intestinal lining

Animal-Based Calcium Against Colon Cancer?

Today we’ll make a stop at and one of their latest articles on the potential effects of milk and reduced risk of colorectal cancer in women. Let’s see what they got right and what they got wrong, and how this information can be used, if even applicable. “Getting a glass of milk’s worth of calcium a day could lower colorectal cancer risk in women, a new study published in Nature Communications found.” Perhaps, […]

Animal-Based Calcium Against Colon Cancer? Read the Full Article »

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed

Today we yet again return to the evil shills at Medical News Today and their never-ending publications of propaganda and inverted false medical science and misinformation. This time they push for more damaging and totally unnecessary medications as they promote a new drug alleged to help people with the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Let’s see what they have to say and I’ll explain what ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease actually are,

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are Easily Managed Read the Full Article »

Okra Water is Simply an Extremely Toxic Sludge Soup

One of the most clueless writers on the Internet is back with yet another atrocious piece of garbage. Yes, I’m talking about Matt Weik of Ironmagazine and his gullible attempt at promoting Okra water, a shitstorm of plant-based toxins infused into water after soaking this poisonous green pod of seeds, the most toxic part of any plant. Anyone with the most basic understanding of biology and biochemistry should understand that drinking such an infusion

Okra Water is Simply an Extremely Toxic Sludge Soup Read the Full Article »

Colostrum Supplements And Pasteurization — Good, Bad, A Waste Of Money?

Today we return to the supplement-driven Ironmagazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might have the worst track-record in history of fitness writers. However, colostrum, as in bovine colostrum from cows, is at least an animal-based product, which means that it has a lot of bioavailable nutrients, so it must be pretty good, right? Well, let’s see what Matt Weik has to say, and I’ll step in as usual with my 30+ years of

Colostrum Supplements And Pasteurization — Good, Bad, A Waste Of Money? Read the Full Article »

Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity

T-Nation, the self-proclaimed community for “enhanced fitness” is back with another advertisement article for a totally useless supplement. This time it’s “beta glucan,” a soluble fiber, as in a structural polysaccharide composed of β-D-glucose molecules linked through 1,3 and/or 1,6 glycosidic bonds, derived from the cell walls of various organisms, including algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plants (such as highly toxic oats and barley.) To make it easy, a monosaccharide (mono means “single unit”,)

Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity Read the Full Article »

Oats — One of the Most Toxic Slave Foods in History

The shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe posted an article yesterday on his website written by some NPC named ‘Ethan Boldt,’ where they call oats a “superfood,” which is as far away from the truth as you can get. Still, a lot of brainwashed and dumbed down people actually believe this – the same people who consume bread, another atrocious slave food. As the article is quite lengthy and it gets every little fact

Oats — One of the Most Toxic Slave Foods in History Read the Full Article »

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

More Appetite Suppressant Nonsense: Oatzempic Challenge

The growing stupidity of the human race never disappoints. Recently, the government- and Big Pharma shills at Healthline published an article reviewing the “Oatzempic Challenge,” something that allegedly went viral among retarded users of CIA’s “Chinese” spy platform known as TikTok, mostly used by gullible teenagers and young adults still wearing diapers. Here’s the summary by Healthline to get us going: In other words, we had a little Freemasonic CIA plant pretending to be

More Appetite Suppressant Nonsense: Oatzempic Challenge Read the Full Article »

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