
Carbohydrate Cravings In Depression Because Of A Broken Metabolism (Explaining The Importance Of A Natural Human Diet)

Today we’ll visit Science Daily, as in “Pseudoscience Daily,” a government ass-kissing website that summarizes the latest stupidity in the field of medical- and nutritional backwards research. This time they reviewed a study on depressed people and their cravings for toxic and unnatural carbohydrates. It should be a no-brainer, but alas, the stupidity of this world we find ourselves in is unbound and unlimited. Let’s see what they put together. “Every depression is different. […]

Carbohydrate Cravings In Depression Because Of A Broken Metabolism (Explaining The Importance Of A Natural Human Diet) Read the Full Article »

Real Organic Nutrients Makes A Meal More Satiating

A lot of studies nowadays are a total waste of time and resources. Most of the time when browsing new “study finds” and summaries, you will likely keep repeating the question, “how the f**k did they come up with researching such a useless and retarded thing?” Well, today’s study summary from is no exception. Hopefully I can salvage it by adding something useful. Quick Summary “In this randomized crossover trial, 44 adult participants

Real Organic Nutrients Makes A Meal More Satiating Read the Full Article »

How To Predict Health Issues And An Early Death Through Your Shitty Diet

Hi there medical- and big-pharma shills at Medical News Today, I fixed that headline for you! Yes, today we return to MNT and another stupid article based on useless scientific research applied in a nonsensical way, as 99% of the time nowadays. This time it’s about “predicting” health concerns through looking at changes in the eye. Well, we’ve known for decades that elevated blood glucose levels from consuming unnecessary, idiotic and toxic carbohydrates damages

How To Predict Health Issues And An Early Death Through Your Shitty Diet Read the Full Article »

Why Cold (Detox) Symptoms Feel More Intense at Night

Today we return to the disinformation agents at Verywell Health and an article called “Why Cold Symptoms Feel More Intense at Night, Explained by Experts.” I can’t help but chuckle whenever these charlatans add the silly phrase “explained by experts.” None of these people are “experts.” They are at best useful indoctrinated fools repeating dogmatic propaganda and nonsense — and at times they’re government shills simply sticking to the script of the current agendas.

Why Cold (Detox) Symptoms Feel More Intense at Night Read the Full Article »

Reducing Carbohydrates Will Decrease Liver Fat

Today we return to and one of their reviews on a recent study on “changes in macronutrients and changes in liver fat.”If you know a little biochemistry, this should be a no-brainer. So, let’s see what was discovered and what skewed conclusions they drew from it. What was studied? “Associations between changes in macronutrient intake and changes in liver fat.” Well, we know for sure of one macronutrient that is both toxic and

Reducing Carbohydrates Will Decrease Liver Fat Read the Full Article »

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders

Your favorite Comic-Sans Anti-health writer Matt Weik of Ironmagazine is back with another not-so groundbreaking article. I’m not sure why he chose to write about a “liver shrinking diet,” but he unwittingly uncovered some small hidden truths — and being a total imbecile, he didn’t give them a second thought. Considering that Ironmagazine is a fitness and bodybuilding website, perhaps it was meant to mock the wanna-be bodybuilders that are afraid of tiny needles

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders Read the Full Article »

Insulin, Glucose Toxicity, And Fat Loss

Today we’ll take a look at Anabolic Minds, a quite popular bodybuilding and supplement website very similar to T-Nation, but with fewer advertisement articles and less pushing for toxic and useless supplements. While their article on the Carnivore Diet vs. The Mediterranean Diet was a total mess of being totally clueless of bioavailability and what nutrients actually are, their latest article on insulin is a perfect example of getting some things right while being

Insulin, Glucose Toxicity, And Fat Loss Read the Full Article »

Calories, As In Heat Units, Are Irrelevant To Human Physiology

Today we’ll visit the website of the bodybuilding magazine “Muscular Development” and their nutrition section where Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., who for some reason actually managed to make himself a name within the fitness industry, answers the question if a “calorie is a calorie.” Let’s see what Brad answers, while I’ll add some real science, common sense, and logic to the discussion. You know, the qualities that got lost somewhere along the road a long

Calories, As In Heat Units, Are Irrelevant To Human Physiology Read the Full Article »

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