
Life Updates And Supplements For Our Proper Human Diet

My last ‘personal’ update was in late May, at the end of almost two weeks of sunny weather. Since then, we’ve had a few days here and there, perhaps ten days in total of decent summer weather, but mostly cold, windy and rainy days. Likely one of the coldest summers in history — as usual nowadays with the weather modification in full force.  Still, I’ve been outside a lot, and we have also stepped […]

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The Pseudo-Science of Weight-Loss in 2024

The shills at Healthline are back with what they call six “Science-Backed Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Sustainably.”At least they start off with telling their readers to ‘cut carbs,’ although it should say ‘cut out carbs,’ as in removing all extremely toxic carbohydrates. Well, let’s see what more they have. “How to lose weight in 6 simple steps…” 1. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables “Aim to include a variety of foods at each

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Stubborn Body Fat

Yesterday, the T-Nation staff published an anonymous article about “stubborn body fat” due to what they call “insulin insensitivity.” And as usual with these bro-science and pseudo-science-based fitness-websites, they almost got a few things right — but as always, they got most of it wrong. Let’s see what they had to say on this subject. They introduce their “article of solutions” by explaining that it is easy for a guy to go from 25%

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December 2022 Life Update

It’s been a while since I did one of these updates, the last one being from July 25 and mostly touched on training and nutrition. Well, a lot have happened since then. If you’re on our uncensored community, you know some of it, and I also hinted about some things in my articles as of late. So, let’s rewind to the end of July, 2022. When I wrote my last update, things were

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Quick Training, Nutrition, and Life Update

Yes, it’s been a while. Last personal blog entry was in May when I started my last dry fasting experiment, which was totally awesome and documented on our uncensored community I did 5 days of dry fasting that time and I’m now planning a 7-day dry fast.Since then, my body weight has slowly increased back up to where I was before that fast, but hopefully with a little less body fat. My current

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Just Another Birthday – And Much Love to All of You!

48 years. Slowly closing in on the half-way point on this journey, at least that’s what I’m shooting for. Time in this simulation has surely accelerated. The last couple of years has flown by. With that said, nothing much has happened since my last ‘personal’ update that is actually worth writing about. My training at the gym has averaged about three times a week. I will probably step up to four days again or

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A Quick Update on Life – Cleaning/Repairing Cycle Engaged

My last update was at the end of my 117-hours fast in early August. As the temperature dropped, I’ve been sleeping a bit better. However, the last week has been very cloudy, dark and extremely rainy. This dramatic change in weather (and drop in morning temperature from about previously 18C to 8C), triggered my biological cleaning process. So, at the end of last week I did not sleep very well, my nose was a

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August 7, 2021. Fasting update – 117 hours, 42 minutes

I started on Monday, at about 10am, and broke the fast today, Saturday morning at 7.42am. That’s 4 days and almost 22 hours.The reason I didn’t go a full 5 days or more was simply that I wanted to hit the gym again, and I felt I needed something as a pre-workout. So, I ended the fast with a tablespoon of fish roe, followed by a small 40-gram whey shake and some rice cakes.

August 7, 2021. Fasting update – 117 hours, 42 minutes Read the Full Article »

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