.” First, let’s define fasting. Fasting is the

Ramadan Is Not Fasting And It’s Practiced Backwards Read the Full Article »

Supplementary Selenium, Possible Health Risks And More On Triglycerides

Today we once again return to and to a summary of a study on supplements as most people, including the staff at Examine, still fail to understand the most important aspect of any kind of supplement or compound from any kind of plant-based source. Yes, I’m talking about the chemical differences between an inorganic compound as found in plants or manufactured in a lab, and that of an organic bioactive compound as found

Supplementary Selenium, Possible Health Risks And More On Triglycerides Read the Full Article »

Blueberries’ Toxicity Causes Acute Poisoning

Once again we return to for another study summary to illustrate the extremely sad state of “modern research,” as in the backwards-thinking and deceitful way they present their findings. Also, this will be rather short as I’m very pressed on time this morning/weekend. What was studied? “The effect of blueberry intake on vascular function.” If you know anything about the chemical incompatibility between plants and humans (we are obligate hyper carnivores) and the

Blueberries’ Toxicity Causes Acute Poisoning Read the Full Article »

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