Oh yes, clueless Matt Weik of Ironmagazine returns with yet another zero out of ten article, this time doing an advertisement for “Mud Water,” as in a toxic mix of mushrooms, supposedly as an alternative to coffee. Well, while the creators with the combined IQ of a 3-year-old child might find it funny, the silly name is actually appropriate. Mud as in as in sludge, as in toxic muck, as in something you would find on a putrefying vegan zombie corpse, or in the alternative universe of the Toxic Avenger.
Disclaimer: I will try to be as nice as possible, as you’ve probably already noticed, considering the incredible harm all this nonsense Matt Weik has promoted thus far will cause to gullible people actually trying it.
Let’s see what this imbecile has to say this time.
“Imagine waking up to a steaming brew that tastes like coffee but without the hazards of caffeine that come with it. Mud water is being called one of the best alternatives to coffee and is slowly garnering rave reviews in wellness circles.”
Imagine being an illiterate hypocrite like you Matt. The “hazards of caffeine” you say, all while you are promoting and selling energy drinks and pre-workout powders and other supplements that are stacked with caffeine.
And guess what, this “Mud Water” still contains caffeine, although only about a third of that in coffee, but that toxin is still in there, giving a small buzz — as in causing stress on the body, also known as fight-or-flight response.
What Are the Ingredients in Mud Water?
“Mud water comprises mushrooms, cacao, adaptogens, and spices that create a blend that is not just energy-rich but is considered a viable alternative to coffee. It promises to offer the energy and focus of caffeine without exposing you to the pitfalls of crashes and jitters of the same.”
Matt, you’re so stupid it’s embarrassing. That blend is not “energy-rich,” and not one single one of these toxins can “provide energy” as you can only get energy from macronutrients such as fat, protein, and if you’re retarded, from carbohydrates (which f**ks-up your blood glucose and damages your soft tissues.)

What these toxins actually do when ingested is to cause acute poisoning, forcing your body to go into a fight-or-flight response to protect itself and upregulate its detoxification pathways.

The “energy” and “focus/alertness” you feel is from this fight-or-flight response and the release of norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine. That is your body’s way of helping you to evade danger, while also increasing the rate of detoxification to neutralize and expel these very damaging toxins. It’s extreme stress on the body, and it will really wear and tear on your organs. Not good at all.

“The mushrooms themselves are grown using sustainable farming methods and are USDA-certified, where third-party testers audit their quality for contaminants and heavy metals.”
Does not matter, as mushrooms belong to the Fungi Kingdom and grow out of the ground/soil, and therefore any compound found in a mushroom is chemically different from any compound found in a human, and thus potentially toxic. Even if some compounds can be converted into something organic the body can use, the compounds remaining unconverted is a big toxic load, damaging your cells. And of course, mushrooms are loaded with chemically wrong “antioxidants,” as in defense chemicals, that are extremely different from antioxidants found in our bodies or in any animal, and thus they do incredible harm, damaging and even killing cells.

“Mushrooms in the morning might sound a bit outlandish, but when your morning beverage comes packed with so many health benefits, why not?”
Are you seriously this retarded, Matt? There are zero benefits to anything that grows out of the dirt. It’s not chemically compatible with humans that are obligate hyper carnivores. Every single compound is toxic. Have you ever even looked into biology, physiology, or biochemistry?
Obviously not.
And to us who are awake, aware, and healthy, having a cup of coffee, or even worse, cereal, bread or oatmeal in the morning is outlandish and extraordinarily stupid. Just imagine starting the day by beating up, poisoning and punishing your body. Idiotic.
Ingredients in Mud Water
Didn’t you just make a headline about this, Matt? Already getting old from all that toxic load, are we Matt?
“Below are some potential health benefits of the mushrooms in mud water:”
Again, there are no benefits, and I will explain what these “ingredients” really are.
“Reishi: Considered the king of mushrooms, it has properties that aid the body’s ability to respond to stress and support the immune system. “
We do not have an immune system. This retarded idea of something supporting the “immune system” comes from its extreme toxicity that causes the body to slow down or even halt it’s ongoing healing processes (as in inflammation) to instead focus on the new immediate threat, that of the toxic compound ingested.
Now, Reishi mushrooms contain a lot of triterpenoids, as in a class of terpenoids, or terpenes, the largest class of plant secondary metabolites. They exhibit a wide range of biological activities, including antimicrobial, antifungal, and insecticidal properties. While terpenoids are not exactly classified as defense chemicals, they do kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of fungi; two very important resources in detoxification and tissue healing. In other words, they will suppress the body’s ability to detoxify and repair tissue damage, thus relieving you of some of the symptoms from these processes. That is very bad as the toxic load and the damage will continue to accumulate.
Also, many other mushrooms, including fungus, contain terpenoids, so if you stack them in the same product, you’ll get a lot of it, which could pose some serious danger as your body will be almost unable to detoxify and heal.

“Lion’s Mane: A fungus that usually grows on trees, it has found its place in traditional Chinese medicine and is known to improve focus and cognition.”
Lion’s Mane contains a lot of toxic stuff. For starters, what Matt is hinting at, probably from something he read from a paper printed in Comic Sans typeface, is 5-Hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP,) a precursor to serotonin. However, Lion’s Mane mushroom does not contain 5-HTP as a precursor. It does however contain tryptophan, which can be converted to 5-HTP in the body, which then can be synthesized into serotonin. Although all this is possible, there will be a lot of toxic waste along the way from the bioconversion processes.

Lion’s Mane also contains compounds such as hericenones and erinacines, compounds that can cross the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF) according to in vitro studies (which are irrelevant,) and affect neuronal processes. NGF is also crucial for tissue repair, and messing with NGF can inhibit these processes. As for effects in humans, it’s theoretical, but being foreign and not chemically compatible compounds with an angularly fused 5/6/7 tricyclic core, they’re likely very toxic even if a small amount of them can be converted and stimulate NGF in a positive manner.

“Chaga: Famous for its medicinal properties, Chaga is an essential antioxidant that aids the immune system effectively”
Again, there is not an “immune system,” and “antioxidants” in plants are defense chemicals and extremely toxic and damaging to humans. Consuming them is an excellent way to destroy some cells and damage your organs. If you want to die early, go ahead and gulp down that Chaga. Idiots.

“Cordyceps: From the arsenal of Chinese medicine, cordyceps also has antioxidant properties and supports the immune system”
I don’t need to repeat myself, do I? And as for the practitioners of “Chinese medicine,” they were as easily deceived as most people today, as symptoms lessened due to taking something very toxic causing an acute poisoning response. I’ve explained this in many, many, articles.
“Turkey Tail: Derives its name from its appearance, Turkey Tail is a very popular mushroom that has immuno-supportive properties and offers antioxidants.”
Ah, for f**k’s sake, let’s just continue. This Mud Water sure is a very toxic and potentially deadly concoction.
“King Trumpet Mushrooms: This variety of mushrooms is loaded with protein, fiber, B Vitamins, Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.”
They might very well be “loaded” with these “nutrients” compared to that Snickers bar you’re chewing on Matt, but they’re still not bioavailable, they’re all in the wrong chemical form and they need to be converted. So, we might end up with 10% of the vitamins and 50% of the minerals, and considering the small amount of powder used for a cup of “mud water,” as in one or two tablespoons, that’s nutritionally insignificant, but also an added toxic load from the inorganic nutrients that did not get converted.
However, since the powder is added to hot water, as in more than 82C (180F,) the very small amount of vitamins that might be in there will be destroyed by the heat anyway and will simply be recognized as foreign toxic compounds by the body, causing stress and damage.
“Maitake and Shiitake: These mushrooms make excellent meals and are packed with Vitamin B and biotin.”
They say repetition is the mother of learning, but not in your case Matt. Look up bioavailability, as in absorption and bioconversion, and also what happens to the residues not converted.
Also, B1, B2, B6, and B12 degrade very quickly in heat, losing about 45% of its benefits during normal cooking, while B12 is almost totally destroyed. Actually, if the heat is above 85C (185F,) 94% of B12 is destroyed in only 15 seconds.
8 Alleged Benefits of Mud Water
I added, “alleged” to your headline Matt, as it was missing.
“1. Reduced Caffeine
Mud water is an attractive proposition for many people because of its controlled caffeine content. It contains 35g of caffeine per cup, compared to around 90 to 100mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee. This is beneficial for people who are trying to cut their caffeine consumption or are sensitive to it.”
35g? You mean 35mg, or you would be dead. And even 35mg is more than enough to stress the body, as in making you somewhat more alert and focused due to the fight-or-flight response and the unnatural stimulus of the central nervous system.

“2. Coping with Stress
Mud water contains herbal adaptogens, organic substances that help the body cope with stress. Studies reveal that chaga mushrooms have the potential to help your body fight cancer, diabetes, and other viruses, although the jury is still out on this.”
Cancer and diabetes are not “viruses.” Also, viruses do not exist. That is a hoax of the debunked germ theory. Believing in viruses is comparable to believing in Santa Claus. Get your head screwed on straight, Matt!
As for adaptogens, we covered that in the beginning of the article. As they’re not chemically compatible, they cause toxic damage which in turn up-regulates the body’s defenses and detoxification pathways, giving you the illusion of a positive outcome from the effects of this emergency response. That’s not a good thing, that will wear and tear on the body, it’s the complete opposite of coping with stress.

“3. Helps in Digestion
Cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger are included in mud water, and they provide digestive relief to the body and have anti-inflammatory properties. Cacao and cinnamon also help fight oxidative stress.”
I’ve covered these extremely toxic and dangerous substances in earlier articles. They shut down the healing processes in the intestines, thus reducing the inflammation response, and giving the illusion of better digestion — at least for a while until the damage gets even worse and you end up with colon cancer. Frikkin’ idiots.
“4. Controls Hypertension
Mud water is made of mushrooms, which have a comparatively lower sodium content than caffeine. Excess sodium is detrimental to people with hypertension, and using mud water can curb that possibility.”
Depends on the source and chemical form of the sodium. This point is totally irrelevant.
“5. Enhances Cardiac Health
Cacao in mud water has a host of benefits. Firstly, it helps people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and promotes better digestion. However, cacao has also been shown to aid blood circulation because of the presence of flavonoids. To top it off, cacao is potassium-rich and can mitigate cardiac risks.”
This is the same bullshit as in point 3. Cacao is extremely toxic and full of cadmium! It inhibits your natural healing processes, thus relieving you of its symptoms. That is a very, very, bad thing as damage will continue to accumulate. And increased blood circulation is due to the acute poisoning response, as in neutralizing and expelling the toxins. That is not a good thing, that is unnecessary bodily stress.
Damn ignorance!
“6. Keeps Blood Sugar in Check
Curcumin, a component of turmeric, has proven effective in controlling blood glucose and reducing weight in people diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Several studies have attributed cinnamon to similar effects. In addition, cinnamon can also reduce blood glucose fluctuation.”
No, I covered the extremely toxic and dangerous curcumin and cinnamon in several articles. You keep your blood glucose in check by not consuming toxic and damaging carbohydrates. It’s frikkin’ common sense.
“7. Improves Hydration
Sea Salts in mud water are rich in electrolytes. Apart from the salty taste, they help maintain the body’s electrolytic balance and promote better digestion.”
That depends on the ratio between organic sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. I could not find any data on this added sea salt in “mud water.” So, it’s speculation at best. And as for the electrolytes in mushrooms, about 60-80% might be absorbed, while the rest still in its inorganic form will be extremely toxic causing plaque in arteries.
I prefer to get my electrolytes from animal-based foods that are 100% compatible and absorbed.
“8. Skin Health and Detoxification
Mud water also contains collagen, which is extremely important for keeping skin firm and reducing the chances of lines and wrinkles. Activated charcoal in mud water helps flush out toxins and impurities from the body, helping you feel refreshed and energized.”
Actually, according to the braindead producers of this complete garbage (MUD\WTR,) there’s no collagen added to mud water. However, they suggest in an article that you can add collagen or protein powder to the mix.
Same with activated charcoal, as that would neutralize and bind up some of the toxins in this atrocious blend, reducing its effect on the body.
So, I guess Matt simply parroted some other articles he found on the interwebs that mentioned collagen and charcoal, adding some of his own clueless comments and never actually checked the producer’s website or the nutrition facts on the product — same as some YouTubers do with my content, actually quoting me word for word as if there were their own discoveries or statements. Well, I’m not surprised.
This was an utter mess of toxic and very damaging crap. Do not consume it! And Matt, you forgot to mention that it’s an expensive “alternative” at $60 per bag or $2 per serving. Just imagine paying actual money to get poisoned and reduce your life-span. Idiotic. Well, at least to us who are awake and aware, as most people do that on a regular basis as they consume anything plant-based or processed.
If you want an instant pick-me-up, consume some raw liver, preferably self-fermented for a few weeks.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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