
Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones

Today we return to T-Nation and a really important subject, a subject their Chris Shugart manages to turn into a full-blown retarded advertisement. Still, with more than 20+ active years as a high-level coach within the fitness and sports industry, this is something I worked a lot with, so let’s see what Chris has to say about the hormonal damage from strict ‘starvation’ diets. “Famine is fairly rare in today’s world, but that wasn’t […]

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones Read the Full Article »

Cholesterol, LDL and HDL 101: They Got It All Backwards

I’ve covered this before, and since pharmaceutical disinformation websites such as Healthline continue to publish misinformation and complete rubbish about cholesterol and the lipoproteins LDL and LDH in particular, it needs to be repeated.  In a recent article published at Healthline, they list foods that seem to reduce LDL in the blood, what they call the “bad” cholesterol. Sounds good, right? No, not so fast. It’s actually the complete opposite. To understand what is

Cholesterol, LDL and HDL 101: They Got It All Backwards Read the Full Article »

Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024

Today, for a laugh, we return to the Big Pharma and Government shill-site known as Healthline, one of the worst places for pure disinformation and propaganda on anything health- and nutrition related. A few days ago they posted an article on workout nutrition by Arlene Semeco, MS, RD and Celia Shatzman, which was “medically reviewed” by Jared Meacham, Ph.D., RD, CSCS. That simply means that a bunch of trained and indoctrinated monkeys wrote a

Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024 Read the Full Article »

How Much Fat Should You Consume on a Typical Carnivore Diet? And a Few Words on Digestive Issues

I get a lot of fat-related questions, including requests for help regarding digestive issues among those who want to transition to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous way of eating. Most of these questions are from my consulting services and some issues require some fine-tuning back and forth to slowly heal and get the digestive system working again. With that said, there’s a lot that you can try that is fairly simple and straightforward without

How Much Fat Should You Consume on a Typical Carnivore Diet? And a Few Words on Digestive Issues Read the Full Article »

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats

Three days after I published my review of Healthline’s atrocious article on dealing with depression, T-Nation posted an advertisement article on fighting depression with dietary fats, as in fish oil, as in their omega-3 supplements.Are they keeping tabs on what is trending? Likely, as that would be a smart move if you’re trying to sell something. Before we continue, I recommend that you read my article “Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats Read the Full Article »

Eat This, Not That: Worst of the Worst?

This review was a request by some of my readers. When looking at ranking websites based on traffic provided by Google Analytics, the website “eatthis.com” recently climbed from rank 8 to rank 3 at the beginning of this year with a monthly 11.6 million visitors within the category of “Nutrition Diets and Fitness” in the US. While I’m not sure if this was due to heavy bot-induced traffic brought on by their Freemasonic funding,

Eat This, Not That: Worst of the Worst? Read the Full Article »

More on Fish Oil/Omega-3

As I’m a bit pressed on time this Sunday morning, this will be rather short and based on a recent article published over at T Nation called, “We’ve Been Taking Fish Oil Wrong, and You Have Too.” Oh, okay then. Are you going to admit that most fish oil supplements are rancid and toxic once being consumed and that we all are better off simply consuming some fatty fish now and then, or sticking

More on Fish Oil/Omega-3 Read the Full Article »

An Avocado a Day Will Severely Damage Your Health

The Big Pharma and government shills at Medical News Today are back with more propaganda to keep the big masses dumbed down and subdued by once again pushing toxic slave foods. Just look at that cover image with bread, the most toxic slave food there is, and with an oily fruit on top that reeks of rancid unhealthy unsaturated fats – a combination made in hell for your cardiovascular system. Let’s see what Kelsey

An Avocado a Day Will Severely Damage Your Health Read the Full Article »

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