Stubborn Body Fat

Yesterday, the T-Nation staff published an anonymous article about “stubborn body fat” due to what they call “insulin insensitivity.” And as usual with these bro-science and pseudo-science-based fitness-websites, they almost got a few things right — but as always, they got most of it wrong. Let’s see what they had to say on this subject.

They introduce their “article of solutions” by explaining that it is easy for a guy to go from 25% to 15% body fat with training and a decent diet. Likewise, any female can go from 45% to 25% without too much trouble. But after that, things get problematic. They claim that the same diet that got you to that first milestone won’t likely take you to the second, as “fat gets sticky,” usually around the waist.

People blame their love handles on lack of sleep, age, genetics, and even cortisol. While all these things play a part in stubborn love handles and muffin tops, they’re largely symptomatic of low insulin sensitivity. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to fix your insulin resistance and specifically target the sticky spots.”

Well, this is largely true. If you’re grossly overweight, as in obese, it’s quite easy to lose a few pounds of body fat by simply cleaning up your diet and/or eating less. Although far from a good solution, especially for your health, it will temporarily work for reducing some of that fat mass.

After that introduction, they begin to present their “solutions.”

1. Use Simple Diet Tricks to Increase Insulin Sensitivity
Without optimal insulin sensitivity, a lot of the carbs you eat get delivered to fat storage rather than muscle. While your instinct might be to adopt a low-carb diet, it doesn’t fix the problem (and a chronic low-carb diet leaves your muscle-building capabilities impaired).

I’ve covered this multiple times. If we follow our natural species-appropriate carnivorous diet of only animal protein and animal fats, our bodies will always manufacture the exact amount of glucose we need through gluconeogenesis, i.e., converting a little bit of protein and some fat into glucose as needed. Consuming carbohydrates is unnatural as it is an exogenous source of glucose, something our body is already producing, hence the release of insulin to quickly remove excess glucose from the bloodstream as any levels above our natural fasting state is extremely toxic, damaging, and even deadly. If you repeatedly consume carbohydrates your cells will be overflooded with glucose day in and day out, which will do great damage over time, and in order to prevent complete destruction of the cell, it shuts down the receptor for insulin and glucose, and that is what is called “insulin insensitivity/resistance” and in a later stage “diabetes.” Your body is simply protecting itself from your incredible stupid actions.

So, adopting a “low-carb” diet is actually the right solution, you frikkin’ dimwits. It’s the only way to stop the toxic onslaught of excess glucose. The only way to start healing and repairing the cells. And no, it will not impair your “muscle-building capabilities.” Only initially as you are not used to run on your natural fat metabolism and your body is so damaged that the simple function of gluconeogenesis is also impaired. But once your body has recovered a little bit and start working as intended (which can take many months,) it will work a thousand time better without toxic carbohydrates, and that include muscle building as well (if that is desired.)

After that incredible stupid advice by the T-Nation staff, they present some bullet points.

  • At the start of a meal, eat some protein and fat before you even touch any carbohydrate. This strategy, according to research, leads to significantly lower blood sugar levels than eating carbs first.

While this will lower the initial insulin spike, as in keeping blood sugar (glucose levels) somewhat lower and more constant, it will still present the exact same toxic load. If you do not understand this, you are incredible stupid.

Let’s say you consume 100 grams of carbohydrates. If you consume it alone in one sitting, it will be broken down quickly, and the glucose will enter the bloodstream as a big chunk, forcing a great insulin release to quickly eliminate the deadly threat.
However, if you consume the same 100 grams of carbs with some fat and protein, especially if you have the fat and protein first, the digestion will be slower and the 100 grams of carbs will hit the bloodstream as glucose at a slower pace over a longer period of time, reducing the initial spike of insulin. Sounds good, right? No, it’s not, you dimwit!

It’s still 100 grams of toxic carbs. It will still need the exact same amount of insulin to be stored in cells to avoid too much damage. However, by being released slowly for a prolonged time, there will be an extended toxic load on the body, doing more damage over time.

So, no, this “idea” or “recommendation” is utterly retarded. There is only one solution. Do NOT consume carbohydrates you idiots.

  • Take one teaspoon of psyllium fiber (like sugar-free Metamucil) twice a day. It can lower all-day blood sugar levels by 11 percent.”

No, fiber is extremely damaging to your intestines. And this “idea” work in the exact same manner as described in the previous point. It only slows down the release of glucose, but the toxic load remains the same, all while you are damaging your intestines with undigestible fiber. Again, incredible stupid.

  • Use vinegar as a salad dressing. It attenuates the glucose and insulin response from a carb meal and raises insulin sensitivity in general. Continued use can lead to an average weight loss of two pounds in four weeks. Also, take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed. Studies show that it can lower morning blood sugar by 4 to 6 percent.”

Vinegar is toxic and it interferes with digestion, slowing it down. The exact same scenario again. You guys are truly thick. Just remove the carbs, m’kay?!

  • Take fish oil. New studies show that not only does it rival the effects of exercise on blood sugar but, when combined with exercise, actually has a synergistic effect on blood sugar reduction. For best results, use a DHA-rich fish oil like Flameout.”

Fish oil is good if it actually comes from eating fatty wild-caught fish. As a supplement, it’s extremely unstable and usually rancid, even if you add toxic chemicals like a man-made “vitamin E,” or whatever. There will be a ton of damaging aldehydes in such a supplement. Do not take it! Consume fatty fish like sardines, mackerel, and wild-caught salmon instead.

2. Diet Super Hard Two Days Per Week
When you eat frequently, as lifters often do, blood sugar levels are almost always elevated and your pancreas pumps out a near-constant flow of insulin. Research suggests that this constant flow of insulin gradually makes the body more resistant to its effects until you start to metabolically resemble a Type II diabetic.
What’s needed is a diet that ensures enough protein, carbs, and calories to keep muscle growing, but that also makes the body more sensitive to insulin. One strategy is called the “5/2” approach.”

Chris Shugart, is that you writing this complete piece of garbage? I covered the 5/2 approach in the past, which is simply a bastardized intermittent fasting gimmick.
But at least you guys now admit that eating frequently is extremely unhealthy and damaging, yet you try to hide it behind the pseudo-science of improving “insulin sensitivity,” which is not possible. Carbohydrates are toxic and damaging, there is no excuse or way around it.

3. Use an Insulin-Managing Supplement

Heck no! I will not even cite their shitty supplement advertisement. Poisoning your body so it has no other choice than to get rid of the glucose even faster as a new threat is introduced is not a solution. The underlying problem of consuming carbohydrates is still present, and it will continue to do damage.

4. Target Your Training to Address the Problem
You’re no doubt lifting weights already and that’s obviously good. Additional muscle increases glucose disposal by simply giving carbs another place to go instead of fat storage. Likewise, resistance exercise, in addition to most types of aerobic exercise, increases insulin sensitivity. However, one type of exercise is especially effective in targeting stubborn fat: walk-runs.”

Yes, exercising will use some of that stored glucose, i.e., muscle glycogen, which will lessen some of the stress on the cells that were forced to store excess amounts of glucose because you were so frikkin’ stupid to consume carbohydrates in the first place.
This is why we see less glucose-related problems in people who exercise, especially lifting weight and thus having a larger amount of “energy-burning” muscle mass.

However, all exercise is stress. Stress that is ageing the body and also tearing at ligaments and joints, likely causing problems as you get older. So, the “solution” to exercises more only to be able to consume some extra carbohydrates is extremely retarded.
Again, eliminate the carbohydrates. Heal your body. Let it run on fats as nature intended, and thrive.
Then incorporate some fasting, and you will be able to reach any low level of body fat you desire. It’s quite simple, and much easier than any idiotic “energy-restrictive” diet.

And that was it for this time. Thank you for reading, and if you need real help with your physique goals, with your health, or to transition to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific diet, I’m available for coaching and consultations.

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