This was just too stupid, humorous, and dangerous at the same time to let it slide by. Only a few days after the imbecile Matt Weik, whom I called out as a hypocrite, published his awful advertisement article for the highly toxic and dangerous “mud water,” where he praised the lower caffeine content compared to coffee, he now published an article promoting the most potent and dangerous version of caffeine. Well, considering that caffeine is a poison that damages the body, let’s see what he had to say and I’ll fill you in on the real science and truth along the way as I always do.
What is Caffeine Anhydrous?
“Caffeine anhydrous is a processed, dehydrated form of caffeine that appears as a white crystalline powder. Due to its potency and efficiency, it’s commonly used by athletes and those with weight loss goals.”
Yes, indeed Matt, caffeine anhydrous is chemically identical to caffeine, but lacks water molecules, hence the term “anhydrous” (meaning “without water”.)
However, as Matt will not mention any crucial and important facts relating to the real properties of caffeine and its interaction with the human body — likely because he is too stupid to do proper research or too brainwashed and conditioned to not even ask himself those important questions, let me get you up to speed.
Caffeine is extracted from coffee beans, as in the seed, the most toxic part of any plant. Thus, caffeine is considered a defense chemical within biology and biochemistry. It’s part of the plant’s survival defense against any predators. I.e., so you do not eat the plant (killing it) or the seeds, as in chewing and destroying them (the way plants reproduce.)

As a defense chemical, caffeine’s toxicity is off the roof as it will paralyze and even kill insects and small animals that feed on the plant. For a human, who takes this poison in a concentrated and chemically pure form, the toxicity will cause some cell damage every time you consume it — and in higher doses, it is very lethal (which should tell you that it’s not meant for consumption.)
Also, as it’s a potent poison, it will cause acute poisoning and a fight-or-flight response — and this is part of the “buzz” and “alertness” you may feel after ingesting caffeine. This stress response will tax all involved glands and organs, including the adrenal glands, the heart, the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the blood vessels, the lungs, and the nervous system.

In other words, every time you take caffeine, you will stress these tissues, especially the adrenal glands and the heart.
“This form of caffeine is often found in products like caffeinated chewing gum and energy bars, and it is rehydrated for energy drinks. Because of its purity, caffeine anhydrous provides a stronger and more concentrated boost compared to regular caffeine sources.”
Yes, and that is not a good thing. All sources of caffeine are toxic and damaging, and the more concentrated and fast-acting, the stronger the fight-or-flight response will be, and the higher the stress on the body will be. Not good, not good at all.
How Does Caffeine Anhydrous Work?
“Caffeine, whether from natural sources or as caffeine anhydrous, works like adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes you sleepy. Adenosine typically binds to receptors in the brain, leading to that familiar mid-afternoon slump. However, when you consume caffeine, it takes adenosine’s place on those receptors, blocking its effects.
What this does is help you stay awake and alert by preventing the drowsiness adenosine would usually cause.”
Yes, this is the politically correct definition of one of caffeine’s effects on the body and the mechanic often touted among imbeciles. Blocking adenosine will trick the body into believing it is rested and in no need of sleep. It might also increase the activity of some neurotransmitters.

Also, the mid-afternoon slump Matt mentioned, as in “food coma,” is not natural. That might happen in people who have a large and badly composed meal, as in feeling full and having trouble digesting the crappy plant-based and vegetable/seed-oil drenched food. As a response to aid digestion, your body releases adenosine to make you want to slow down and stay still, so more blood and resources can be diverted to the digestive system.
Anyone who follows our natural human and species appropriate diet of solely animal-based foods never experience this, as meat is extremely easily digested, especially the less cooked it is (why raw meat is superior.) Even after a very large meal of meat, you’re ready to go. You don’t even notice that you’ve just eaten.

Now, the real stimulatory effects of caffeine that most people want, as in “alertness” and “focus,” and increased energy production is due to the effects of acute poisoning, as in the fight-or-flight response where the body activates the sympathetic nervous system, increases the production of adrenaline/epinephrine, norepinephrine, and also cortisol to a small extent. Adrenaline causes the heart to beat faster and stronger, increasing blood pressure (straining the heart and blood vessels.) This ensures that more oxygenated blood is delivered to the muscles and brain. The diaphragm contracts more rapidly, increasing respiratory rate and depth. This allows for more oxygen to be taken in and more carbon dioxide to be removed. The liver releases stored glucose (glycogen) into the bloodstream, providing a quick energy source for the muscles and brain. Muscles become “tense” and ready for action, preparing for either fighting or fleeing, giving you the feeling of wanting to move around or “exercise” as your muscles “feel ready for battle.” The body also prepares for physical activity by increasing sweat production, helping to regulate body temperature. As part of this, the body also diverts blood flow away from the digestive system and towards the muscles and brain, reducing digestive activity.

Now, this response was critical for our survival in the past when we encountered a dangerous situation — and funny enough, all of its effects are what is deemed the effects of taking caffeine or similar stimulants… However, triggering this stress response chemically and artificially by tricking the body with a poison is not healthy as it is an enormous stress on the body every time it has to prepare itself for a survival situation — because that is what it is to our physiology, a matter of life and death — every time you take these stimulants like caffeine.
Thus, it’s an indisputable fact that repeated use of caffeine, whether it’s from drinking coffee, energy drinks, taking pre-workout formulas or popping caffeine pills will take its toll on the body, especially the cardiovascular system, and thus reducing your life span. There’s no way around it. It’s simple physiology. It’s simple logic.

Also, do not be deceived by scientific summaries stating retarded “conclusions” such as, “moderate caffeine consumption, typically defined as up to 300-400 mg per day, is generally considered safe for most adults,” as this only takes into account a single use as based on it’s immediate toxicity and lethal dose for humans around 150-200 mg/kg body weight, as in 10,000 to 14,000 mg for most people. And a dose at about 2,000 mg can cause such toxicity that you need to be hospitalized. Additionally, powdered caffeine anhydrous supplements which are more potent and quick-acting have been linked to several fatalities, with estimated lethal amounts less than a tablespoon!
Also, in people of poor health, cases of fatalities have been reported at lower doses of regular caffeine at only 57 milligrams per kilogram (approximately 4,000 mg.)
Again, these idiotic recommendations are only based on a single use considering caffeine’s toxicity and lethal dose, it does not reflect repeated use and accumulated damage! They never tell you these things, as they want to sell it, make money, and make sure you are only living long enough to retire.

4 Benefits of Caffeine Anhydrous
Well, you might perceive them as benefits, but as we have already established, these “benefits” or ‘effects,’ come with a very high price tag — your health and life span.
Of course, you also have to take into account all other toxins you come in contact with. If someone consumes a plant-centric diet and a lot of processed foods, that person will have an extreme toxic load while lacking essential nutrients only found in animal foods to actually detoxify properly, so adding caffeine to such a poor lifestyle can really spell disaster and will likely lead to cardiovascular “diseases” within years.
However, someone who is mostly animal-based will be able to tolerate and detoxify better from caffeine use. Still, do you really want to harm and stress your body that way? And for what?
You have to decide if you deem the “benefits” worth the risks. Unfortunately, most people do not have the real information about how caffeine affects the body, and thus they cannot make an informed decision. Hopefully, at least my readers can do that after reading the additional information I provided.
“1. Weight loss
Caffeine anhydrous might help with weight loss in two ways.
- First, it may reduce hunger.
- Second, it could increase calorie burning through a process called thermogenesis.”
This goes back to the fight-or-flight stress response of acute poisoning from ingesting caffeine. As I mentioned, the body diverts blood flow away from the digestive system and towards the muscles and brain, reducing digestive activity and thus hunger for a few hours. And the liver releases stored glucose (glycogen) into the bloodstream, providing a quick energy source for the muscles and brain while increasing respiratory rate and your heart rate. In other words, your body expends more energy while being in this stressed state, and also, the detoxification process, as in neutralizing and expelling the caffeine and repairing tissue damage will also use up some extra energy and nutrients.

And of course, since you feel energized and alert, you might move around more or even exercise, spending even more energy, so yes, a fight-or-flight response might help with “weight loss.”
But a better and healthier approach would simply be some reduction of food a few times a week, or even a day of fasting.
“2. Exercise performance
Caffeine, whether anhydrous or natural, is a proven performance booster. Studies show it enhances endurance in activities like running and cycling.”
No, caffeine does nothing beside poisoning you. It’s the acute poisoning effect from caffeine that triggers the fight-or-flight response that is performance boosting — as in your body releasing epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and glucose. You need to be specific and inform people on what is actually going on, anything else is very deceitful.
“3. Improves kidney function
Research indicates that caffeine anhydrous may have positive effects on kidney health. Studies have found interesting connections between caffeine intake and kidney-related issues.”
This is a complicated issue. Caffeine does not have positive effects on kidney health as it will stress the kidneys and with repeated administration, the kidneys will take damage over time, as in accumulated stress and damage.
However, caffeine increases urine production by stimulating the kidneys to release more water and electrolytes (which can lead to dehydration.) This increase in urine production reduces urinary supersaturation of calcium oxalate and uric acid, which temporarily lower the likelihood of new kidney stones forming. With that said, considering the damage caffeine does to the entire body, it’s much smarter to avoid oxalates in the first place, as in avoiding retarded plant-based foods, coffee, tea and some artificial synthetic vitamins like ascorbic acid (vitamin C,) that turns into oxalates.

“4. Increases alertness and improves cognition
Caffeine is well-known for its ability to boost alertness, which is its most recognized benefit. Along with this, caffeine supports various cognitive enhancements.
Studies indicate that caffeine improves attention, mood, and mental clarity.”
It’s important to use the correct labels and properties so the potential consumer understands what they might actually put into their bodies. While caffeine, as a toxin and poison, blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, the most noticeable effects comes from the acute poisoning, as in the fight-or-flight response, which we have covered in depth. Thus, most of the properties attributed to caffeine is actually from your body preparing you to avoid danger while upregulating its detoxification and healing abilities.

Of course, they will not tell you this, as they want to sell this poison, this drug, to the public. So, they dumb it down, they deceive, and simply say that these sought after effects are from caffeine’s chemical properties. And again, not a word about the enormous stress it puts on the body, nor the accumulated damage and fatigue of organs with repeated use.
“Additionally, higher doses have been shown to enhance cognitive functions, including mental sharpness, quicker reasoning abilities, and improved memory retention. These effects make caffeine a popular choice for boosting focus and cognitive performance.”
And this comes from the imbecile who recently wrote, “Imagine waking up to a steaming brew that tastes like coffee but without the hazards of caffeine that come with it,” when promoting the highly toxic and damaging crap called ‘mud water.’ Matt, you’re such a hypocrite — not to mention a real danger to your readers.
While a higher dose will cause a more severe poisoning effect and a stronger fight-or-flight response, mostly from the body desperately trying to neutralize and expel the poison, higher doses have also been linked to overdoses with severe toxicity and hospital visits, as well as several fatalities! And these deaths were from the use of caffeine anhydrous, the pure, quick-acting and more potent form of caffeine that Matt is now pushing.

Tips to Consider
“If you want to use caffeine to boost your performance, follow these tips:
- Start with a low dose and find the smallest amount that gives you a performance boost.
- Take the caffeine about an hour before you train or compete.
- Remember that doses over 6 mg per kg of body weight don’t offer extra benefits and may cause side effects.
- Utilize caffeine anhydrous pre-workout in a dose of 3-6 mg per kg of body weight.
- For a 150-pound athlete, a 3 mg/kg dose is about 200 milligrams of caffeine. This equals roughly two cups of coffee.”
“May cause side effects,” you wrote. Well, Matt. Caffeine is a poison. The more you take of a poison, the stronger and worse the effects will be until your body can’t handle the toxic load, thus, if you take too much, it’s game over.
And while 200 to 400 mg might give you a buzz and performance boost due to the fight-and-flight response, what do you think is happening to your organs, especially your heart, if you go on and do intense exercise or compete while being in a jacked-up stress state where the heart is already working overtime and your blood pressure is elevated — and where the body is trying to neutralize and clear out a deadly poison? Yes, that’s a lot of extra stress and wear on your organs and tissues. While taking caffeine or any other stimulant before you exercise will improve performance, it will also cause a lot more damage, especially to your cardiovascular system. That is simply common sense, and if you haven’t even thought about it, or considering the damage caused, perhaps it’s time to wake up from all the indoctrination and start using that brain again.

Now, here’s a real tip to consider. If you currently are taking caffeine in any form, be it from coffee, tea, tablets, capsules, or any kind of supplement, simply start to taper down and stop! You do not need it, as it is a band-aid to a shitty diet of carbohydrates, plant-based garbage, and processed food that make you into a zombie. Change your diet and focus on animal-based foods, and you will have all the energy, clarity, and alertness you could ever imagine — and that without harming and stressing your body.
If you’re unsure how to start, I have tons of articles on nutrition in my archives — or you can simply contact me for help and guidance.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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