The Difference Between Ketogenic Diets And Our Natural Diet And That Of Mental Health

Today we return to the supplement-pushers at the very mediocre website T-Nation. Actually the website has turned into complete trash. But what can you expect when they abandoned their “uncensored magazine” idea several years ago in favor of pushing money-making toxic, damaging, life-shortening and totally useless supplements to indoctrinated and gullible gym-goers?

This time they touch on “ketogenic diets” and the topic of mental health, of course with the incentive to sell some of these unnatural and idiotic supplements. With that said, it does give me the opportunity to address some important facts about ketogenic diets in comparison with our natural human diet, and of course, that of excellent mental health which should be a natural state for anyone eating according to their species.

Let’s see what the dimwits have to say this time.

“Run a search in the T Nation archives and you’ll find a dozen articles about very low-carb ketogenic diets. Some experts think they’re great, some don’t, and most see both the benefits and drawbacks.”

Low carb is not the same thing as a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet tries it best to eliminate all toxic and useless carbohydrates, always keeping the net total below 30 grams a day or so, while low carb can simply be less than 120 grams a day, which is extremely much, especially considering the damage done by unnatural elevated blood glucose from consuming those carbs.

“When talking about keto, we’re usually concerned with fat loss and its effects on muscle building. But that’s not why many people are interested. Instead, they want to do it to improve their mental health. Many claim it does just that. But does it? What does the research say, and how can we make it work better?”

This is the big problem with the retarded and inverted field of nutrition, where they have exactly everything wrong and backwards. Being in ketosis and running on a fat-based metabolism is our natural metabolic state and consuming carbohydrates to provide exogenous toxic glucose is very unnatural and one of the main causes of almost every single disease as well as a severely reduced lifespan. 

A ketogenic diet should not be associated with fat loss or any other superficial goal. A ketogenic diet is simply a step towards our natural human diet, a diet that allows us to return to our natural fat metabolism and to be in ‘ketosis’ which is our natural state — where we produce ketones, which is a “super fuel” and also all the glucose we would ever need while running mainly on fats.

Simply achieving this natural metabolic state will bring many benefits. However, as the ketogenic diet has been commercialized, it is full of misconceptions, ignored physiological necessities and thus ridden with hidden dangers. If you’re familiar with the undeniable fact that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and do absolutely best on raw meat, you should understand all the problems with the ‘ketogenic diet’ when we look at how it is usually practiced.

The problem with the ketogenic diet is that the focus is on limiting carbohydrates while simply keeping “fats” very high, as in covering 70 to 80 % of the total energy intake from said fats.

While this ratio between fats and protein is fairly good on paper, there are no guidelines for food choices as in accounting for food synergy or bioavailability of nutrients, there is no concern for the extreme toxic load of anything plant-based, as most people still consume some vegetables and use a lot of the extremely toxic and damaging seed/vegetable oils to cover their intake of “fats.” 

And that is the reason why studies show very varying results, as simply reaching ketosis and slowly re-adapting to our natural fat metabolism is not a “cure-all” considering the very potential lack of essential nutrients that can only be found in animal-based foods, and also the accumulated toxic load from anything plant-based.

Also, if you have damaged your body by consuming carbohydrates, it takes about six weeks for the body to return to the state where it can efficiently produce glucose (gluconeogenesis) from lactate, glycerol (synthesized from fat cells,) and glucogenic amino acids. And it can also take anywhere from 8 to 16 weeks or more before you become efficient at using fat as your main fuel. So, any studies or comparisons on diets must first have an adaptation phase to a “ketogenic diet” of at least 16 weeks, preferably 26 weeks or more. Not a single study has that.

In short, by switching to a typical “ketogenic diet,” the only relief that the body gets is from no longer having to desperately try and survive every unnatural rise in blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates. And, if you do not get enough animal-based foods, you will still have nutrient deficiencies and your body will not work as it should, and if you do not get enough animal foods, that means that you consume a lot of plant-based foods, which will keep your toxic load high, causing a lot of tissue damage and toxic buildup.

And this is why I only recommend our species-specific and species-appropriate diet of highly bioavailable and non-toxic animal foods. Anything else will cause damage to the body, and recommending that would be very evil and wrong.

The Studies

“Most of the research so far has focused on major mental illnesses, usually when traditional treatments have fallen short.

A pilot study conducted by Stanford Medicine found that 79% of participants showed clinically meaningful psychiatric improvement after four months of keto dieting. These folks were suffering primarily from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Improvements were observed in mood, cognition, and overall mental stability.”

Not surprisingly as elevated blood glucose damages all soft tissues, including the organs and the brain. Limit the damage, and if provided with some nutrients, you might be able to begin and heal a little.

Also, the brain prefers fat and ketones as fuel, although it still needs some glucose which is provided by gluconeogenesis, and being in ‘ketosis’ will return some of that mental power you are supposed to have if you actually followed our natural diet and was running on a fat metabolism.

So, it’s not really an “improvement” or an “enhanced effect,” it’s simply restoring some of the functionality you were always supposed to have — as you are supposed to only consume animal-based foods and thus be in ketosis and running on a fat metabolism year-round all your life. That is our natural state.

Pointing out these differences is extremely important as almost everyone today has been deceived into consuming carbohydrates; to follow a non-species appropriate and very toxic diet.

Ketogenic diets do not “improve” or “enhance” certain health-related conditions, it simply restores a bit of them to where they should be if we were to follow our species-appropriate diet, just as every other animal species does.

“How does keto do that? The researchers theorize that keto shifts the brain’s primary fuel source from glucose to ketones, which may stabilize neuronal activity and improve brain metabolism. This metabolic shift is linked to reduced inflammation, better energy regulation in the brain, and potential neuroprotective effects. Several of the participants described keto as “life-changing” and said they’d never felt better.”

I already touched on this in my previous comment. And inflammation is simply healing of damaged tissue. As you remove one of the biggest offenders, as in carbohydrates that increase blood glucose to unnatural and damaging levels, brain tissue can finally heal. And as the toxic load is less, there is not as much new damage being done by glucose, so the healing processes are less intense, hence less inflammation.

And the fact that the participants said they never felt better and that it was ‘life-changing’ simply proves that they had been deceived into consuming carbohydrates their whole life, severely limiting their mental clarity and mental abilities. Now, for the first time, they unlocked a small part of their true abilities. Just imagine how they would feel if they adopted our natural human diet.

“As a bonus, every participant with metabolic syndrome was in remission by the end of the study. As a reminder, metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions including abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated fasting blood sugar levels, high triglycerides, and low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol.”

Yes, most of these “diseases” are the result of damage from elevated blood glucose, as in consuming carbohydrates, and even more so if you consume carbohydrates together with seed/vegetable oils, as in the very toxic plant-based unsaturated fats. 

Still, if you do a ketogenic diet and rely on some seed/vegetable oils, you will still do damage, simply not at the same high rate as if carbohydrates were present. Thus, it will look like a real improvement, but further down the road, those extremely toxic unsaturated fats will cause a lot of tissue damage, especially to your cardiovascular system and heart.

So, if you do the ketogenic diet wrong, as in consuming anything plant-based, you will simply delay the lurking health problems as the toxic load from these unnatural and non-species appropriate foods will still cause a lot of damage and will eventually catch up with you.

“Likewise, a retrospective analysis published in Frontiers in Psychiatry evaluated the impact of keto on people with treatment-resistant mental illnesses, including major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The study involved 31 inpatients who adhered to a keto diet limited to 20 grams of carbs per day.

Significant reductions were observed in depression severity. For those with schizoaffective disorder, psychosis symptoms improved notably. As with the previous study, participants also showed improved metabolic markers, including weight loss, lower blood pressure, improved blood glucose levels, and reduced triglycerides.”

Same as the above. Let’s carry on.

But Would Other Diets Do the Same Thing?

Only if you enter ketosis and get fat adapted, as in limiting carbohydrates to less than 20 to 30 grams a day and get most of your “energy” from fats, to avoid excessive protein intake to turn into glucose.

“To really assess keto’s effects on mental health, we’d need several controlled studies comparing keto dieting to other diets that lower inflammation. Since mental health is closely related to brain inflammation, would any inflammation-zapping nutrition strategy improve mental health? We don’t know yet, but we can say that keto helps.”

No, you frikkin’ T-Nation retards. Brain inflammation is simply detoxification and healing of brain tissue. It indicates that you are doing damage to your brain and your body is trying to keep up with removing the damage-inducing toxins and repairing the tissue.

You do not want to reduce or stop the inflammation, you want to focus on removing the toxins that causes the damage and providing the nutrients needed for healing and repair, and if this is achieved, inflammation, as in detoxing and healing, will slowly go down naturally on its own, which may take several months or even years.

You do not want to take something, or switch to a diet that reduces or stops inflammation within days or weeks, as that is an obvious sign that you have poisoned your body to such a degree that your body has to prioritize the new threat by rerouting its resources. This means that you do even more damage and that your brain is now totally unprotected. That is a very, very bad scenario. And yes, that is exactly how drugs, medicines, and “natural” remedies such as herbs work — including a vegan or fruitarian diet. They induce acute poisoning, shutting down detoxification and healing of other tissues to let the body focus on the new threat and to keep you alive.

Improving Keto for Mental Health

“To improve keto’s ability to balance mental health, we want to correct any nutritional deficiencies and add some complementary supplements to further reduce brain inflammation.”

You can only correct nutrient deficiencies by consuming fully bioavailable and bioactive nutrients, and those can only be found in animal-based foods, as in the fat and meat from animals and their produce such as eggs and raw milk. You cannot get any such nutrients from supplements as they are chemically made. The only real exception is protein powders, but they are still stripped of some nutrients and do not have the food synergy found in for example meat or eggs.

After this, T-Nation mentions fish oil, or omega-3 supplements, which usually are oxidized/rancid and polluted, or simply too processed to be of any use for the body. I covered fish oil and omega-3 supplements in my articles “The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil (Omega-3) and Why to Avoid it,” and “Omega-3 Controversy: Broken Brain Syndrome is Due to Lack of Animal Fats.”

Then they mention electrolytes and especially magnesium, which will never be a problem on our natural human diet unless you overcook your animal foods. Still, adding electrolytes at the beginning of adopting these diets will help as most people will be used to tons of hidden sodium in processed foods and you will also flush a lot of unnecessary fluids from your system, which will flush out some electrolytes. So, during the first 8 to 16 weeks of a “ketogenic diet” or our natural human diet, extra electrolytes can be warranted, at least some extra salt.
However, if you adapt our true natural diet, as in eating all animal-based foods raw, there is absolutely no need for any electrolytes as you will get the perfect amounts every time you eat.

And again, while you can get some minerals from supplements, it still has to be broken down and converted in your body, a process that will add to the toxic load. I covered this in my articles “Trying to Remedy Deficiencies — Magnesium L-Threonate Improving Sleep Quality?,” “The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet,” “Zinc Deficiency Is Impossible On A Natural Animal-Based Diet,” “Supplemented Inorganic Zinc Increase Endometriosis Risk,” and “Iron Deficiency and Blood Tests Explained.” 

And to end their abysmal article, T-nation mentions antioxidants, one of the biggest scams and misunderstood topics in nutrition. Extremely laughable and at the same time very sad.

Antioxidants are simply the defense chemicals of plants. They only protect the plant, and a plant is very chemically different compared to a human. And through biology and biochemistry we know that defense chemicals are used by plants to deter, hurt, main, sterilize, and even kill those trying to consume the plant. So, antioxidants naturally produced in our bodies are extremely different to the very toxic and damaging “antioxidants” produced by plants. Recommending any kind of antioxidant supplement or plant-based edible or powder shows extreme ignorance and incompetence, or it is simply pure evil in accordance with the agenda to keep people weak, docile, dumbed-down and dependent on the system and their drug-related solutions.

To conclude, humans are obligate hyper carnivores, that is an undeniable fact. We are made to only consume animal-based foods, and thus our natural metabolic state is that of ketosis and running on a fat-based metabolism where our bodies produce the very beneficial ketones as well as all the glucose we would ever need in perfect balanced ratios, and at a much higher rate than you could ever provide glucose from exogenous sources (which would also elevate blood glucose and cause damage.)

In other words, adapting a ketogenic diet is simply one step towards our natural state. And the only way to improve the ketogenic diet is to remove everything that is plant-based, processed, and man-made, as in supplements and such. In short, adopting our natural species-specific and species-appropriate carnivorous diet.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

Coaching and Consultation

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