Colon Cancer

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed […]

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism

The pseudo-scientific “germ-based” shill website Medical News Today recently posted another article on cancer, claiming that “early-stage cancer cells” hide from the “immune system.”This is yet another made-up lie to add to the growing misinformation and fear propaganda about cancer – while trying to normalize it, as cancer is growing due to our bad modern lifestyle of stress, pollution, and toxic slave food. And as most people should know by now, we do not

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism Read the Full Article »

Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine

The Disinformation and Big Pharma shill website ‘Medical News Today’ (MNT) recently posted an article looking at 2023 in medicine and three topics that they considered dominated the headlines: artificial sweeteners, colon cancer, and male birth control. And no, do not worry, they do not (yet) claim that men can get pregnant, as in the ‘woke mental illness’ that swept through some of the walking zombies/NPCs, instead it’s about alternatives to condoms and vasectomies.

Fueling Disinformation: 2023 in Medicine Read the Full Article »

Murder by Numbers: Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé Dead At 82 in Sacrifice Ritual

Many of us predicted that Pelé would be reported dead before the end of the year, because he’s been frequented in the media for his bad health and many hospitalizations – especially during the World Cup. I mentioned Pelé and also the date of December 29 in my decode of the alleged death of soccer journalist Grant Wahl. Zach over at Gematria Effect News mentioned December 29 in his live video from December 28.

Murder by Numbers: Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé Dead At 82 in Sacrifice Ritual Read the Full Article »

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