A Fast-Mimicking Diet Is Nothing Close To Fasting!

Today, we once again return to the Pharmaceutical-, Medical- and Government shill-website Healthline and their extremely dangerous and retarded take on the latest fad called the “Fast-Mimicking Diet.

Before we continue, fasting is a state of self-imposed “starvation,” as in not eating anything at all, and preferably not drinking anything either, as in the highly effective method of dry fasting. You cannot imitate ‘not eating’ by actually eating. That is frikkiin’ retarded. You get it? Of course, my readers will get it, but these morons and a lot of other NPCs surely will not. “Uh oh, I can fast and get the benefits of fasting by actually eating, oh hurr-durr, count me in sistah…

This vile crap was written by some brainwashed puppet called Traci Pedersen and “medically reviewed” by trained monkey Kim Rose-Francis RDN, CDCES, LD. As you know, the more letter-combinations you have after your name, the more bullshit you have been fed and taught to repeat without thinking and questioning anything. The level of indoctrination in this puppet is an all-star level of 3. Putting her common sense, logic-, and reasoning skills on par with that of a trained circus monkey. What a waste of a life.

Before we continue, I have written about the ‘fasting-mimicking diet’ by Longo before. This time however, as it’s being pushed, it needs to be repeated for new readers and I will also go a bit deeper into our physiology. Now, let’s see what Healthline has to say.

“Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food for a set period and has been used for millennia for religious, spiritual, and health reasons. Ancient physicians like Hippocrates often prescribed fasting for cleansing and healing.

It’s believed fasting offers many health benefits. It aids in weight loss by reducing calorie intake and improving metabolism. It may also trigger cellular repair, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation.”

Yes, the crucial keyword here is ‘abstaining,’ as in not having anything. And it’s not about reducing “calories,” which are simply a measurement of heat units within physics and have absolutely nothing to do with how our bodies process food. The effects of fasting comes from actually “starving,” as in getting no nutrients or energy at all, which forces the body to “consume itself,” a process called ‘autophagy;’ where the body will always prioritize tissues that is not needed, as in fat tissue, scar tissue, malfunctioning cells, tumors, excess skin, and so on. It also allows the digestive system to rest, as you do not consume anything, which will increase the healing and detoxification of your intestines. Also, as you are not eating anything, hormones will increase, especially growth hormone, which will aid in repair and reversing your age while protecting your muscle mass from being broken down. However, if you consume anything that provides some energy or nutrients, and especially protein that can trigger muscle protein synthesis, this process of autophagy and the increase in hormones are reversed back to baseline, as the ‘starvation’ is perceived as over, and you are thus no longer protected by the mechanics of fasting. That is why you see these retarded “survivalists” on TV-shows losing so much weight and muscle — because they eat whenever they can instead of fasting and then ‘feast’ once they have gathered enough food. As long as you are fasting, you are protected by autophagy and an extreme increase in human growth hormone and even testosterone. However, when you consume some food, this ‘protection’ is reset, and then it will take 8 to 16 hours for autophagy to kick in again, and 24 hours or so until hormones peak again. Now, do you see why a “fasting-mimicking” diet would be a very bad idea?

The fast-mimicking diet (FMD), developed by biogerontologist Valter Longo, mimics fasting effects while still allowing small food portions.

As in starving yourself without protection during the day, and then perhaps reaching some autophagy during the night when you sleep, or what? Well, that would be retarded. Let’s see what this Longo puppet has to say.

How does the FMD diet work?

The FMD is designed to mimic the effects of fasting on the body without actually requiring complete food restriction.
It involves consuming a plant-based diet for a specific period, typically 5 days. This diet also consists of consuming:

  • a low amount of calories, around 700 calories per day
  • low sugars
  • low proteins
  • high in unsaturated fats
  • Unlike daily or weekly fasting diets, the FMD operates on a monthly cycle.

The idea is to provide the body with enough nutrients to function while still triggering some of the beneficial effects of fasting, such as cellular rejuvenation and metabolic changes.

There is so much wrong with this that I barely know where to start. First, humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We can only get all the nutrition we need from animal-based foods. This is an indisputable fact. Anything plant-based is ridden with antinutrients, defense chemicals, pesticides, and some nutrients that are not bioavailable to our physiology. In other words, they provide little to no nutrition while poisoning us. So, no, you will not provide ‘enough’ nutrients to keep the body functioning while consuming plant-garbage. For more, see my Quick Start Nutrition Archives.

And as for mimicking the effects of fasting. Well, poisoning is believed to initiate ‘hormesis,’ as in a biological effect where a low dose of a stressor, such as a toxic chemical (as found in all plants,) has a beneficial or stimulating effect on an organism, while higher doses will have a detrimental and damaging toxic effect.

However, this ‘hormesis’ theory is very flawed and misunderstood. There is never a ‘beneficial’ effect from being poisoned. What happens is that you put your body in an immediate emergency state where the introduced toxin needs to be neutralized and expelled from the body. This puts you in a ‘fight of flight’ mode — increasing adrenaline and cortisol, giving you an instant burst of energy while pain and discomfort perception drops, which is why vegans always claim that they feel “energized” when starting their retarded diet. The effect is simply from your body fighting for your life. Not something to be embraced as there will be some damage done by the toxins before they are neutralized. 

While going low protein might stop protein synthesis from occurring and even allowing for some autophagy, you are still putting toxic things into your body and your digestive system has to work and so does your detoxification system, putting a lot of stress on your body.

And while consuming some fat, if not too much, might keep you somewhat in a fasted state, as it’s pure energy, it still stimulates your digestive system. If it was animal fats, as in saturated fat, which is the only fat we need and use for energy, it might be feasible. However, this complete moron recommends the extremely toxic unsaturated fats, fats that are not stable and will go rancid as soon as they are exposed to oxygen and/or light. This usually happens before the toxic sludge is tapped on a bottle, and it will absolutely happen when it’s put on a shelf and then accelerated as soon as you open it. The amount of aldehydes will be staggering, and aldehydes damage your cardiovascular system, your central nervous system, your cells, and especially your reproductive ability. This is why all vegetable/seed oils have been associated with cardiovascular diseases, especially in combination with carbohydrates.

If you want to really damage your body, these moronic recommendations could not be more on point. However, if you care about your health, do not do any of this!

After this Healthline goes through what to eat and how much, which is just hilarious. Look at this.

Day 1: Consume 1,100 calories, with 11% from protein (121 calories from protein), 46% from fat (506 calories from fat), and 43% from carbohydrates (473 calories from carbohydrates).

That is 30 grams of poorly bioavailable protein, but still more than enough to keep your protein synthesis going at a very slow pace, inhibiting autophagy. Actually, at “1,100 calories” this is a typical day of slow-paced starvation. It will do nothing but put an enormous toxic load on your body from the plant-based crap and a lot of stress from the lack of bioavailable nutrients and usable energy. It’s also about 56 grams of very toxic fats and a whopping 118 grams of carbohydrates that will force your body to battle unnaturally raised blood glucose levels. That amount of carbohydrates and toxic fats together will spell disaster for your cardiovascular system. What a mess!

“Days 2 to 5: Consume only 725 calories per day, with a breakdown of 9% protein (65 calories from protein), 44% fat (319 calories from fat), and 47% carbohydrates (341 calories from carbohydrates).”

Here we enter what is usually called a very-low-calorie diet (VLCD.) This is similar to what the morons on survival shows will get — as in severe starvation while not being protected by the mechanics of real fasting. At about 16 grams of protein of poor quality, you might still get some stimulus of protein synthesis, still inhibiting autophagy, which is the sole purpose of fasting.

With 35 grams of unhealthy rancid fats and 85 grams of carbohydrates, you are still inflicting a lot of extra damage on your body. Also, 85 grams of carbohydrates will keep you out of ketosis and all the natural benefits of our natural state and natural fat metabolism — something that is another huge benefit of real fasting.

This “fasting-mimicking” approach might just be the most retarded and unhealthy thing I’ve seen so far, and with almost 35 years in the industry, I’ve seen a lot of stupid things!

After this, they try to claim that the “fasting-mimicking” diet has some positive effects. As usual, they claim that in mice it reduces inflammation. Of course it did! Inflammation is the body’s response to the healing and detoxification process. Introducing a lot of toxins will shift the body’s priority to neutralize the most immediate threat, that of what you just put in your piehole, and other healing processes will be put on hold, hence the reduction in inflammation. That is a really bad thing and proves that you poisoned yourself and stopped the ongoing healing that was taking place in your body. Utterly retarded! I covered this many, many times.

As for lower “insulin resistance” that is simply because you starved yourself and likely consumed less toxic carbohydrates than what you normally would. However, you are still consuming them and you will likely go back to consuming more once you finish this idiotic experiment. So, that means absolutely nothing. The only way to heal your body and be healthy is to eat according to your species, according to your physiology, and that is a carnivorous approach for humans.

Writing about, and recommending this ‘fasting-mimicking diet’ is extremely irresponsible, and it will severely damage those poor people who fall for their lies and deceit and try it.

The only somewhat ‘fast-mimicking’ you can do, is to have a little animal fat, as in saturated fat, as that will not stimulate protein synthesis. But again, it will stimulate digestion and might interfere with autophagy as it provides energy and some essential nutrients. There is simply no substitute for fasting, and I truly do not understand why you would try to chase one either. There are no shortcuts that are better than the real route, not when it comes to our physiology.
Fasting is not hard, nor complicated. You simply abstain from food for as long as you can. Then you go back to eating for a while and then you try again. After a few tries and as you condition your body to our natural fat metabolism and being in ketosis, you will soon be able to do 3, 5 or more days without food, and that’s when you will reap the real benefits of healing and rejuvenation. For more, check my articles on dry fasting.

If you have questions about fasting or nutrition, or if you need help with getting into prolonged fasting or transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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