
Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones

Today we return to T-Nation and a really important subject, a subject their Chris Shugart manages to turn into a full-blown retarded advertisement. Still, with more than 20+ active years as a high-level coach within the fitness and sports industry, this is something I worked a lot with, so let’s see what Chris has to say about the hormonal damage from strict ‘starvation’ diets. “Famine is fairly rare in today’s world, but that wasn’t […]

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones Read the Full Article »

Debunking Myths About Intermittent Fasting?

A few weeks ago, the disinformation website ‘Healthline’ published an article about “7 widespread myths about intermittent fasting,” allegedly debunked by ‘dietitians.’As you know, ‘dietitians’ are totally clueless about human physiology and nutrition. It’s simply a “title” you earn by repeating total bollocks that the food industry and Big Pharma made up to keep people weak and sick and to profit from them. So, let’s see what these ‘dietitians’ had to say. “While some

Debunking Myths About Intermittent Fasting? Read the Full Article »

Fat Loss 101: Leptin And Hunger Is Not An Issue If You’re Fat Adapted and Fully Nourished

Today we return to T-Nation and their CCO Chris Shugart as he tries to tackle the “issue” of leptin on badly constructed “fat loss diets.”Leptin is believed to be a ‘hormone’ produced primarily by fat tissue in the body. It’s said to play a crucial role in weight regulation and energy balance as it signals the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, to regulate appetite and metabolism. So, let’s see what Mr. Shugart has to say

Fat Loss 101: Leptin And Hunger Is Not An Issue If You’re Fat Adapted and Fully Nourished Read the Full Article »

Cholesterol, LDL and HDL 101: They Got It All Backwards

I’ve covered this before, and since pharmaceutical disinformation websites such as Healthline continue to publish misinformation and complete rubbish about cholesterol and the lipoproteins LDL and LDH in particular, it needs to be repeated.  In a recent article published at Healthline, they list foods that seem to reduce LDL in the blood, what they call the “bad” cholesterol. Sounds good, right? No, not so fast. It’s actually the complete opposite. To understand what is

Cholesterol, LDL and HDL 101: They Got It All Backwards Read the Full Article »

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet

Today we return to the shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe, who seems to be pushing a lot of toxic and nutritionally poor plant-based foods as of lately on his atrocious website. Being a gatekeeper of the “nutrition science” lie, this is not surprising, and neither is the latest article on a sedentary lifestyle and possible health risks. They have always been pushing for ‘exercise’ as a band-aid for poor nutrition — a way

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet Read the Full Article »

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death?

Today we return to T-Nation and a very important topic. Although they used the study to try and sell you totally worthless “testosterone boosting” supplements, the main message is of importance, and it might not be as obvious as you think. However, it should be quite logical to anyone who understands biology and human physiology. For many years, due to the backwards pseudo-science of modern medicine, testosterone has been commonly believed to be linked

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death? Read the Full Article »

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats

Three days after I published my review of Healthline’s atrocious article on dealing with depression, T-Nation posted an advertisement article on fighting depression with dietary fats, as in fish oil, as in their omega-3 supplements.Are they keeping tabs on what is trending? Likely, as that would be a smart move if you’re trying to sell something. Before we continue, I recommend that you read my article “Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats Read the Full Article »

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead

The other day I ran across another typical ‘modern healthcare’ article at Healthline, a shill website for Big Pharma, Modern Medicine, and everything that is wrong, inverted, anti-human and thus pushed by our governments and media.This article was about the steadily increasing rate of ‘depression’ among children and young adults, and what you as a parent to a “depressed child” can do. As the article is once again based on the inverted, backwards (and

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead Read the Full Article »

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