vitamin B12

Mud Water Is A Highly Toxic Mushroom Soup — An Introduction To Mushrooms

Oh yes, clueless Matt Weik of Ironmagazine returns with yet another zero out of ten article, this time doing an advertisement for “Mud Water,” as in a toxic mix of mushrooms, supposedly as an alternative to coffee. Well, while the creators with the combined IQ of a 3-year-old child might find it funny, the silly name is actually appropriate. Mud as in as in sludge, as in toxic muck, as in something you would […]

Mud Water Is A Highly Toxic Mushroom Soup — An Introduction To Mushrooms Read the Full Article »

Keratin Supplementation And Skin, Hair, And Nail Health

Today we’ll take a quick look at a summary by on a study that examined the effects of supplementing with keratin hydrolysate and its possible effects on skin, hair, and nail health. Before we continue, for those unfamiliar with keratin, it’s a type of fibrous structural protein found in the epithelial cells of the outermost layers of the skin, as well as in hair, nails, horns, hooves, wool, feathers, and the scales of

Keratin Supplementation And Skin, Hair, And Nail Health Read the Full Article »

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods

The supplement pushers at T-Nation are back with another ignorant and potentially dangerous advertisement article — this time “tackling” the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency among clueless and dumbed down plant-based morons. Before we get ahead of ourselves and laugh our asses off from reading their “recommendations,” let’s start from the beginning and see what else they got wrong. “When researchers studied over 160,000 vegans and vegetarians, they discovered an alarming trend: their mental

Forget Toxic Supplements — You Can Only Get Vitamin B12 From Animal Foods Read the Full Article »

The Real Reasons For Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline

As always, the medical field and their extremely incompetent and paid-off researchers once again failed to understand the simple fact that just because two variables are associated, it does not mean that one causes the other. This is why we who practice real science say, “correlation does not imply causation,” as correlation alone does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the variables. In other words, just because two variables are correlated, it does not

The Real Reasons For Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline Read the Full Article »

Your Best Bet for Gray Hair Reversal

Today we return to the shill-website Healthline who recently published an article on graying hair, it’s causes, and what can and can’t be done about it.As usual, they get a small portion right while explaining it wrong, and as always, they fall back on complete pseudo-science, the lies we’ve been told since childhood. Let’s see what they have to say. “Your hair turns gray or white from a loss of melanin, a pigment-producing component

Your Best Bet for Gray Hair Reversal Read the Full Article »

The One-Thing for Pumped-Up Erections

As I’m a big sucker for health and like to poke at the industry I worked in for more than 25 years, we once again return to T-Nation and their Co-founder TC Luoma as he tackles the topic of erections. His article opens with a quick look at the extremely unhealthy market of erection drugs and the various side-effects, including a ‘bloody member.’ That preamble takes us to a list of more ‘natural’ and

The One-Thing for Pumped-Up Erections Read the Full Article »

Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding

Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need Read the Full Article »

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods

While checking a couple of websites this early morning, I just happened to see that an online publication and supplement company recently released an ‘updated’ formula of their “superfood.” Yes, these toxic ‘greens’ powders are still a thing. Gullible people within the Fitness industry make smoothies or put it in their protein shakes believing that they are healthy. Vegans drink them by the gallons in hope to nourish their malnourished, decaying, and dying bodies.

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods Read the Full Article »

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