Trying to Remedy Deficiencies — Magnesium L-Threonate Improving Sleep Quality?

Once again we return to for another perfect example of totally useless and meaningless trial study. This time they summarized a controlled trial with magnesium L-threonate and its impact on improved sleep quality, daytime functioning, and mood in adults with self-reported sleep problems.

What was studied?

“The effectiveness of supplementation with magnesium L-threonate (MgT) for improving self-reported sleep problems.

The primary outcome was sleep quality, assessed using the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (LSEQ), Restorative Sleep Questionnaire (RSQ), and Oura ring (a wearable device that tracks daytime activity and nighttime sleep duration and estimates sleep stages).

The secondary outcomes were daytime activity and readiness, measured using the Oura ring; daytime energy and fatigue and productivity, assessed with a daily diary; mood, assessed using the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire; and the perceived effectiveness of the intervention.”

Well, I’ve been using the Oura ring myself since I began my near-death recovery in early 2018, and compared to other interventions and “medical” tests I’ve done, I find it fairly reliable (except for measuring steps.)

And we already know that magnesium deficiencies are quite common as bioavailable and bioactive magnesium is only available in animal-based food, our natural food source that has been vilified by the elites to keep the population as weak and dumbed-down as possible.

Among hospital patients tested, at least 65% of people in intensive care units (ICUs) and 10-60% of hospitalized patients have magnesium deficiencies. And from various calculations, about 80 % of the total population have less than ideal levels of magnesium. So, by simple logic, we can assume that a magnesium supplement, if absorbed and somewhat bioavailable, will increase magnesium levels and thus help with every chemical process that magnesium is involved in, such as sleep quality through relaxation and improved brain functioning.

Also, magnesium L-threonate was “discovered/invented” in 2010 and consists of a magnesium ion and threonate, a compound that exists physiologically in the brain. Therefore, it is allegedly a form of magnesium that is “notable” for its “ability” to cross the blood-brain barrier.
So, theoretically, unlike other magnesium compounds, magnesium L-threonate should significantly increase magnesium ion concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF,) which is important for brain health/functioning.

Who was studied?

“A total of 76 men and women (average age of 46) with self-reported sleep problems.

The participants did not have a history of sleep-affecting health conditions, did not have a recent experience of highly stressful events, and did not use sleep supplements/medications.”

So, in short, they seemed healthy except for self-reporting sleep problems. And if emotional stress is removed from the table, sleep problems are usually due to either nutrient deficiencies, eating too close to going to bed (as in 3-4 hours before sleeping,) taking stimulants during the later part of the day, and/or exposing oneself to a lot of blue light in the evening before going to sleep (screens.)

How was it studied?

“A 3-week randomized controlled trial was conducted in which the participants took capsules containing either 1 gram of MgT (providing 75 mg of elemental magnesium) or a placebo daily, 2 hours before bedtime.”

1000 mg of magnesium L-threonate only delivers about 75 mg of elemental magnesium. And while that magnesium is considered highly bioavailable, the remaining 925 mg of inorganic matter and chemical fillers will cause a lot of damage. So, even if you can increase magnesium levels and get benefits from the supplementation, there’s still at least 925 mg of toxic waste for each gram of this stuff that the body has to neutralize and expel, if it’s healthy enough (otherwise it will end up in tissues increasing toxicity levels within the body.)

Personally, I would simply get all the magnesium I’ll ever need from consuming our natural and species-specific diet of animal-based foods such as meat and eggs that is 100% bioavailable and has zero toxins. But that’s me. Let’s see what they found.

What were the results?

“Compared with the placebo, supplementation with MgT improved the following outcomes:

  • Daytime energy and productivity
  • LSEQ behavior after waking up
  • RSQ grouchiness, good mood, and mental alertness scores (but not total RSQ scores)
  • POMS anger and esteem scores (but not total POMS scores)
  • Oura ring sleep onset latency (how long it takes to fall asleep), light sleep duration, REM sleep, and deep sleep scores (but not the overall Oura ring sleep quality scores)
  • Oura ring daytime total activity score and total readiness score

In terms of self-reported intervention effectiveness, more participants in the MgT group reported better sleep; feeling more rested upon awakening; better physical and mental health; and better daytime alertness, concentration, energy, and memory.”

Well, look at that. Pretty much every reported outcome they listed is what is listed as a typical problem/symptom when you have magnesium deficiencies, especially when the brain does not get enough magnesium. In other words, the participants who allegedly improved in these areas simply improved their magnesium status within their bodies, reducing their deficiencies.

And guess what? You do not need a trial study to support such simple and logical conclusions.

Anything else I need to know?

“The researchers did not measure the participants’ magnesium statuses. This makes it difficult to determine whether the reported improvements are from potential reductions in magnesium deficiency/insufficiency or directly from supplementing with magnesium.”

Dear staff, are you seriously that clueless of biology, physiology and biochemistry? You can only benefit from an essential nutrient if you are deficient. Once you get enough of a nutrient, your body will either store or excrete the excess. You do not get “superpowers” by consuming more than you need, as it will be discarded. The threshold for what you can absorb and use is the maximum effective dose, and that is also how much you need for functioning at peak level. And you will easily cover all essential nutrients by following our species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods. This is basic level understanding. Sheesh.

So, to conclude, if you have a magnesium deficiency, supplementing with any kind of ‘somewhat absorbable and bioavailable’ magnesium supplement will help with rectifying that deficiency, and thus reducing the symptoms of being deficient. And for brain- and sleep disorders, magnesium L-threonate might be slightly more effective. However, and this is extremely important, all supplements are inorganic and need to be converted by the body, yielding different outcomes. And everything else that does not get converted will be toxic and damaging for the body. So, while you might improve your magnesium status, you will also cause toxicity and cellular damage — and that is a very bad thing. A much better and logical approach would simply be to consume more animal-based foods, or better yet, adopt our natural human animal-based diet that we as a species are supposed to eat to thrive and live a long healthy life. And by adopting our natural carnivorous diet you will never be deficient in any nutrient and thus you will never have to worry about stupid, unnecessary and toxic supplements.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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