Today we return to the supplement-driven Ironmagazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might have the worst track-record in history of fitness writers. However, colostrum, as in bovine colostrum from cows, is at least an animal-based product, which means that it has a lot of bioavailable nutrients, so it must be pretty good, right?
Well, let’s see what Matt Weik has to say, and I’ll step in as usual with my 30+ years of experience and armed with real science.
“There is a trend that seems to be taking the internet by storm of a milk product meant for newborn calves that humans are starting to use daily. What am I talking about? Colostrum.
Colostrum supplements, derived from the first milk cows produce after giving birth, have recently surged in popularity.”
Well, the first study investigating colostrum supplementation in exercise performance was completed in 1997 and the first colostrum supplements launched in the late 1990’s and were quite popular for a few years into the 2000’s. I remember running a few articles on the potential benefits back then for Ironman and Exhale Magazine. And the reason for the new interest was some recent articles and reviews published in 2022 and 2024, which discussed the benefits and risks of colostrum supplements, indicating ongoing development and marketing of these products.
What is a Colostrum Supplement?
“So, what exactly is colostrum, and why is it showing up in your supplement stores? This unique fluid, produced by mammals shortly after giving birth, serves as nature’s first superfood for newborns. While traditionally reserved for infants, colostrum has recently caught the attention of adults seeking its potential health benefits.”
Bovine colostrum is the initial milk secretion produced by cows after parturition (birth.) It is a thick, creamy fluid rich in nutrients, proteins, growth factors, and antibodies, distinct from mature milk. Now, “antibodies” are simply Y-shaped proteins that bind to toxins, neutralizing their harmful effects. These proteins also activate white blood cells that aid in any tissue repair caused by the toxin. So, “antibodies” have absolutely nothing to do with non-existing imaginary viruses, non-existing “contagious diseases,” nor do they attack bacteria, as bacteria is part of the cleaning crew, assisting white blood cells in the healing process. This is widely established in physiology and biology, while the pseudo-science of modern medicine inverted the truth and added the imaginary contagion hoax — hence the idiotic name “antibody.”

Anyway, colostrum contains a perfect balance of nutrients, growth factors, and protective mechanics for a newborn life to grow and be healthy.
“Bovine colostrum, which comes from cows, forms the basis of most colostrum supplements on the market today. It shares many similarities with human colostrum, packing a powerful punch of nutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins that support growth and enhance the immune system.”
Yes, but the “immune system” is a hoax, invented by the inverted medical science to deceive us into believing in transferable diseases, juvenile viruses, and harmful bacteria. I’ve written tons about this, and anyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense should be able to figure this out once the programming has been broken.
“Supplement manufacturers process this nutrient-rich fluid into convenient forms like pills or powders. The resulting product typically has a pale yellow hue and a mild flavor reminiscent of buttermilk. As interest in natural health solutions continues to grow, many adults are now turning to bovine colostrum supplements.”
Yes, they ‘process’ this nutrient-rich fluid, which actually should tell you all you need to know. But as Matt is not the brightest guy considering he’s been in the fitness industry since the early 2000’s, let’s continue.
Colostrum Supplement Nutrition
- Lactoferrin, a protein in colostrum, plays a crucial role in immune function. Studies suggest it may boost antioxidant levels and strengthen the immune system in healthy adults.
- Growth factors found in colostrum, such as transforming growth factors and insulin-like growth factors, could aid in muscle and cartilage repair. This has gained the interest of athletes looking to reduce recovery time, though more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.
- Colostrum also contains a variety of antibodies, particularly those that protect against digestive system infections. While these antibodies are crucial for newborn calves, scientists are still looking at how humans might benefit from this passive immunity.
- The last major point is that colostrum is rich in hormones. While their exact effects on adults are not fully understood (at least not yet), it is said that some may influence the development of the stomach lining.
Yes, I touched on this earlier in the article. All this is found in unaltered bovine colostrum as taken directly from the cow. And again, forget about “immune” this, “immune” that. It does not exist. What actually exists is a natural detoxification and repair system. Because that is all it is. You get poisoned by toxins and the body releases proteins and other compounds to neutralize the toxins and to aid in tissue repair. And any bacteria that might be present is there to clean up the residues, both from the toxins and from the damaged cells. It’s a beautiful teamwork and relationship.
3 Health Benefits of Colostrum Supplements
Not so fast, “colostrum supplements” are very different from real untouched colostrum, which we will get to. So, these possible health benefits are from unprocessed bovine colostrum directly from the cow.
“1. It may help in gut health and digestion
A comprehensive review of 28 studies exploring bovine colostrum supplementation revealed promising potential for enhancing gut health and the microbiome.
The possible benefits stem from colostrum’s rich content of antibodies and compounds like lactoferrin. These components may support digestive wellness, though more research is needed to confirm their effects in humans.
Colostrum might help repair tissue in the human body. This property could help address leaky gut syndrome by supporting the healing of a damaged intestinal lining.”
Again, the Y-shaped proteins, called “antibodies” by idiots, help with neutralizing toxins and repairing their damage. As for lactoferrin, it’s usually described as “antimicrobial” and “anti-inflammatory,” which should mean that it interferes with healing. But this is due to the inverted and retarded thinking of modern medicine and “nutrition science” — fields that should be ignored by anyone with a functional brain.
In reality, lactoferrin aids the healing process, as it helps in regulating the activity of the compounds needed for repairing damaged tissue, especially wound healing, as if the newborn gets hurt. In other words, lactoferrin regulates the activity of keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. And again, whenever there is healing, there will be bacteria present to clean it up, and inflammation is simply a natural part of the healing process.

So, if you lack lactoferrin, the healing will be a lot slower. If you get plenty of lactoferrin, the healing will be really quick, hence the inverted idea that it is “anti-inflammatory” and “antimicrobial,” because the healing is quicker and once the tissue is healed, the inflammation and the bacteria disappear as the job is done.

As for leaky gut or intestinal damage, it is possible that the growth factors in real unprocessed colostrum could promote mucosal healing. Also, there are some studies that have shown that colostrum can stimulate epithelial repair and restitution, potentially by activating signaling pathways such as EGFR-related pathways. And again, it is packed with bioavailable nutrition, which could remedy some nutrient deficiencies, which will assist the body in finally being able to start healing. However, a better source for such nutrients are any kind of meat, organ meat, or egg yolks.
“2. It may boost immunity
Does colostrum hold the key to a stronger immune system? Recent studies suggest it might, especially for athletes pushing their bodies to the limit.
Colostrum’s immune-boosting potential stems from its high concentration of antibodies, particularly IgA and IgG. These proteins play a crucial role in fighting off harmful viruses and bacteria.”
You’re so indoctrinated and brainwashed. There are no viruses and no such thing as harmful bacteria. I already covered this above and in hundreds of other articles.
Unprocessed colostrum simply contains compounds that aid in detoxification and tissue repair, as it is very crucial for a newborn life that will get exposed to a lot of new things. It’s extremely logical and simple to grasp.
“3. It can help fight diarrhea
The antibodies and lactoferrin found in bovine colostrum show promise in combating diarrhea caused by bacterial and viral infections.”
You little monkey. Can’t stop repeating the same nonsense?
The main cause for diarrhea is from acute poisoning, as in a toxic overload, usually from consuming something plant-based or something that’s been cross-contaminated by toxins. To prevent damage from the toxins and hinder them from entering the bloodstream, your body secretes electrolytes and water into the intestines while increasing intestinal motility, effectively flushing out the toxins. Pretty easy to understand, right? No imaginary viruses randomly flying around just to suddenly target your rectum and making you into an Elon Musk rocket.

However, this also means that diarrhea can be triggered when the body goes through a detoxification process and toxins need to be eliminated through the intestines. And to not cause damage or to be reabsorbed, the body flushes them out, hence diarrhea.

So, in this instance, the anti-toxic compound in colostrum might help, as they neutralize some of these toxins, reducing the toxic load and might even reduce the severity of, or stop, the diarrhea.
And of course, if the diarrhea is from a detoxification process, there will be bacteria present that helps with cleaning up the environment from where the toxins were eliminated. However, that does not mean that the bacteria caused the diarrhea. They are always innocent, but blamed by the retarded medical community.
Again, very logical and simple. No rogue bacteria trying to drill holes in your intestines or any imaginary viruses entering your anus.
And that was it from Matt Weik. That was all he had to say. And he left out the most important bit, that of how colostrum supplements are made and why they are a total waste of money.
As you might have figured out, since you’re one smart ungovernable human, unlike Matt, the first step of colostrum supplement manufacturing is pasteurization. Yep, the most unnecessary and evil thing ever to be used against dairy products to make them virtually useless.
Keep in mind that none of these supplement companies produce their own supplements – they are bought from big certified factories in bulk. And pasteurization is part of the law in most countries, and even if a manufacturing company could do it without pasteurization, they would not be allowed to sell it in other countries, and thus lose a ton of money.
And when it comes to supplements, because of these ignorant and laughable “safety rules” and “laws,” the pasteurization is done at very high temperatures, which depending on method, is between 60°C and 72°C.

While vitamin C will denature at only 30°C, most vitamins and bioactive nutrients will denature and be destroyed between 42°C and 49°C. Proteins and nucleic acids start to denature at 37°C.

On average, many within biochemistry speak of a threshold around 42°C for the destruction of nutrients, which is also why a fever above 42°C is deadly as enzymes lose their function and bacteria start to die.

Now, protein denatures very slowly, as in tens of minutes before most of it is unusable. Other bioactive compounds, including vitamins, can be destroyed in minutes, or seconds if the temperature is really high. It’s a combination of temperature and the time exposed.
It should also be stated that higher temperatures such as above 49°C disrupts the structure of nutrients, making them less bioavailable as our body has a harder time recognizing them and converting them to be bioavailable again.

With that said, this is why you should only cook your meat very slightly or preferably eat it raw, as we are meant to do. Do not waste any nutrients by overcooking.
So yes, the pasteurization when making supplements will destroy most of every bioactive compound and nutrient and/or render them non-bioavailable. You’re pretty much left with watered down milk, if even that.
Keep in mind that regular milk is commonly pasteurized at 72°C for 15 seconds and that virtually destroys everything, hence the added artificial-, chemical- and very toxic vitamins.

To conclude, real unprocessed colostrum straight from a farm might have some interesting properties if you need to gain weight or if you need to heal after coming off a retarded plant-based diet and you only recently adopted our natural human animal-based diet.
However, a supplement will not contain much of what they claim. And even if they concentrate the powder to get a decent “nutrient” profile, most of these nutrients have been altered due to the heat of the pasteurization process, and are no longer bioavailable. In other words, it’s a complete waste of money.
And if you’ve been a carnivore for a few years and have detoxed most of your previous abuse, there’s no need for colostrum unless you desperately want to gain some weight or build some extra muscle mass. In that case, the growth factors might help. But otherwise, you’re better off focusing on meat, organ meats and animal fat.
If you need help with transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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