German New Medicine

Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes

This story trended in Swedish media on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. It seems to be based on some complete and extremely evil nutjobs within the Swedish medical industry, as I could not find any similar or related articles published in international media. If you find something, feel free to contact me on social media and I might do a follow up. Now, the retarded and also extremely harmful, maiming, and potentially deadly theory put […]

Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes Read the Full Article »

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead

The other day I ran across another typical ‘modern healthcare’ article at Healthline, a shill website for Big Pharma, Modern Medicine, and everything that is wrong, inverted, anti-human and thus pushed by our governments and media.This article was about the steadily increasing rate of ‘depression’ among children and young adults, and what you as a parent to a “depressed child” can do. As the article is once again based on the inverted, backwards (and

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead Read the Full Article »

I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox

This is something I see from time to time in my social media feed from Carnivore groups – and of course, from some feedback from my own clients (who are prepared and understand it) and from our uncensored community at While it’s broad subject, I’ll try to narrow it down and make it as short as possible. Let’s cover the basics first, and these facts are undisputable. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We

I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Non-Existing Bird Flu Fearmongering

After the staged and utterly fake Coronavirus Plan-demic, people of at least average intelligence should have figured out by now that viruses do not exist, that contagion is a lie, that living organisms cannot infect each other with disease. And thus, people of at least average intelligence should immediately see that this ongoing “Bird Flu” psy-op is nothing more than a lie, that it’s complete and utter bollocks! While the news and the media

World Stage: Non-Existing Bird Flu Fearmongering Read the Full Article »

Fear Mongering: Tuberculosis Cases on the Rise and More on Bacteria and Diseases

On March 29, 2024, Fox News published a piece of fear mongering on a detoxification/healing state that is called ‘Tuberculosis’ by the corrupt and fraudulent medical establishment. According to CDC, the overall cases of “Tuberculosis” increased from 8,320 in 2022 to 9,615 in 2023, an increase of 1,295 cases. Also, according to their made-up pseudo-science, an estimated 85% of the people counted in 2023 were “infected” at least a year or two earlier and

Fear Mongering: Tuberculosis Cases on the Rise and More on Bacteria and Diseases Read the Full Article »

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

This story was one of the trending stories on FOX News, CBS News, Time Magazine, BBC, The Guardian, CNN and many more yesterday, and according to the media, the 43-year-old actress has been “battling” breast cancer since April 2023. As I’ve explained in previous articles, cancer has nothing to do with the pseudo-science of “genetics,” nor hormones or simply cells going rogue, mutating all over the place. Cancer, as in forming tumors, is simply

World Stage Conditioning: Actress Olivia Munn Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Read the Full Article »

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism

The pseudo-scientific “germ-based” shill website Medical News Today recently posted another article on cancer, claiming that “early-stage cancer cells” hide from the “immune system.”This is yet another made-up lie to add to the growing misinformation and fear propaganda about cancer – while trying to normalize it, as cancer is growing due to our bad modern lifestyle of stress, pollution, and toxic slave food. And as most people should know by now, we do not

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism Read the Full Article »

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Explained

According to a new CDC survey, around 4.3 million American adults have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS.) Of course, the disinformation website ‘Healthline’ interviewed several doctors and directors of a couple of medical centers, and to keep up with the scripted narrative, these “health officials” believe that “long COVID” may be a possible explanation for the recent surge in chronic fatigue cases.What a load of horseshit! CDC and other useless institutions describe CFS with the

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Explained Read the Full Article »

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