At times, government- and pharmaceutical shill websites such as Healthline must report on real news and risks with various treatments, as when Medical News Today wrote about the severe toxic load of tattoos — something no one should ever get or even consider, if common sense were still a thing.
This time Healthline looked at the new findings of an increase in a “cancer” the medical field named as anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) among women with textured silicone breast implants. Let’s see what they have to say, and how the pseudoscience of modern medicine tackles these findings.
“Some breast implants slightly raise the risk of an uncommon type of lymphoma. But implants don’t increase the risk of developing breast cancer.”
Well, actually all of them do as they all contain toxic compounds that will eventually leak out into surrounding tissue. But first, we need to establish what cancer really is by looking at physiology, biology and German New Medicine. First, we do not have an immune system as described by modern medicine and pharmacology. That silliness has been debunked more times than I can count. So, everything labeled as “auto-immune” is a total lie. Your body will never attack itself, that should be common sense. Your body will always do what is necessary to survive, to extend your life so you have time to get out of danger, as in turning things around and begin to heal. In other words, there will never be a “cancer” or a tumor developed by the body attacking itself.

One of the most common reasons for your body to develop a tumor is because you expose yourself to a lot more toxins than you can expel through our detoxification pathways and store in fat cells. Keep in mind that the largest source of toxins comes from plant-based and processed foods, from the crap people think is food. Only animal-based foods are totally free from toxins because animals do not produce toxins as a defense mechanism. Also, if the animal’s food has been contaminated, the liver and other organs will detoxify these toxins, so the chance of a toxic buildup is minimal as the average age for slaughter of beef is between 18 to 22 months of age.

So, to protect itself from further damage from the high toxic exposure, your body produces mutated cells that better can withstand the toxic environment while encapsulating toxic buildups into a tumor. This happens in areas that have a higher concentration of toxins, and every toxin is different and can get lodged into different tissues, especially defense chemicals found in all plants which are designed to attack different types of cells. These tumors are not dangerous, as they actually protect you from said toxins and thus extend your lifespan dramatically, as you otherwise would have died from the high toxic load. The only exception is if they form at organs to protect the organ from further damage, and they continue to grow due to you continuing to poison your body, and the tumor becomes so large that it interferes with the organ’s functionality.

Another extremely common reason for the development of tumors are from repeatedly elevated levels of blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates. As glucose is extremely harmful to most tissues, you do damage every single time you consume carbohydrates. Depending on your health, activity level, and nutritional status, including rest and sleep, your body can mitigate and repair some of this damage. However, over time, the damage will accumulate and tumors can form to aid in glucose metabolism and they can also form from repeated damage and healing as a form of mutated scar tissue in heavily affected areas.
And this is usually what happens with repeated mental trauma, as in a hanging healing response, as described in German New Medicine. In short, you are continuously triggering the same mental conflict over and over again, and the responding tissues are caught in an ever-ending build-up and breakdown cycle.

These are the scenarios where tumors can develop and what modern medicine calls “cancer.” There is no such thing as “uncontrollable” cell growth or spreading of the “cancer” by the body attacking itself. If the cancer seems to spread, it is simply more tumors forming either from shielding off more accumulated toxins, and/or from better withstanding the abuse of carbohydrates and the deadly elevated glucose levels. This is why you might get a tumor close to the liver as some toxins accumulate there, and then you might get one within the large colon from other toxins and damage done by consuming non-human plant-based foods. The “cancer” did not magically jump from your liver to the colon. It simply develops where it is needed to protect you, to extend your life so you can do something about the toxic load that is the real threat, which will eventually kill you unless you change your lifestyle and diet.
About breast implants and ALCL
“Breast implant-associated ALCL (BIA-ALCL) develops in scar tissue and fluid near the implant. Like any cancer, it can spread. Without treatment, it can cause death.”
Again, “cancer” does not spread. It might look as if the “tumor” is growing or spreading, but that is because of more toxins being released or drawn to that area. It is toxins that accumulate in one or many areas and then the body forms a tumor to shield off these toxins so they can’t continue to damage the tissue. Using the proper phrasing is very important. Forget about “cancer,” focus on the cause for the body’s response, as in the toxic load.
To continue, it is crucial to mention that they are referring to “textured” breast implants. These are a specific type of silicone implants, characterized by a textured surface that allows the tissue around it to grow into it, reducing the risk of rotation or shifting, as in keeping its shape. The textured surface area allows for tissue to grow into the silicone allowing much greater contact and exposure to leaking chemicals, and also the development of scar tissue and repeated healing efforts. This also means that there will be a continuous (chronic) healing response from the tissue that has been invaded by this foreign and unnatural silicone object. And as anything that is put on or into the body will leak chemicals and other toxic substances, tissue around the object will be damaged, hence the healing response and tissue growth. And again, tumors can form if the body can’t keep up with detoxing the affected area from these toxins. This is why we see a slow increase in cancer rates among these women who have been fooled and tricked by social vanity to let them be operated on and have toxic foreign objects put inside their bodies. Remember, it is all a matter of time. Toxins and tissue damage will accumulate with time, and depending on how healthy you are, how long it takes before the first tumor is formed can vary with years or even decades. But there will be a very damaging toxic load, and also a chronic stress response from the invading foreign object.
Those women who are now showing signs of tumors are simply those who can no longer keep up with detoxing and healing. And we will see these numbers climb with time, just as with people with tattoos.
Also, the cancer will not cause death, it is the continuous toxic load that will cause death.
“A 2021 systematic review cites studies that found an association between breast implants and increased risk of BIA-ALCL. However, the risk can depend on the implant manufacturer and whether the implant is textured.
In 2019, the FDA alerted healthcare providers about a link between all breast implants, regardless of filling or texture, and BIA-ALCL. The agency informed doctors of 573 cases of BIA-ALCL worldwide, with 33 deaths. Of the 573 cases, 481 people had Allergan breast implants at diagnosis.”
This is common sense. The popularity of silicone breast implants began to rise in the late 1990’s and early 2000s. If somewhat healthy, especially if you’re still young and “undamaged,” you should be able to detox for a long time before your body has to grow tumors to protect you. It was also during the 90’s when the first textured silicone breast implants showed up, and around 2010 they had become quite popular. Now, the textured surface area allows for tissue to grow into the silicone which means a much greater contact and exposure to chemicals, and also the development of scar tissue and repeated healing efforts. And as we covered earlier, these are some of the reasons for the development of tumors.
What are the symptoms of ALCL?
“Symptoms of systemic ALCL may include:
- swollen lymph nodes
- fever
- night sweats
- weight loss
Cutaneous ALCL mainly affects the skin. Symptoms can include skin lesions that don’t heal.”
And there we go. Swollen lymph nodes are an indication that your body is struggling to detox, that it is overwhelmed by toxins (which will lead to tumors being formed.) Fever, night sweats and even weight loss are symptoms of the same toxic burden and from both detoxing and repeated healing of tissue.

So, as I said from the start, ALCL is from a heavy toxic load due to the foreign silicone object in your body that is leaking chemicals, especially from the ‘highly cohesive gel material’ that is developed to give the breast a more natural feel while keeping its form and stability. Exactly what is in this gel varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and it is very hard to find any information on it. But considering all the qualities it must have, it will be a shitstorm of toxic chemicals and substances.
And any kind of skin lesions or similar skin disorders such as acne are usually from a heavy toxic load where your body desperately tries to eliminate both toxins and waste products through the skin.

Do breast implants increase your risk for other types of cancer?
“There’s no evidence that breast implants raise the risk of developing any other types of cancer, including breast cancer.”
Again, there are not that many types of “cancer,” that is only made-up bollocks from the medical industry. If developed from toxins, tumors will appear where the toxins have accumulated, and in the case of implants, that will be around the breast tissue.
And as for developing tumors from breast implants, it’s only a matter of time. But again, it is not the tumors or the “cancer” we should focus on or even care about, it is what is causing this defense reaction in the body we should focus on! Remove the cause and the body will heal. That is simple logic.
Do certain types of breast implants increase your risk for cancer?
“Research from 2020 suggests that textured surface implants are associated with higher risk than smooth surface implants. Textured tissue expanders may also be of concern.
The reason textured implants are associated with BIA-ALCL isn’t clear. The rough surface could cause inflammation, or genetic factors could also be involved.”
Yes, I already mentioned this and why. It is very clear. The textured surface area allows for tissue to grow into the silicone allowing much greater contact and exposure to leaking chemicals, and also the development of scar tissue and repeated healing efforts. Again, common sense.
And you guys actually said this by mentioning that the surface area causes inflammation, as in our body’s healing response, as in healing and growing new tissue. Jeez, you guys are thick.

Should you remove breast implants?
“Allergan recalled its Biocell textured breast implants in 2019, but you may have had yours implanted prior to the recall. Even so, the FDA does not recommend removing implants if you don’t have symptoms.”
That is extremely idiotic advice. Remember, the damage and toxic load accumulates. It is not until the body begins to really struggle, when the detoxification and healing processes become too overwhelming that you begin to experience noticeable symptoms — as all symptoms are manifestations of these processes, of the body doing its best to rid itself of toxic buildups and repair the damaged tissue.
If you have been fooled by our retarded society into having breast implants, you should have them removed as soon as possible. And, if that for some reason is not possible, as in being a “fitness model” or “influencer” for a living, then you need to do everything you can to minimize your toxic load, so that your body has more resources to handle the damage done by the implants. This means adopting our natural and proper human diet, as in a strict carnivore diet that will really nourish you and remove the toxic load from the food you consume. You’ll also need to minimize your exposure to environmental toxins as much as possible.
And that is it for this time. The takeaway is that anything you put on or inside your body will cause a toxic load and chronic stress from the body trying to expel the foreign object while continuously healing damaged tissue. Implants, tattoos, piercings, it does not matter what it is. There will be damage and that means less resources for dealing with other toxins and stressors that you get exposed to. It will all build up.
Simply put, do not mess with nature.
If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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