Today we return to the supplement-endorsing Fitness website T-Nation and their CCO Chris Shugart with another push for omega-3 supplements.
Remember, the “omega-3” fatty acids, as found in real untouched animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, and eggs, are crucial to your health and well-being. However, omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA in supplement form is a dangerous and toxic shitstorm of rancid fats and chemicals — something that should not be consumed by anyone.
Still, fatty acids, especially those from animals that are crucial for our health and survival, is an interesting subject, so let’s see what Chris Shugart is on about this time, and I’ll use my 30+ years of education and experience within the field along the way.
“Omega-3 Deficiency. This common nutritional deficiency makes you tired, sad, and anxious. Left unchecked, it can lead to severe cognitive impairment. Let’s prevent that.”
Simple, make sure that your diet is animal-based, as in being dominant in meat from preferable ruminant animals such as beef and/or mutton on a daily basis. Preferably, your diet should be fully carnivorous, as in only consuming food from animals such as meat, fish, eggs, and the occasional dairy.
By simply consuming some fatty meat or egg yolks daily, you will guarantee your need for the omega-3 fatty acids.
There! Problem solved. But I bet he will not make it that easy, as T-Nation is all about making money from their gullible and mostly clueless readers.
“Way, way back in human history, one of your ancestors did something that changed the future: he moved to the coast and discovered that the ocean is full of food. Catching fish was easier than chasing land critters. That’s all he knew. What he didn’t know was that he was setting something into motion that changed the course of history: brain expansion.”
Evolution is a theory, and a quite retarded theory at that. While animal-fats, which our brain is made of, is extremely important for its development while growing from a fetus to an adult, and to keep it healthy throughout our life, there is no proof that it made us “evolve” from some primitive ape-like state to the modern human. That is just plain silly.
If the “evolution” theory would be correct, all animals would evolve, especially those who are carnivores, those mammals who have fat arrangements and natural diets similar to ours. Also, apes have been observed walking on two legs and many apes actually live close to water and have been observed catching fish. Still, they have not evolved. Actually, no apes, including chimpanzees, who supposedly shared a similar diet with humans, seem not to have evolved at all since we were in a similar “evolutionary” state. Curious…
Also, if omega-3 was responsible for “brain expansion,” marine mammals like whales and dolphins would have a larger brain-to-body mass ratio and fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids would have grown super-brains. Still, they have not. And let’s not forget omnivorous animals such as black bears, grizzly bears, raccoons, and red foxes who consumes a lot of fatty fish and thus omega-3, yet their brain capacity and cognition are not significantly different from those of other animals either classified as herbivores or carnivores.
The conclusion is simple. All species are different, and the human species was simply constructed with a larger and more advanced brain. It has nothing to do with “evolving.”
With that said, it is likely that our natural carnivorous diet of animal fats, and our ability to scavenge large animal carcasses, made us smarter over time, as we now see a steep decline in intelligence and cognitive function all across the world from our current atrocious and mostly plant-based diet.
In anthropology, it is known that humans have always been animal-based and those who believe in “evolution” have established this fact of a diet rich in saturated fat and cholesterol as the main contributors to “growing the human brain.” In other words, saturated fats and cholesterol are the most important nutrients for developing and keeping the brain healthy.

“It’s called the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. It may or may not be correct, but the general idea makes sense: This new food source was rich in DHA, one of the most important omega-3 fatty acids, along with EPA. Your body can’t make these essential fats; you have to eat them, and DHA is literally brain food.”
Nice disclaimer Chris. It’s likely not true, as explained above. However, EPA and DHA are both important for brain health, and you can get more than enough by simply consuming some fatty meat or some egg yolks daily. And I removed the link to your supplements as there is no need for supplements ever.
“Your ancestor got a little DHA from other sources, and he converted ALA from plants into DHA/EPA. Unfortunately, the conversion rate is terrible (2 to 5%), especially for males. But migrating to the coast changed all that. Now your ancestor’s brain was saturated in DHA. As the generations came and went, human brain development went into hyperdrive. Cognitive function skyrocketed. Mankind flourished and today we have pocket computers and spaceships.”
Spaceships, really? Are you a little gullible child, clinging to juvenile science-fiction stories while sucking on Elon Musk’s teats?
Seriously though, you cannot get omega-3’s as in EPA/DHA from plants, just as you wrote. Not to mention how toxic and damaging those plants are for your health. And you will still get enough DHA from simply following an animal-based diet. Still no need for supplements, ever – not to mention how toxic and damaging those supplements are.
“It’s a good story, but it’s not over. These days, despite all our advancements, we’re at risk of cognitive “de-evolution.” Our brain machinery is dry and rusty: it’s overheated, misfiring, and sending mixed signals. It sounds melodramatic, but medicine has a new term for it: omega-3 deficiency.”
Actually, it’s animal fat deficiency. And this has been recognized within physiology and biology for a long time.

And the same can be said for the understanding of “broken brain syndrome.” It’s all about the lack of animal fats in the diet.

With that said, a lack of the omega-3 fatty acids will cause problems of their own. However, if you consume animal-based foods on a regular basis, you should not develop deficiencies in either saturated fats, cholesterol, or omega-3.
Omega-3 Deficiency: What Does It Do to Me?
“Lack of omega-3s, particularly DHA, cause or exacerbate several brain-related issues:
- Mood Problems: Increased anxiety, more depression, and mood swings. Omega-3s are involved in neurotransmitter regulation (serotonin and dopamine), critical for mood stability. Without omega-3s, the brain gets inflamed, leading to depressive symptoms and anxiety.
- Fatigue: Lack of energy or a feeling of generalized tiredness.
- Poor Memory: Difficulty concentrating or recalling information.
- Very Bad Things: At the extreme end, but not uncommon, omega-3 deficiency is associated with ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and dementia (including early-onset Alzheimer’s, affecting people between 30 and 50).
In short, a lack of “brain food” is causing rampant cognitive impairment, general unhappiness, and what could be deemed a diet-related form of stupidity.”
Perhaps. But guess what? All these brain-related issues are also caused by lack of saturated fat and/or cholesterol! So, while some of these issues might be from a lack of omega-3’s, they might as well be from a lack of saturated fats or especially cholesterol, as seen in those poor buggers being prescribed evil statins. Also, the lack of animal fats in the diet is why every single vegan gets mentally ill within months after being duped into the ultimate slave diet.
How Can I Avoid or Correct Omega-3 Deficiency?
“According to the literature, moderate to severe deficiencies require a consistent intake of just over 1000 mg per day (about half that works for a mild deficiency).”
Actually, I would consider 1000 mg a day to be a minimum for good health, preferably 1,500 mg a day.
Anyways, a single egg yolk, depending on what the hens are being fed, can contain up to 600 mg omega-3, with an average of 200 mg. So, five egg yolks a day would easily cover 1000 mg, and likely cover 1,500 mg as well.

As for fatty beef, sirloin has at least 80 mg of omega-3’s per 100 grams, with an average of over 100 mg, and grass-fed beef can have more than 200 mg per 100 grams. So, again, simply consuming 500 grams of beef daily will have you covered. Adding in some egg yolks here and there, and you will be golden.

Personally, I consume anywhere from 600 grams to 1,000 grams of beef daily, and at least 8 eggs. That is at least 2,600 mg of omega-3 a day. And considering that my eggs are from free range outdoor hens, it’s likely double that. Not to mention all the essential saturated fats and cholesterol I get that is needed not only for your brain, but for your entire body.
See how easy everything is if you simply adopt our natural species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet? No need to worry about any kind of nutrient deficiency. Everything you need is available in meat, as meat is simply what we ourselves are made up of.
If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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