The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats

Three days after I published my review of Healthline’s atrocious article on dealing with depression, T-Nation posted an advertisement article on fighting depression with dietary fats, as in fish oil, as in their omega-3 supplements.
Are they keeping tabs on what is trending? Likely, as that would be a smart move if you’re trying to sell something.

Before we continue, I recommend that you read my article “Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead,” to get a good understanding of what actually triggers depression.
To make it short, it comes down to either a territorial fear conflict, territorial loss conflict, territorial anger conflict, or a territorial marking conflict. Someone with normal and stable hormone levels will usually be able to resolve this conflict straight away or within very little time, while those with suppressed hormone levels, as in a man with low testosterone, or a woman with an estrogen and progesterone imbalance, will not be able to as they shy away from the problem which strengthens the depressed state and can lead to clinical depression.

Let’s see how T-Nation tackles this.

“Temporary feelings of depression are pretty normal, but if they persist you might need to do something about it.”

Unfortunately, yes, because most people are overfed but still undernourished and suffer from hormone imbalances. They are weak empty shells of what a human should be. A healthy human who gets plenty of animal-based foods should never experience any kind of depression as any kind of problem and conflict is immediately dealt with and we move on from there.

“What do you think is the leading cause of disability worldwide? Back pain? Maybe cancer or heart disease? Nope. The leading cause of disability is depression, and the U.S. is the most depressed country in the world statistically.”

Again, a scary point to be made, which simply reinforces the current state of the decline in human health due to extremely poor nutrition and exposure to a lot of toxins – especially from plant-based and processed foods.

“There are plenty of treatments for depression, the most common being cognitive therapy (sitting down with a therapist) and prescription drugs. Hormone therapy also has some beneficial effects, as does taking care of nutritional deficiencies. But one-third of patients don’t respond to any therapy, and for those that do, the remission rates are downright depressing.”

Therapy will only help if the therapist understands trauma-based conflicts and biological programs as described in German New Medicine, and if the person receiving the therapy has an adequate nutritional status and thus somewhat normal hormone levels. If the therapist does not understand the root cause of the depression, the therapy will not help. And if the therapist does understand it, but the patient has really screwed up hormone levels, he or she might still be too withdrawn and mentally weak to deal with it.

Hormone therapy will most likely help a bit, if the person resolves the conflict, which can happen automatically from the boost of self-worth and confidence that more natural hormone levels will give you. However, it’s only a band-aid, a temporary fix, as you did not fix one of the root problems, that which made your hormone levels plummet to begin with, that of nutrition deficiencies and especially the lack of saturated fats and cholesterol. And if you do not fix these crucial issues, guess what will happen if you come off that hormone therapy, which by then has suppressed your hormones even further. Yes, that person will crash and burn and might be forced to undergo hormone therapy for the rest of his or her life. Always seek out the root causes – the real problems — and fix them before even considering any other option, such as hormone therapies. Your body will always heal and recover to a degree, and that includes hormone levels.

“Clearly, medicine needs to look elsewhere for answers, and there’s one clue that’s caught the attention of researchers: depression is a lot less common in countries where people eat a lot of fish.”

Well, fish is an animal. Although fish tends to be lower in saturated fats, fatty fish such as trout, salmon, and swordfish still contain about 5 to 10 percent of saturated fats, while white fish such as tilapia, halibut, and pollock contain around 3 to 5 percent of saturated fats. That will amount to a lot of saturated fats compared to the westernized diet of plant-based garbage and processed toxic slave foods.

Also, if we look at countries that consume a lot of fish, they also tend to consume a lot of other animal-based foods as well. In other words, they are healthier in general. For example, the population of Iceland consumes the most fish in the world, and they also consume a lot of lamb and dairy. Another example is Portugal who not only consumes a lot of fish, but also pork, chicken, and a lot of goat and sheep milk products. And we also have Japan and the very much lied about Okinawa’s who consume a lot of seafood, but are also famous for their pork, beef, and dairy products.

So, while omega-3 is beneficial in moderate amounts, as naturally found in animal-based foods, the real reason for health is the consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol, the things that we actually are made of ourselves and that every single cell in our body craves. It’s very simple. Even a little child should be able to grasp this.

The Research

“The anti-depressive properties of fish have to do with its rich (at least in certain species) complement of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA.”

The research is not entirely clear on this, especially since the results are very mixed, most likely by the varying quality of the supplements used. Keep in mind that omega-3’s are extremely unstable, very easily go rancid and thus become very toxic and totally worthless.

“More than 30 clinical trials have been undertaken, most showing that fish oil helps treat depression. A number of them did, however, use fish oil as an add-on for people who were already taking prescription antidepressants with limited or no benefit. Somehow, the fish oil helped the antidepressants do what they otherwise couldn’t.”

Antidepressants are the worst drugs you can take. Extremely toxic and health wrecking. They will screw you up and they are totally worthless. Never use temporary band-aids that can become permanent, instead, always fix the root problem, that of trauma and nutrition deficiencies.

“But there have been several studies where fish oil worked fine just on its own, showing beneficial effects in treating ordinary depression, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, postpartum depression, and attention deficit disorder. A meta-analysis of 10 different trials found that fish oil even had a significant effect on people with bipolar disorder where it smoothed out the characteristic mood swings.”

The thing is, that if they actually got bioavailable and intact omega-3 fatty acids and they got a bit better, that meant that they had a deficiency, as in consuming way too little animal-based foods – as that is the ONLY source of omega-3 and also of the only source of essential saturated fats and cholesterol.

So, while a small boost in omega-3 might help a little with your mental health, just imagine what would happen if these participants would have been prescribed some beef, egg yolks, and butter? They would have thrived! The results would have been off the charts. However, such studies would make antidepressants useless. Can’t have that now, can we?
It’s much better to focus on less potent things like omega-3, which also can be sold as a supplement and be potentially toxic, which means returning customers.

“The fear-mongering of saturated fats and cholesterol has caused Americans to eat less red meat and eggs, which are normally pretty good sources of omega-3s. They’ve also been switching to using oils like corn, soybean, and sunflower, which are all anemic when it comes to omega-3s.”

Wow! This might be the best thing I’ve ever seen T-Nation put in an article. It kind of summarizes what I said from the start. If you consume our natural species-appropriate, species-specific diet of animal-based foods, or at least have it as a foundation, you will get all the saturated fats, all the cholesterol, and also all the omega-3’s you need to stay fit, strong, and mentally healthy.

How Does Fish Oil Help with Depression?

“There are at least three ways omega-3 fatty acids help with cognitive disorders. The first has to do with the anti-inflammatory effect omega-3s have on neural cells, which has a direct effect on depression.”

Remember, inflammation is the bodily response to healing and detoxification. If your body does not have all the resources it needs to heal and detox, inflammation will be ongoing in these tissues, and then labeled as chronic inflammation. While we need all kinds of nutrients — only found in animal-based foods — to heal and detox, saturated fats, cholesterol and even omega-3 are the most important of these nutrients. So, yes, a little boost in omega-3 might help to tip the scales so that the body can heal some of the damage it’s struggling with and thus, over time, you will see a reduction in inflammation.
Do not confuse this with toxic remedies, herbs, and drugs that instantly lowers inflammation due to poisoning the body and the body has to prioritize dealing with the immediate threat instead of the current ongoing healing, which will temporarily lower inflammation.
Anything that actually assists in healing will only be noticeable over a longer period of days or weeks.

“A second mechanism involves cell permeability. The cell membranes themselves are partly made up of omega-3s, so adding more omega-3s to the mix, courtesy of fish or fish oil supplements makes the cell membrane more permeable. This increased permeability allows serotonin – the “feel good” chemical – to more easily pass through the membranes.”

According to the science of biology, a cell consists of about 50-75% phospholipids, which are mostly saturated fats, about 20-30% cholesterol, and then 10-30% sphingolipids of which omega-3 fatty acids make a little part of.
So, as you can see, saturated fats and cholesterol are most important for cell health and integrity, and these fats are only found in animals and the produce of animals — and we as humans have no ability to convert any kind of plant matter into these essential fatty acids.
Still almost one tenth of a cell might contain omega-3’s, so they are important, and if you have an omega-3 deficiency you will not function optimally.

And yes, the part that the sphingolipids play is to keep the membrane more ‘permeable,’ as they are found in the outer leaflet.

“The third mechanism is a little more complicated, but it involves indirect membrane modification via signaling proteins.”

Again, they are found in the outer leaflet allowing for nutrients to enter the cell.

How Much Fish Oil Works?

“One randomized study tried to determine whether 1 gram a day, 2, or 4 worked the best and they settled on 4. Another compared those same amounts and found that 1 gram a day worked best. Most, however, agreed that at least a couple of grams a day works best in combating depression.”

Again, this is not really that interesting as ‘supplementing’ with fish oil, or omega-3, is a gamble. Most sources will be contaminated and/or rancid upon using them, making them both worthless and toxic. You can do a taste test, but it’s still much better to simply get omega-3 from animal-based foods. As long as you consume meat daily, you will be fine. Even better with some egg yolks several times a week and perhaps a fatty fish every now and then if you’re concerned.

After this, T-Nation plugs their fish-oil/omega-3 supplement. And again, simply consume food, real food, as in our natural species-appropriate carnivorous diet of animal-based foodstuffs. It’s not complicated. And as I wrote in my previous article, always start with nutrition whatever your ailment is. You need to be fully nourished for your body to be able to heal and detoxify. From there, you can do some mental work if needed – but that will only be successful if you are actually healthy and your hormone levels are somewhat natural and stable for your gender.

If you need help with health issues or transitioning to our real natural and species-specific diet, I’m available for both coaching and/or very in-depth consulting sessions.

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