Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes

This story trended in Swedish media on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. It seems to be based on some complete and extremely evil nutjobs within the Swedish medical industry, as I could not find any similar or related articles published in international media. If you find something, feel free to contact me on social media and I might do a follow up.

Now, the retarded and also extremely harmful, maiming, and potentially deadly theory put forward in this article, published by some NPC’s at TV4, the Swedish TV-based-free-to-air public television channel’s news website, is that diabetes type 1 can be ‘triggered’ by the “Covid-19 virus,” and thus, by vaccinating small babies, the vaccine might prevent the babies from both “Covid-19” and the onset of diabetes type-1 which are on the rise amongst children — something they of course blame on the fake “Coronavirus pandemic.”

Anyone should know by now that viruses do not exist, especially after living through the extremely silly, staged, and utterly fake Coronavirus pandemic. No virus has ever been isolated, shown to exist or do what they say they do. Actually, if you have any kind of knowledge about biology and the physiology of living beings, the germ theory and the idea about viruses is so juvenile, so absurd and backwards that you would think that not even the dumbest of NPCs would fall for it. Still, indoctrination and propaganda are powerful tools, and most people have been conditioned to think backwards, to be trapped in this illusion. I was there myself for 20 years studying that vile inverted medical science and pharmaceutical crap before I realized the lies and deceit, and once I did, everything was extremely simple and easy to see right through.
If you’re still new to this, I have hundreds of articles covering this and many resources linked. Please start at my “Quick Start: Germs, Viruses, Contagion, Disease and Other Lies.”

In other words, there is no reason for a ‘vaccine’ ever, as there are no viruses to protect you from. And the fact that a vaccine contains a ton of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, preservatives, residual antibiotics, and foreign cell culture debris from different animals makes it extremely unhealthy to inject — which is why the body releases globulins to try and repair the cell damage at the injection site, something retarded doctors believes to be the desired “immune response” and an increase in white blood cells. That has nothing to do with an “immunity response,” it’s a healing response as toxins need to be neutralized and eliminated and tissue needs to be repaired. Frikkin’ morons, all of them!
And worse, if your body is weak and compromised, especially as in an baby or an infant, or as among most people today as they consume mostly processed plant-based garbage, the body will not be able to neutralize all the toxins and they will do a lot of damage, especially to organs and sensitive tissues until they are sealed off in fat tissue, or even worse, turned into a tumor to protect nearby tissues.

Now, remember that your body will never do anything to hurt you. Nature is never wrong. Your body will always try to adapt to its circumstances. A living organism will always do its best to survive for as long as possible in order to multiply. So, there is no such thing as “autoimmune disorders,” that is such a ridiculous idea that anyone mentioning it should be slapped like a little bitch. And that takes us to diabetes type-1, which is simply a malfunctioning pancreas. 

People who develop diabetes later in their life have damaged their pancreas and forced their cells to stop their uptake of glucose by overconsuming carbohydrates and vegetable/seed oils, as the pancreas are forced to overproduce insulin due to the extremely retarded behavior of consuming carbohydrates when our bodies are meant to run on animal fat as it is fully capable of producing all the glucose it need via gluconeogenesis from fatty acids and amino acids. Adding more glucose to the system by consuming carbohydrates upset this delicate balance and any glucose above naturally produced levels is extremely damaging to blood vessels, soft tissues, and to organs. As the cells take more and more damage, the most sensitive ones will simply stop responding to glucose as it would kill them. That is what some call “insulin resistance,” which is simply a survival mechanism due to oversaturating your physiology with toxic glucose. I’ve covered this in depth many times, check my carbohydrate articles in my Nutrition Quick-Start Archive.

As for type-1 diabetes and a poorly functioning pancreas, this can be the result of two things. The first is from direct damage to the pancreas due to a high toxic load as the fetus develops, as if the mother is consuming a lot of carbohydrates/sugar and other junk and/or are exposed to a very toxic environment. It can also happen, or be reinforced, as a new born child is exposed to a high toxic load, as in receiving toxic vaccine injections.
Considering that most mothers today have been deceived and conditioned into following a toxic modern diet low in natural animal-based foods and high in processed plant-based slave sludge, and they use a lot of toxic beauty- and cleaning products, it’s not that surprising that a lot of babies are born with disabilities and ‘modern diseases.’ Now, if such a child is then exposed to multiple vaccine injections, well, then you have a new little human life that will be riddled with disabilities and diseases for the rest of his or her life – hence Autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, narrow bone structure, asthma, allergies, and diabetes type-1.

Another reason for diabetes type-1, as described in German New Medicine, is a biological conflict that is the result of either a ‘resistance conflict’ or a ‘fear-disgust conflict.’
Now, keep in mind that diabetes type-1 usually manifests in children and adolescents, which will make sense when you understand these conflicts.

A fear-disgust conflict is a fright coupled with disgust regarding a situation or a person. The conflict can be brought on, for example, by distress involving blood, feces, urine, or vomit – or as when being injected with a vaccine or taking any kind of shot – penetrating the skin and the trauma associated with it. Children also suffer the conflict when they have to eat “disgusting” and unnatural food, as in vegetables or other plant-based garbage.

A resistance conflict is a strong opposition against a person (parent, stepparent, sibling, relative, spouse, teacher, colleague, supervisor, doctor), against a situation (at work, at home, at school, in a relationship), against an institution (school, church, hospital, government, political regime), against decisions made over one’s head, or being forced to do something against one’s will. Children can suffer the conflict at an early age when they resist being forced to take a shot, like a vaccine, or having to attend unnatural places such as daycare, kindergarten, or school, or when they strongly oppose what they are told to do.

As you can see, both conflicts can be triggered from forcefully being injected with a vaccine or similar totally useless and unnecessary poisons. Now, add in a poor modern diet with a high toxic load, and again, it is not surprising that all these modern diseases are increasing rapidly in our backwards society, and especially among children and adolescents. 

Now, when you have the big picture, can you see how incredible stupid and evil the idea of vaccinating babies against an imaginary non-existent Covid-19 virus is, with the premise to lower the “risk” of type-1 diabetes, when simply the act of injecting poison will damage the body and increase the likelihood of a biological conflict from a fear-disgust or resistance conflict – something that can actually develop type-1 diabetes and many other modern diseases.

TV4 claims that this new “international study” is about to be launched — and they will inject 1,000 babies against “Covid-19” to track the instances of diabetes type-1. That is 1,000 babies that will be damaged for life. And even worse, if they skew the results, as they always do, this idiocy could become the norm in a few years, and even more children will be hurt, maimed, and killed world-wide because of their evil backwards pseudo-science.

These people should be on trial for war crimes against humanity.

Please do your part and educate people. Protect the children. No child ever should be given any kind of injection.

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