FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed

Yes, they are still at it, although most people seem to have forgotten about the staged and fake pandemic by now. I haven’t really heard any mention of “Covid” from the sheep in months, not since the staged and fake war in Ukraine or the silly ‘Monkeypox’ hoax – and speaking of which, WHO will rename ‘Monkeypox’ because some snowflake closely related to the monkeys deemed it ‘discriminatory’ and ‘stigmatizing.’ That’s an article in […]

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Read the Full Article »

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday

The unfathomable evil and deceit continues. There is, and have never been, such a thing as a virus or transmittable disease, much less something as idiotic as pandemics. Up to this date, 187 health and science institutions from all over the world have all failed to cite even one record of Covid-19, or any virus, being isolated and proven to exist. The existence of viruses is simply a fabricated and very profitable lie. Unfortunately,

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for Children Ages 5 to 11, 201-Days After Bill Gates Birthday Read the Full Article »

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50

While people are occupied with actors giving each other staged slaps, FDA authorized a second booster shot from Pfizer and Moderna for adults age 50 and older – a booster shot for something that does not even exists. It’s all about maiming and killing the useless eaters as the ‘elite’ and the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum puts it. FDA approved Moderna’s first booster shot on January 31, 2022. This authorization

Time to Thin the Herd – Second Booster Authorized for Adults Over 50 Read the Full Article »

The Insanity Continues – Pfizer Seek Authorization for Their Sterilizing Vaccine for Children Younger Than 5

Yes, it’s insane. Here in Sweden, they actually stopped vaccinations against the non-existing fake covid-19 for children below 12. I guess some doctors and nurses are waking up and their conscience is weighing them down. Well, anyone willing to vaccinate a child, or any living being, should face court-martial. Again, this is why the virus lie must be exposed! As for this story, the Satanists at Pfizer and BioNTech are requesting emergency use authorization

The Insanity Continues – Pfizer Seek Authorization for Their Sterilizing Vaccine for Children Younger Than 5 Read the Full Article »

FDA Authorizes Pfizer’s Maiming, Sterilizing, and Deadly Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 in Freemasonic 322 Ritual

The US Food and Drug Administration voted to recommend the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for children 5 to 11 on October 26, leaving 66 days remaining in the year, just as ‘66’ is Number of the Beast in Full Reduction gematria. On October 29, FDA issued emergency use authorization for the death shot. This is the first Covid-19 vaccine authorized in the United States for younger children.The maiming, sterilizing, and deadly shots can’t be administered

FDA Authorizes Pfizer’s Maiming, Sterilizing, and Deadly Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 in Freemasonic 322 Ritual Read the Full Article »

FDA Vaccine Puppets Vote to Recommend Pfizer’s Maiming, Sterilizing, and Deadly Vaccine for Children 5 to 11

On October 10, I wrote about Pfizer seeking U.S. Covid-19 Vaccine approval for children aged 5 to 11, which is as satanic and evil as it can get. Maiming, sterilizing and killing children with a toxic shot that is supposed to protect against something that doesn’t even exist! I also pointed out that they would meet on October 26, the day leaving 66 days remaining in the year, just as ‘Number of the Beast’

FDA Vaccine Puppets Vote to Recommend Pfizer’s Maiming, Sterilizing, and Deadly Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Read the Full Article »

J&J Vaccine Booster Approved All by the Numbers

Yes, the insanity knows no bounds. The maiming and deadly vaccination continues although hundreds of millions have had severe side-effects and many millions have died. I see post after post every single day about side-effects and deaths and I receive messages from strangers telling their stories and asking for help for those who have taken the shot. All this grief, death and pain caused by vaccines for something that is imaginary, for a virus

J&J Vaccine Booster Approved All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

FDA authorizes booster for people 65 and older in another ‘56’ ritual

Look at that, on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, exactly 560 days since coronavirus was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, this story hits the news. As you can remove zeroes in Gematria, 560 is simply 56 and also the reflection of 65, as in people 65 and older. And by now, most of us know all about their ‘56’. Coronavirus = 56Corona Covid = 56Covid Vaccine = 56Virus Outbreak = 56Wuhan Corona =

FDA authorizes booster for people 65 and older in another ‘56’ ritual Read the Full Article »

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