The pharmaceutical-shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a “study” that somehow linked the consumption of red meat and particularly ‘heme iron’ to an increased risk of diabetes. Now, anyone with any sign of intelligence should know that ‘diabetes’ develops as a result of a non-human diet consisting of a lot of carbohydrates and also seed/vegetable oils. If you follow our natural proper human diet that is ketogenic in nature, developing diabetes is impossible as you will manufacture your own glucose and your blood glucose will always be at perfect stable levels, as regulated through gluconeogenesis. And with that, I should not really have to write more on the subject, but let’s see what this study was all about, how they lie and deceive, and how MNT tackled/twisted it.
“A new study suggests that heme iron, which is found in red meat and other animal products, may significantly contribute to the risk of type 2 diabetes.”
What significantly contributes to the risk of type 2 diabetes is the consumption of carbohydrates, as it is broken down to glucose, a very potent poison when not regulated within a very narrow range, as an excess will damage your blood vessels, soft tissues, nerves, and organs. This simply means that every time you consume carbohydrates, your body desperately needs to clear out unnaturally high levels of glucose, and that glucose does a lot of tissue damage during the time it’s elevated. It also damages the cells that have to store excessive amounts of glucose as glycogen. All these factors contribute to what the medical community calls “insulin resistance” as the cells have to close down or they would be destroyed, a condition that slowly develops into what they call diabetes. I’ve covered this many times.

So, to summarize, if you follow our natural animal-based and thus ‘ketogenic’ diet, you cannot develop diabetes no matter what else is going on with your body.

“The study’s data was based on nearly four decades’ worth of research from the Nurses’ Health Studies I and II and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Researchers looked at reports for 206,615 adults enrolled in those studies and examined all the ways they consumed iron, from food to supplements, and their development of type 2 diabetes.
Among smaller subsets of participants, they also studied their blood plasma levels of metabolic biomarkers, including markers of insulin levels, blood lipids, blood sugar, inflammation, and iron overload, and the potential metabolic pathways between heme iron and type 2 diabetes.”
Self-reports are very unreliable as people either forget to write down exactly what they eat, or they simply lie or get the portion sizes wrong.
“People who consumed the most heme iron had a 26% higher risk of type 2 diabetes than those who ate the least. The researchers also found that higher heme iron consumption was associated with metabolic biomarkers linked to the development of type 2 diabetes, along with lower levels of beneficial biomarkers.”
And how much carbohydrates and/or seed/vegetable oil did they consume? More than the other 74%? And how do you classify “beneficial” biomarkers? Most biomarkers are poorly understood, as they are derived from complex biological processes, making it difficult to fully comprehend their relationships with “disease states” or responses to interventions. The normal biological processes that biomarkers measure are not always well-defined, making it challenging to accurately interpret changes in biomarker levels. Biomarker measurement techniques can be prone to errors, variability, and biases, which can lead to incorrect interpretations. And finally, the absence of standardized definitions and protocols for biomarker development, validation, and application contributes to the uncertainty surrounding biomarker interpretation.

How are meat-based diets linked to type 2 diabetes? (It is NOT!)
“Diets heavy on meat, like paleo, ketogenic, and others, have seen a rise in popularity in recent years, in part due to their high protein levels. However, some healthcare experts have questioned the overall health benefits of low-carb, high-fat/high-protein diets, pointing to existing research that suggests it is not sustainable.”
Wow, they are going full retard. Animal-based diets have been our staple since the beginning of time. Humans are made to run on a fat metabolism, to be in ketosis, as in following an animal-based ketogenic diet. That is what we as humans are made for, and this is extremely well established in real research, as in the field of physiology and biology.

Also, a ‘ketogenic’ diet, or a diet “heavy” on meat has absolutely nothing to do with type 2 diabetes, as the prerequisite for developing diabetes is the consumption of carbohydrates, as previously explained.
See how these evil shills try to twist this study to attack our natural proper and species-specific way of eating. And they do that to defend carbohydrates, the big elephant in the room that keeps the majority of the population sick. As they want us to be sick, weak, subdued and only living to our retirement age while being dependent on their “care” and their “drugs.”
“Over the years, self-proclaimed weight loss experts and influencers have touted many diets that focus on eating large amounts of meat and very low carbohydrates. These include the Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, and keto diets. While these diets have been shown to promote rapid weight loss, they are very difficult to sustain long-term, and they are associated with some health risks. The current study, as well as prior research on this topic, suggests that eating large quantities of red meat, or even moderate amounts, may elevate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.”
The propaganda and the lies are over the chart in this article. Again, humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We are made to mainly consume the flesh and fat of animals. And animal-based foods are the only foods that contain all the nutrition we need and in bioavailable form.
On the other side of the coin is anything plant-based that is filled with damaging defense chemicals, antinutrients, pesticides, and has almost no bioavailable nutrition to speak of.
I have covered this hundreds of times with real research and not the inverted propaganda of the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry that are being taught to dieticians, nutritionists, and other charlatans with extreme brain rot.
After this, MNT for some reason begins to discuss plant-based meats, one of the most toxic and damaging inventions ever made. Where they warn that some might have added heme iron. How laughable. How about warning people of all the toxic carbohydrates, damaging fiber, and all the added highly toxic chemicals? Frikkin’ hypocrites.
Should I take iron supplements instead of getting iron via food? (Are you completely mad?!)
“Richter said that iron supplements’ benefits depend on an individual’s health situation. Women who are menstruating or pregnant, for example, may need extra iron to meet their body’s needs. But she still suggests turning to foods before supplements for essential minerals like iron.
Whenever possible, it’s best to prioritize getting your nutrients from food before turning to supplements. Iron supplements can be hard on the stomach and often don’t absorb as well as iron from whole foods. Whole foods offer synergistic nutrients that aid in digestion and absorption, Richter said.”
Pregnant women should always be on an animal-based diet, preferably fully carnivore to ensure proper nourishment and thus a full and healthy development of the baby. Not consuming animal-based food will result in nutrient deficiencies and that will hurt both the mother and the developing child, which is extremely evil. I covered this in my article “Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child.”
And with this, MNT’s cover of this ridiculous study came to an end. No real explanation of what was going on with the heme iron, and not a word of the real cause of diabetes, as in carbohydrates, nor that it is impossible to develop diabetes on a ketogenic diet, thus making their silly pot-shots totally irrelevant. In truth, this must be the worst article I’ve reviewed this far, and that says a lot. Pure propaganda and lies. So extremely dishonest!
The Real Conclusion by Yours Truly
In the original study, the “researchers” begins with a disclaimer stating that “Dietary haem iron intake is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the underlying plasma biomarkers are not well understood.” Exactly, and also, 79% of the people in the study were females, who are more prone to take iron supplements and likely more prone to consume toxic plant-based foods, which will do great damage and can accelerate the onset of diabetes.

Now, what the researchers looked at was blood work, as in blood plasma levels where they found their ‘correlation’ of slightly higher levels of heme iron among those who developed diabetes.
If you know anything about physiology and biology, you know that high blood plasma levels simply indicate that your tissues are either highly saturated (they cannot absorb more) or they are prevented from absorbing the compound. The latter is of very high importance, as that is what we see with a lot of synthetic vitamins such as B3, B6 and B12 when administered. Your body does not recognize them, so they sit around in your blood until broken down and discharged, doing a lot of damage in the meantime.

Heme iron is a natural and highly bioavailable and essential source of iron, only found in animal-based food, as it is stored in the same way we store iron. So, if heme iron levels are elevated, I really doubt that all tissues and organs are saturated, as that would require a very high intake over many, many years, which is impossible on a carbohydrate-heavy typical western diet where you consume a lot of plant-based and processed garbage. Therefore, logic dictates that these women with increased risk of diabetes had difficulties absorbing heme iron, and we know that heme iron is crucial in glucose metabolism. In humans, iron deficiency has been associated with impaired glucose turnover and impaired thermoregulation, which may contribute to insulin resistance and eventually diabetes! BAM!

And what causes impaired absorption of heme iron? Well, several things stand out such as the defense chemicals phytates and polyphenols which are found in most plant-based foods and can form insoluble complexes with heme iron. Also, an excess of ferritin, as in non-heme iron can blunt the absorption of heme iron, and this form of iron is only found in plant-based and fortified foods. A lot of people have high levels of this toxic iron from consuming these foods.

However, the most important factor in heme iron absorption is the iron regulatory proteins (IRPs,) which play a crucial role in regulating iron uptake and utilization in tissues. These IRPs can be damaged by Oxidative Stress and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS,) which mainly forms during glucose metabolism, as in high blood sugar from consuming carbohydrates. IRPs are also sensitive to iron-induced oxidation, as in high levels of ferritin, non-heme iron from plant-based foods and fortified foods. Also, protein misfolding can affect the activity of IRPs, and protein misfolding can occur when blood glucose is abnormally high, as in when consuming carbohydrates — and especially in combination with unsaturated fats, as in seed/vegetable oils.

Do you see a pattern yet?
Yes, this has absolutely nothing to do with a “high intake of heme iron,” as in consuming a lot of meat, as it’s also extremely unlikely that any of the people in the study consumed such amounts of meat that they got so much heme iron that their tissues became saturated. That is so silly it’s not even funny.
Instead, it is obvious that their bad diet of plant-based foods and repeated consumption of carbohydrates damaged their tissues, and ability to properly absorb heme iron (damaged IRPSs,) hence the increased levels of iron in their blood plasma — thus actually making them deficient in heme iron, which contributed to their poor glucose metabolism and the (accelerated) development of diabetes.
Also, and this is very important, a compound in its natural form, as it is stored in our body, can never be toxic or damaging. Even if you would get a ton of heme iron, your body will only use what it needs and discard the rest. Only non-natural compounds, like iron from plants, fortified foods, and supplements, can become toxic as they are not in the chemically correct form to be stored in our bodies, and therefore can sit around in our bloodstream causing damage.

So, once again, these charlatans employed by the food- and pharmaceutical industry blames the essential biological heme iron and one of its sources, as in red meat, for all the damage that plant-based and processed food caused. We see this over, and over again. And unfortunately, people with zero discernment and no real world knowledge will fall for it.
Now, as always, the solution to perfect health and to never have to worry about any kind of “disease” is simple. Just adopt the diet you are constructed for — our natural proper human and species-specific diet of animal-based foods, and also make sure to eliminate everything from the toxic and contraindicated plant kingdom.
If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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