
Volumetrics — The Stupidest Fat Loss Diet Fad Since IIFYM? 

There seems to be just as many types of diets as there are stupid dietitians, nutritionists, and coaches within the dieting- and fitness industry, and that is a lot, pretty much 99% of them. So, it comes as no surprise that the website “Iron Magazine,” the website that once upon a time tried to ride on the fame of our IronMag that dominated the health- and fitness space on the internet during the 90’s, […]

Volumetrics — The Stupidest Fat Loss Diet Fad Since IIFYM?  Read the Full Article »

Debunking Myths About Intermittent Fasting?

A few weeks ago, the disinformation website ‘Healthline’ published an article about “7 widespread myths about intermittent fasting,” allegedly debunked by ‘dietitians.’As you know, ‘dietitians’ are totally clueless about human physiology and nutrition. It’s simply a “title” you earn by repeating total bollocks that the food industry and Big Pharma made up to keep people weak and sick and to profit from them. So, let’s see what these ‘dietitians’ had to say. “While some

Debunking Myths About Intermittent Fasting? Read the Full Article »

Downplaying The Damage of Ultra-Processed Food

Today we return to the government and pharmaceutical disinformation and propaganda website Medical News Today and their latest article on ‘ultra-processed food’ with the claim that it “may raise risk of death by 10%” 10%? Anything that is contraindicated to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet of animal-based foods is going to hurt us and shorten our life-span. So, that is not a 10% risk, that is 100% guarantee! As the dangers of processed

Downplaying The Damage of Ultra-Processed Food Read the Full Article »

Fat Loss 101: Leptin And Hunger Is Not An Issue If You’re Fat Adapted and Fully Nourished

Today we return to T-Nation and their CCO Chris Shugart as he tries to tackle the “issue” of leptin on badly constructed “fat loss diets.”Leptin is believed to be a ‘hormone’ produced primarily by fat tissue in the body. It’s said to play a crucial role in weight regulation and energy balance as it signals the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, to regulate appetite and metabolism. So, let’s see what Mr. Shugart has to say

Fat Loss 101: Leptin And Hunger Is Not An Issue If You’re Fat Adapted and Fully Nourished Read the Full Article »

Elenolic Acid For Weight Loss And Diabetes — Doing it Backwards Once Again

Today we return to Medical News Today and a new ‘mouse’ study on elenolic acid recently presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition. It’s kind of sad and embarrassing that these people still do not understand the huge physiological differences between mice and humans. Still, let’s see what they’ve got. “As of 2022, one in every eight people around the world lives with obesity.Previous research shows that obesity can raise

Elenolic Acid For Weight Loss And Diabetes — Doing it Backwards Once Again Read the Full Article »

The False Calcium and pH Disinformation Psy-Op And a High Animal Protein Diet

You know that you’ve made it as a disinformation agent, as a shill for the plant-based food industry, when the top-dog of controlled opposition, Dr. Mercola, features your juvenile garbage on his website. Yes, I’m talking about Dr. James DiNicolantoni, a gatekeeping shill that mixes some nutritional truths, such as the ketogenic diet and the benefits of cholesterol, with a lot of deception and lies. And that is the only conclusion I can draw

The False Calcium and pH Disinformation Psy-Op And a High Animal Protein Diet Read the Full Article »

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet

Today we return to the shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe, who seems to be pushing a lot of toxic and nutritionally poor plant-based foods as of lately on his atrocious website. Being a gatekeeper of the “nutrition science” lie, this is not surprising, and neither is the latest article on a sedentary lifestyle and possible health risks. They have always been pushing for ‘exercise’ as a band-aid for poor nutrition — a way

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet Read the Full Article »

I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox

This is something I see from time to time in my social media feed from Carnivore groups – and of course, from some feedback from my own clients (who are prepared and understand it) and from our uncensored community at While it’s broad subject, I’ll try to narrow it down and make it as short as possible. Let’s cover the basics first, and these facts are undisputable. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We

I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox Read the Full Article »

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