This should not come as a surprise, as these spices and herbs are very rich in phenols and polyphenols, as in phytonutrients, as in plant defense chemicals; poisonous compounds produced by the plant to ward off and kill anyone who tries to eat it. This is common knowledge within biology.
What might come as a surprise is that the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today actually writes about it. Well, they kind of have to, as it will keep their backs clean if the real truth ever hits the fan. And while they might report on it, let’s see if they and the so-called researchers got it right, or if they’re twisting the truth, spinning it with more lies and deceit (as they always do.)
“The spice turmeric is a popular food supplement due to a molecule it contains called curcumin, which acts as a strong antioxidant.”
Antioxidants are totally misrepresented and inverted in the so-called “science.” It’s a scam. These compounds are actually very toxic and damaging plant defense chemicals that cause acute poisoning, which forces the body to suspend all ongoing healing processes and instead focus on neutralizing the new immediate threat of the toxic defense chemical, or the “antioxidant.” And as healing is stopped, inflammation, as in the healing response, goes down, fooling the gullible idiot to think that whatever he or she consumed helped, when in truth, it did the exact opposite. I covered this many times.
“It is also thought that it could be used to treat or prevent inflammatory conditions.”
And there it is, you said it yourselves. It stops the healing process, as in the inflammatory response that is the healing process. A very, very bad and dangerous thing. Trying to stop inflammation is the most backward and retarded thing you can do. Healing must take its course. You should only assist your body in its healing process, as in keeping yourself nourished while reducing toxic exposure, and by fasting if needed.
“Turmeric’s use has grown in popularity in the past decade or two, with people using it in the hopes that it improves symptoms of different conditions or prevents cancer.”
Again, it gives the illusion of improving conditions as it’s a poison that stops the healing process and thus inflammation temporarily goes down. And if your body is battling with such high toxicity that it has developed cancer to protect you, this is even worse as the acute poisoning will accelerate the growth of tumors, although any symptoms will temporarily lessen due to the immediate threat and detox cycle of the ingested turmeric. This is very simple logic.
“Doctors have raised concerns about its safety after discovering a small group of patients have experienced liver injury after taking turmeric supplements.”
Yes, of course, it’s a deadly poison produced by plants to kill anyone who tries to consume it. If you’re healthy, you will be able to detox this defense chemical, however, if you’re unhealthy and under a heavy toxic load, your organs will take damage as your body will not be able to detoxify properly. And even if you’re healthy and you take large doses of turmeric or curcumin, it will cause a lot of damage, especially to the liver. All this damage will accumulate over time.
“Turmeric supplements have been linked to a number of cases of liver injury, most recently in a United States-based study. Previous research from Italy and published case studies have linked turmeric supplementation, or supplementation with its active compound curcumin, to liver injury. This latest research shows rates of liver injury linked to turmeric could be increasing.”
Again, not surprising. Also keep in mind that the gullible people who are tricked into taking these extremely toxic spices and supplements are usually those who are very unhealthy and believe that it will help them. Of course, if you already are weak and toxic, your organs will take even more damage. It’s like throwing gasoline on a fire when you’re trying to put it out. Extremely backwards and illogical.
“The researchers discovered 10 cases of turmeric-associated liver injury, all after 2011 and six of which occurred since 2017. Five patients were hospitalized, and one patient died of acute liver failure. The authors identified a risk associated with taking turmeric and black pepper supplements together.”
Yes, supplement companies use black pepper extract, specifically piperine, to increase the bioavailability of the other compounds in their vile supplements as it inhibits enzymes and proteins that metabolize toxic compounds — so instead of being neutralized, more of them end up in the bloodstream. Bioavailability refers to the extent to which the body absorbs and utilizes a nutrient or substance. In other words, black pepper, which is very toxic in itself, enhances the absorption of the other extremely toxic compounds, such as curcumin.
Although most “scientists” and supplement companies are totally clueless about simple biology and biochemistry and they do not understand that the substances are extremely poisonous defense chemicals, this practice is extremely dangerous and damaging. Again, it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire, doubling the potential damage.
“So the question we’re always asked is, how come now, suddenly you’re seeing this? And that’s a very important question. Why? One reason is that it’s being used by millions of people now.”
Yes, an increase of people being deceived into taking poison is one reason. Another reason is that people get unhealthier by the year due to our retarded ‘modern diet’ of processed plant-based foods, and any damage done by taking concentrated poison will manifest much sooner as their bodies are already struggling and taking a ton of damage.
After this, Medical News Today ventured into the extreme pseudo-science of genetics and that of the non-existing “immune system.” That kind of speculation is completely irrelevant as a poison is a poison, and any living being will take damage from it. That is basic and simple physiology.
“One of the reasons why liver injury occurs in certain individuals could be that curcumin is a phenolic compound, which makes it a bioactive compound in the human body.”
Yes, phenols and polyphenols are toxic defense chemicals, they are made to poison and kill you. A phenol is a simple phenolic compound that contains a benzene ring substituted with a hydroxyl group. It is an aromatic compound containing a single phenolic group per molecule.
Polyphenols, on the other hand, are aromatic compounds that contain more than one phenolic group per molecule. They are larger and more complex than phenols, with multiple phenolic groups linked together. Thus polyphenols are even more sinister and toxic.
All this is very easy to find and study within biology and biochemistry. Unfortunately, those studying and researching nutrition or supplementation do not venture into these fields and are thus totally unaware of the real truths. Only a few of us, with a higher intellect and interest in every aspect of a subject seem to be able to connect the dots.
“Hoofnagle explained that the use of green tea supplements, mostly in the form of weight loss supplements, had also been linked to liver injury.”
Of course, all parts of a plant contain some concentration of defense chemicals and antinutrients. Tea is made from leaves which contain a lot of phenols and also tannins, a defense chemical used to preserve animal hides, used as an antiseptic, and in the production of ink and dyes. Who in their right mind would think that leaves could be good for human consumption? Leaves are extremely toxic! That should be common sense. Even ruminant animals such as cows and sheep can get ill and even die if they consume too much leaves. Growing up on a sheep farm, I should know.
“These other herbals that have been implicated also have phenols. So it’s beginning to kind of come together that something about phenols affects the liver, he said.”
Yes, all herbs contain a lot of phenols and other defense chemicals, as phenols are what gives the herb and spice its scent and taste. They should not be consumed by humans.
“Hoofnagle said treating turmeric supplements as though they are as safe as turmeric used in food, which the majority of regulation since the 1970s has done, was a mistake. While acknowledging that turmeric has been used in Indian medicine for thousands of years, he pointed out this was mainly for digestive issues and that there was a difference between using some spice in a meal and taking a whole gram in a capsule every day.”
Because something has been used in “natural” or “alternative” medicine for thousands of years does not mean that it’s good, or that it’s not very damaging. People back then made the same logical mistake and backwards thinking as most people do today. They took something that caused acute poisoning and their other symptoms were temporarily relieved. It’s easy to draw the conclusion that whatever you took helped with the problem you had, when in reality it simply took precedence in your body’s detoxing cycle.
“It’s a typical Western approach to traditional medicines. You try to find out what’s the active principle, and then the more the better, right? The higher the dose, the better. Well, that’s not true in biology. In biology, the correct dose is the correct dose. And if you go higher, all you have is more side effects, he explained.”
This was probably the best thing in this entire article. However, he still failed to understand that there is no “correct dose,” as it is a poison. There is nothing you can take that will cure you or even assist your body’s healing process. That is extremely flawed and ignorant thinking.
Your body is never wrong. It’s constructed for survival. When it detoxes and/or heals, all you can do is to assist and make it easier. This is done by assuring that you have adequate nutritional stores, which is only possible by following our species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet of bioavailable animal-based foods. And if the symptoms are bad, as in a massive detox or healing response, then you should be fasting, as every time you ingest something, digestion takes presence and detoxing and healing is slowed down.
It’s not more complicated than that, and we see this in nature with every single animal. Only humans, with their hubris and stupid backwards thinking, try to come up with other solutions and shortcuts.
And to summarize, do not ever take any kind of plant-based supplement, herb or remedy. They are all highly toxic poisons and will only damage your body.