Once again we return to Medical News Today and another article based on a study on “treating” obesity while ignoring the root cause, which is yet another example of why things will never change and only get worse, as we’ve seen for the last 40+ years.
As I’ve explained in previous articles, the current backwards “sciences,” especially those of “modern medicine” and “nutrition” has been in play for a long time, fully govern by the elite families and their interest in keeping us weak, unhealthy and subdued — slowly brainwashing its followers to think within their little inverted box of complete and utter bullshit.
And that is also the reason for many of my articles. To open the eyes of those reading, to get them to question what they’ve been indoctrinated with, to stimulate them to start thinking and applying simple logic and reasoning based on basic and undisputable principles of biology, microbiology, biochemistry, and human physiology.
As for this article by MNT, the message might seem to be the right one, as the title reads as, “Dietary changes may treat obesity by giving mitochondria a boost.” And yes, dietary changes are the only way to heal and fix your body — but only if you understand that we as humans are just like any other animal. We only have one species-specific and species-appropriate diet. As every single animal, we are constructed to eat only certain foods while other edibles will hurt and even kill us, as defined by our digestive system.
Humans are obligate hyper carnivores, and that is an indisputable fact. We can only thrive by consuming other animals and their produce. It’s that simple. Anything else, as anything plant-based will damage us, and eventually kill us.
Now, let’s see what they have twisted and messed up this time.
“According to the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 30 years.”
WHO is a gatekeeping organization put in place to keep people as unhealthy and sickly as possible by supporting disinformation and hiding the truth about human physiology, nutrition and health.
And as for rising obesity rates, it’s extremely easily explained. Our body only cares about nutrients it can use for its metabolic functions, including detoxification, hormone production, growth and maintenance, providing energy for the body, and for tissue repair. And as explained, we as humans can only get all these nutrients from other animals, as in the flesh and fat of other animals and their produce; as in meat, organ meats, animal fat, eggs, and the occasional raw dairy.
If we do not get all the nutrients we need to function properly, our body will do everything it can to get us to eat more, to increase the chances of getting these crucial nutrients. In other words, if you do not get what you need from the food you consume, hunger will increase, satiation will decrease, and you will experience food cravings. And considering the vilification of real food, as in animal-based foods such as meat, and the ever decreasing quality of “foodstuffs,” where everything is processed and then “enriched” with what they call “vitamins” and “minerals,” which is a complete scam, as they are simply chemically engineered toxins, nutrient deficiencies among the population is skyrocketing, causing them to desperately consume more and more.
Obesity is simply a state of being malnourished while overfed and toxic on garbage. However, they will never admit this. They will blame anything else, rather than admit that we simply have failed to consume food that is natural for our physiology.
What is the link between obesity and inflammation?
“Obesity is linked to several health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, and some cancers.”
No, this is a very dishonest and simplified “explanation.” Obesity in itself is only the result of storing energy as “body fat” and also from shielding off toxins in fat tissue to lessen tissue damage. It’s the result of overfeeding and toxemia — as in the buildup of toxins from the non-human food you consume and from other environmental toxins.
The health conditions mentioned, such as type-2 diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and high blood pressure is the result of the toxic food you consume and the damage it has done over the years. While the food causes obesity, it also does a lot of damage, especially the carbohydrates and the seed/vegetable oils.
And the reason some of these diseases improve, or even go away in people who lose weight, is because they eat less of what messed them up in the first place (less toxic load,) and that they might even remove some of the most toxic food. It’s that simple. You only need to apply a little bit of logical thinking.
“Chronic low-grade inflammation is a feature of obesity, and research has found that monocytes — a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in immune responses — are a cause of this inflammation.”
No. Inflammation is our natural healing response. Whenever tissue has been damaged, as in blunt force trauma or by toxins such as high blood glucose from carbohydrates or damaging fatty acids from seed/vegetable oils, our body will try and repair that damage. Inflammation is simply the natural state of that healing process as blood flow increases; providing nutrients and growth factors to the damaged tissue, fluids accumulate to provide ground for these nutrients (edema,) chemical mediators such as cytokines are released to assist in the repair, and so on.
Inflammation is not the problem, as that is the manifestation of the healing process. It should be aided by providing real bioavailable nutrients and rest.
If you understand this simple concept, then is should be obvious that any kind of “chronic inflammation” is simply “chronic healing,” as in a healing process that is struggling as you do not have enough resources in your body to heal while you continue to expose yourself to the same damage that caused the harm to your body in the first place.
So, “chronic low-grade inflammation” in obese people is simply damage from their diet that their body is trying to repair, but it can’t keep up due to the constant intake of toxins and the lack of real nutrients.
“Now, a small-scale clinical trial in Mexico has found that some diets can improve the energy use of these monocytes leading to increased weight loss.”
To better understand what actually happens and what might happen, we first need to understand what ‘monocytes’ are. Monocytes are a type of leukocyte (white blood cell.) Now, in the inverted pseudo-science of modern medicine, it is believed that monocytes circulate through the body, “scanning” for “microbial cells” and orchestrating an “immune response” when “infection” or inflammation occurs. That however is pure science-fiction. We do not have an “immune system” as there is no such thing as an invading microbe or virus. Diseases only come from within. You cannot “catch” a disease. There is no silly and juvenile “transmission” of disease between organisms, as in a “contagion.” That is extremely stupid and also extremely easy to debunk, which we’ve done thousands of times.
What monocytes actually are, as with all leukocytes, are cells that aid the healing process. They simply interact with damaged tissue where they either supply building blocks (macrophages or dendritic cells,) function as sealants, or provide the correct milieu for the appropriate bacteria that assist in the repair and healing process. Although a lot of the relationships with bacteria are misunderstood, they have acknowledged parts of this in the field of microbiology.
And this is also one of the reasons why the backwards-thinking germ theory once got a bit of traction, because bacteria is needed for the breakdown of damaged cells as well as for consuming the toxins that damaged the cells. Wherever there is healing taking place, there will be bacteria. However, the retarded Modern Medicine will try to convince you to blame the bacteria, the garbage men, for the mess you caused. But again, with simple logic the concept of healing and the need for bacteria is easily understood.
And by understanding this, the concept of “improving the energy use of these monocytes” simply translates to providing a better and healthier milieu for the body, so these monocytes can function better and do their job — as in improving the diet by reducing the toxic load.
Keep in mind that you will improve the function of all cells, all tissues, by either lowering the toxic load or by providing more bioavailable nutrients. At least one of these scenarios happens when you go on a “diet.” In best case scenarios, both happen and you will see much better results.
Studying the real impact of dietary changes in obesity
“The 44 participants who completed the study were aged between 18 and 60 years, with a BMI of 30 to 50 kilograms per square meter (kg/m2). None had any chronic diseases or mental health conditions.
The researchers divided them into four treatment groups, each of which followed a different diet for two months:
- group 1 followed a calorie restricted diet (500 kcal less than their normal diet)
- group 2 followed the same calorie restricted diet, but in an intermittent fasting pattern of 16 hours fasting to 8 hours eating time
- group 3 followed a ketogenic diet with the same calorie restriction
- group 4 followed their normal “ad libitum” diet.
At 4 follow-up visits, the participants gave fasting blood samples for analysis, were weighed and had their body composition analysed.
The researchers isolated monocytes from the samples to assess their mitochondrial function. They also analyzed their gut microbiota from stool samples.”
Ok, so group 1 reduced their energy intake of their shitty diet by simply consuming less toxic food, which means a less daily toxic load.
Group 2 did the same, but in an ‘intermittent fasting’ fashion, which is slightly better as it allows the body to rest more from digestion, which will accelerate healing.
And group 3 not only reduced their energy intake, but also switched to a somewhat better ketogenic diet, which would at least remove the toxic load from carbohydrates, as in unnatural elevated blood glucose.
“This clinical trial was quite small, and no previous studies have specifically examined how these dietary changes impact mitochondrial function in human monocytes to support these findings. However, there has been some evidence of changes in metabolic tissues in rodent research on calorie restriction and intermittent fasting, and in human research on the ketogenic diet.”
Yes, it’s quite logical that mitochondrial function in monocytes will improve when you lower the toxic load, as you hopefully tip the scales in your favor. While you still might not get enough nutrients to fully heal, the lowered toxic load might just be enough to let the healing process go forward again and ultimately do its job.
Diet affects mitochondrial function
“Mitochondrial bioenergetic health refers to the efficiency and functioning of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells responsible for producing energy.
This is an important aspect to consider in obesity, as dysfunctional mitochondria may contribute to a variety of health issues, such as insulin resistance, inflammation, and other metabolic disorders.”
Yes, and what causes a “dysfunctional mitochondria” or a “dysfunctional cell?” Yes, a high toxic load, especially elevated blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates.
“In this study, the researchers found that monocytes from people on the calorie restricted, intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets had significantly increased mitochondrial function.”
Yes, because all three scenarios meant a lowered toxic load. However, you still fail to mention what parts of a “diet” that causes this, as in everything that is toxic, as in everything that is not species-appropriate, species-specific to us as humans. The worst offenders are carbohydrates, seed/vegetable (unsaturated) oils, fiber, defense chemicals and antinutrients as found in all plant-based foods, pesticides used to grow them, and all the added chemicals used when processing and “enriching” foodstuffs. Now, combine this extreme toxic load with being malnourished and lacking the ability to fully detoxify and heal, and you have a really nasty scenario — a scenario that is reality to every single overweight and obese person and anyone with any kind of “modern” health problem/disease.
The real problem with obesity is not the extra energy you consume and store as body fat, the real problem is the toxic load, the damage you do from the non-human foods you consume.
Health benefits
“This is another study showing the complex nature of obesity, and how we have much more to learn to prevent and effectively manage this growing health issue.”
No, this is the indoctrinated dogma you repeat as a little puppet on strings, trying to put blame everywhere rather than on what is actually causing it. It’s extremely simple. I already explained it in detail. The growing health issue is the ‘modern diet’ of processed- and plant-based food. The simple fact that people no longer remember or know what we as a human species are supposed to eat — that we are obligate hyper carnivores.
If you need advice or help with fat loss, health issues, or with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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