
World Stage: Biden Got The ‘Rona Again

After the worst acting performance in history, where Trump pretended to be shot in the ear at an embarrassingly badly staged event, the US political theater continued as the actor playing the “president” Joe Biden allegedly tested positive for Covid-19, something that does not even exist, this Wednesday, July 17, 2024. To add to the comedy, CNN quoted the actor with the following line; “I feel good,” Biden, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, […]

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Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes

This story trended in Swedish media on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. It seems to be based on some complete and extremely evil nutjobs within the Swedish medical industry, as I could not find any similar or related articles published in international media. If you find something, feel free to contact me on social media and I might do a follow up. Now, the retarded and also extremely harmful, maiming, and potentially deadly theory put

Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes Read the Full Article »

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle

Today we return to the Big-Pharma shill-website know as ‘Healthline,’ and a recent article they posted called, “12 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery.”As for this article, this subject is too important to hold anything back, so be prepared for some tough love. After the extremely obvious staged Covid-19 psy-op and ritual, more people should be questioning all the bullshit they’ve been spoon-fed throughout their lives, especially everything concerning the made-up “science” of Virology

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle Read the Full Article »

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He?

As I’m pressed for time this morning, this will be a short summary of the much-debated Matthew Perry’s alleged death. First and foremost, you need to realize that every single celebrity, star, and public figure on the world stage that get exposure is heavily controlled. They only let people that they control get exposure. These people are either mind-controlled puppets, as in under contract and controlled by handlers, or they are in the club,

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He? Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19

While we had the predictive programming of a ‘virus pandemic’ during the tabletop exercise ‘Clade X’ in 2018, we had another ‘pandemic’ ritual in 2019 with Event 201. Event 201 was a follow-up to Clade X organized by Johns Hopkins once again, and this time in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201 was held on October 19, 2019, exactly 201-days

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Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills

Most truthers with some kind of discernment and skill in pattern recognition called out the staged and alleged death of Rashid Buttar and him being controlled opposition and a lying bastard. Still, many gullible baby truthers with zero discernment tried to defend him and the other disinformation agents in the collaboration-group known as the ‘disinformation dozen’ that he was a part of. Note: the ‘disinformation dozen’ is what the media calls them, it’s not

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Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57

Dr. Rashid Buttar allegedly died on May 18 according to his family and the Wikipedia page. He was labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to appeal to baby truthers as he presented ridiculous and retarded theories about the staged and fake Covid-19 pandemic. While we all know that the pandemic was fake and that no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist, that contagion and transmission of disease has never been proven, just the

Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57 Read the Full Article »

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick

Erythritol, an ‘organic’ four-carbon sugar alcohol (polyol) used as a food additive and sugar substitute – mostly to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk fruit and keto reduced-sugar products – has allegedly been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study that has trended in the media for the last two days. Does these “side-effects” sound familiar? Yeah, even more nonsense to cover up the effects of a

Sweetener Allegedly Linked to ‘Blood Clotting,’ Heart Attack and Stroke – And What is Actually Making People Sick Read the Full Article »

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