Dangerous and Damaging EBGLYSS For Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? Fix Your Diet Instead!

Yesterday, September 23, 2024, Medical News Today ran an ‘advertisement’ piece for the totally unnecessary and damaging new drug EBGLYSS from the evil scumbags at Eli Lilly, one of many pharmaceutical companies who are part of the agenda to keep people as dumbed-down, weak, docile, controllable, and dependent on the government as possible.

Their article is based on the news that The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Eli Lilly’s EBGLYSS as a treatment for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (eczema.) Well, if you know anything about skin conditions, you know that it’s part of the body’s detoxification system, and trying to interfere with that is really asking for trouble. Instead, always seek the root cause of the problem, the toxins themselves and where they come from, and then eliminate those sources. Problem solved.

But I guess it will not be that easy with this pharmaceutical propaganda piece. So, let’s see what they got for us this time.

“EBGLYSS is now approved for adults and children 12 years or older who have moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.”

Complete madness. And at the same time, this illustrates the sad state of today’s society, when children have atopic dermatitis due to their parents’ neglect of their lifestyle and feed them a diet of plant-centric and processed foods. While atopic dermatitis has been described through history, it was very rare and it is not until the last 30 to 40 years that we have seen a dramatic rise in cases. And we will get to why and what it actually is in a little bit. Some of you might already have connected the dots.

“Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is characterized by itchy skin most often located on the arms or behind the knees, but which can appear anywhere. With scratching, the skin becomes red or otherwise discolored, can become swollen, and crack, weeping clear fluid or blood. It may then crust over and scale as it heals.

In less extreme cases, the itching may be intermittent as the condition goes into remission and the skin clears up. If the condition gets worse, as it frequently does, such respites become fewer and further between.”

As I mentioned earlier, skin conditions of various kinds, such as eczema, are often a result of the body’s attempt to detoxify various toxins, especially pesticides, heavy metals, and various xenobiotics. The term “xenobiotic” comes from the Greek words “xenos” meaning “foreign” and “biotikos” meaning “relating to life.” In other words, xenobiotics are chemical substances that are foreign to an organism’s natural biological system, such as most antinutrients and defense chemicals found in plant-based foods, food additives, flavorings, fragrances, and cosmetics, synthetic compounds used in industries, agriculture, and households, environmental pollutants, including pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals.

All of these xenobiotics have virtually exploded into our life over the last 100 years, and especially those we get into us from the deadly plant-based food agenda, from processed foods, and from beauty and “skin care” products (they do the exact opposite of what they claim.)

And this is also why eczema has been mentioned in our past history, as early as 400 BC, as food and water supplies contaminated with heavy metals were quite common from improper storage practices and plumbing. And in some cultures they had traditional practices such as using mercury-containing skin-lightening creams or lead-based cosmetics.

For someone following our natural human diet of animal-based foods, preferable being fully carnivore, do not get a single toxin from their food, all while the body has all the bioavailable nutrients it needs to perform and function optimally. That means that any other environmental toxins we come in contact with can easily be detoxified during the day and especially during sleep. Hence, we who eat according to our species never have any skin-related conditions — not once we have detoxified and healed from our previous lifestyle.

However, for those consuming a typical modern diet with a lot of plant-based foods, carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils, and other processed food — not only do they have a massive toxic load, they also have nutrient deficiencies from their abysmal diet, which means that their body is running on fumes and can’t detoxify properly. And to protect essential tissue, such as organs, these toxins are usually stored in body fat, and when fat cells become saturated, the body forms new fat cells to store more toxins.

When the toxic load becomes too high and the body can’t keep up, it has to do its best to expel these toxins, and as the body fat is close to the skin, the detoxification occurs through the skin, causing various skin conditions, such as eczema.

“As skin cracks and heals, opportunistic bacteria may take advantage of the wound.”

The human body is full of bacteria that live in symbiosis with us. Without bacteria, we would die.
Bacteria is an essential part of the healing and detoxification process, as it consumes cell residues and some of the toxins. They are the cleaning crew of our body. And that also means that using any antibacterial cream is the stupidest thing you can do, as it will hamper the detoxification and healing process.  

“People from families whose members have the condition or allergies such as hay fever and asthma are more likely to develop atopic dermatitis. Girls and women develop it more often than boys and men, and it is more common among Hispanic and Black children.”

No. One ‘made-up’ disease cannot lead to another ‘made-up’ disease. All “diseases” are simply a bunch of symptoms that the medical establishment has put labels on, calling them diseases. However, the symptoms are manifestations of detoxification and healing processes and thus all “diseases” are simply symptoms from a high toxic load, from nutrient deficiencies, from healing processes of damaged tissue, or from a combination of any of them.

The reason why people with what they have labeled “hay fever” or “asthma” also are prone to show signs of “eczema” is because the underlying toxic problem is almost the same and contributes to all of these symptoms.

To be more precise, when the toxic load is high due to xenobiotics, your body upregulates certain cytokines, especially cytokine IL-13, which plays a crucial role in skin-based detoxification processes. However, cytokine IL-13 also assists wherever there is damage and toxins and an inflammatory (healing) response is ongoing, this is especially seen with asthma.
Asthma is usually a chronic healing and/or detoxification of the lungs, which means that cytokine IL-13 will be elevated. This in turn can cause the body to start detoxing through the skin, which is also a vital role of cytokine IL-13.

The same is true with hay fever, which is simply a reaction to airborne toxins, as in pollen, due to a compromised physiology — either from nutrient deficiencies and/or from a heavy toxic load.

I got diagnosed with both severe effort-induced asthma and severe allergies when I was 5 years-old in 1979. At times I also experienced eczema and similar skin conditions. And it was not until I went fully carnivore in 2018, did some dry fasting, and started to heal, that both my asthma and allergies went away and I could throw out all my medications in a matter of weeks.
Almost 40 years of unnecessary daily suffering because of following a non-human diet and getting exposed to tons of toxins from supplements. My mother always gave me a handful of multivitamins and other crap, which I continued with throughout my adulthood (I could pop 20+ tablets and capsules in a day) until I actually looked into them in 2018 and discovered that it’s all a scam, they are poisonous toxins! Since I went fully carnivore in early 2018 I haven’t touched any medicines, drugs, or supplements.

Again, reduce and eliminate the toxic load and your exposure to these toxins, and you will heal, and all these “diseases” will go away and never return.

“The condition usually appears during infancy or when one is a child, though it may appear at any time in one’s life.”

This never happened before the introduction of the maiming, deadly and totally worthless vaccines — several injections against imaginary things that do not even exist. These injections contain a ton of heavy metals and xenobiotics — another tactic by the elites to halve our lifespan and keep us weak and also traumatized as children (getting an injection is extremely traumatizing for a toddler or a child.) If the child is underdeveloped and/or has nutrient deficiencies due to a mother not being animal-based and feeding the child proper animal-based nutrition… Well, you figure out the rest.

What are the biological mechanisms of atopic dermatitis?

“According to Tien Nguyen, MD, who was involved in clinical trials that led to EBGLYSS’ eventual approval, atopic dermatitis is the result of pro-inflammatory cytokine activity.”

No, you frikkin’ backwards thinking imbecile. Cytokines are our natural response to a high toxic load, as in starting or keeping up our detoxification processes. Atopic dermatitis is the result of a toxic overload of either pesticides, heavy metals, or xenobiotics — or a combination of them.
How stupid are these people? Seriously?!

“In addition to causing itching, these cytokines — small proteins that play key roles in regulating the activity of immune cells — signal a cell’s nucleus to create more cytokines like themselves, resulting in spiraling inflammation, and thus more itching and more cytokines.”

Cytokines do not cause itching, you idiot. It’s the toxins being pushed through the skin and the healing of the surrounding tissue that causes itching. Even a small child would understand this.

And for cytokines producing more cytokines is easily explained using simple logic. If the detoxification process is slowed down or even halted due to nutrient deficiencies or poor health in general, the body will try harder and upregulate the production of cytokines. This is a simple feedback loop that is well understood in physiology and biology. You medically-trained people are so lost, so unaware of how our body actually works. It’s embarrassing. Please resign your position and go and do something useful, such as picking up garbage from the street or cleaning restrooms.

“Lilly’s EBGLYSS inhibits production of IL-13. There are already drugs on the market that target cytokines related to atopic dermatitis, but not all work for all people, and EBGLYSS is therefore a welcome addition to the dermatologist’s arsenal.”

Bam! There it is. The backwards thinking and the madness of medical training and the pharmaceutical industry. By targeting cytokine IL-13, their drug stops the detoxification and healing process, so the symptoms from these life-saving processes goes away, fooling the poor customer to thinking that he or she got better or even “cured,” when in reality, the toxic build-up will accelerate and lead to even more serious health problems, including organ damage and the build-up of protective tumors, as in cancer. Again, this is complete madness. And this is how every single medicine/drug works, including most “natural remedies” — by slowing down or stopping the detoxification and/or healing processes. Complete madness. I’ve been explaining this in hundreds of articles over the past years.

After this, MNT goes into how EBGLYSS got approved, as some study in children showed improvement. And of course it did if you only look at the symptoms. However, the symptoms are from the detoxification and healing process. So, all they did was accelerate the toxic load in these poor children, which will ultimately shorten their life expectancy dramatically.

I do not think I need to go on. If you have any kind of skin condition, or other health problem, you need to transition to our natural human diet. And that goes for anyone, even if you think that you are healthy.

If you need help with your diet, improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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