Cancer On The Rise In Young Population — And Obesity Does Not Play A Role In Cancer

The disinformation shills at Healthline are at it again with their interpretation of a recent study that shows that 17 cancer types were more common in recent generations, the so-called Generation X and Millennials.

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense should be able to figure out why — to clearly see what has changed the most since the 70’s, and especially the 80’s and the 90’s. Yes, our diet and toxic load from drugs/medicines, and environmental toxins. Thus, logically, that should be what we focus on. However, let’s see how Healthline and the researchers spin this to fit the agenda of the ruling elites, and that of the food- and pharmaceutical industry.

Healthline begins their article with four bullet points in bold, setting their tone and main message for the lazy reader.

  • “A new study investigates trends in 34 types of cancer in the United States.”
  • “For 17 cancer types, Generation X and Millennials have a higher risk than previous generations.”
  • “Similarly, for five cancer types, mortality risk is also higher in younger generations.”
  • “Many factors may be involved, but obesity likely plays a substantial role.”

No, obesity is simply a symptom, a result of overconsumption of non-species-appropriate foods combined with a high toxic load. When you consume more energy than you use for activity and metabolic functions, that energy is stored for later use as the form of body fat. However, that is an over-simplification, as carbohydrates are the driving force of fat gain, as carbohydrates turn into highly toxic glucose that must be eliminated by all costs as any glucose above normal maintenance levels damages your blood vessels, soft tissue, and organs. In other words, your body has no other choice than to store away excess blood glucose as body fat. And another factor is toxins, which are very prevalent in all carbohydrate-rich foods, and especially in highly processed plant-based foods.

If you cannot detoxify, as in you are taxing your organs by eating and snacking all the time, those toxins are stored in fat cells, so they cannot damage sensitive tissues, and so that they can be dealt with later. Your body can actually form new fat cells solely for this purpose, making you gain fat weight really fast. I’ve explained this in my article “What Makes You Fat.”

So, obesity in itself does not cause anything as it is the result of poor nutrition, overfeeding, and a high toxic load. All of these things that contribute to obesity also damages the body and thus contributes to cancer, the final defense line of your body, where it has to mutate cells to form tumors to help with the toxic load and high blood glucose. I explained this in my articles, “My Take on Cancer, Prevention, and Healing,” and “Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism (Early-Stage Cancer Detection).”

This is common knowledge within biology, but often ignored within the medical community as they want to make money on idiotic and useless surgeries and treatments instead of reducing the toxic load so you can heal. They want you as a returning customer.

However, blaming diseases and even cancer on obesity is not only oversimplified and a blatant lie, it is also very profitable and contributes to their agenda of division — as in “they are obese,” so they only have themselves to blame (when in reality they’ve been duped and poisoned by the food- and pharmaceutical industry.)
They also know that people who go on a ‘weight-loss diet’ make some small improvements to their food choices and nutrition (eliminating the most toxic highly processed stuff,) at least temporarily, which might be enough to make them momentarily better, reducing or even eliminating some symptoms of other diseases — giving the illusion that it was the weight-loss that helped with the ailments. And they also know that most people that lack knowledge of our natural human diet, that of animal-based foods, regain most of the weight they lost and get sick again. It’s a never ending cycle that they can profit from over and over again by selling diet plans, supplements, useless plant-based diet foods, weight-loss drugs, and scheduling repeated health examinations, tests and blood panels – and ultimately totally useless but very expensive cancer treatments.

Higher cancer rates in younger generations

“In a previous study published in 2019 by the same authors, they found the incidence of eight types of cancer increased in younger generations compared with older generations.

However, no study has looked at both cancer incidence — the number of new cases — and cancer mortality by birth year. The latest study plugs this gap.

As the authors explain, trends in cancer incidence in people aged 50 or younger mostly reflect an increased exposure to carcinogenic factors in early life or young adulthood.”

Yes, that is a sound hypothesis. Our exposure to toxins has increased, and thus damage will be evident much sooner in life. Tumors either form to keep up with a high toxic load, encapsulating and shielding off these toxins from life-essential tissues. Or they form to replace cells that have shut down and no longer can store glycogen because they have been so damaged by the overconsumption of carbohydrates that they would die. These new cancer cells, as in glucose-driven tumors, are specifically made to better use glucose to lower blood glucose and thus reduce the damage.

Increases in cancer incidence and mortality

“To investigate, the scientists used information from 23,654,000 people diagnosed with 34 types of cancer and 7,348,137 deaths from 25 cancers from 2000–2019.

They found an increased incidence in 17 of the 34 cancers in progressively younger generations:

  • cardia gastric: a type of stomach cancer 
  • small intestine
  • estrogen receptor-positive breast
  • Ovary
  • liver and intrahepatic bile duct (in females)
  • non-HPV-associated oral and pharynx (in females)
  • anus (in males)
  • Kaposi sarcoma (in males): a form of cancer that starts in the lining of blood and lymph vessels
  • colorectal cancer
  • endometrial cancer
  • gallbladder and other biliary
  • kidney and renal pelvis
  • Pancreas
  • myeloma: a blood cancer
  • non-cardia gastric: another type of stomach cancer
  • Testis
  • leukemia: a blood cancer”

As you might have noticed, a lot of these cancers are related to the digestive tract, which is a result of consuming non-species-appropriate foods, especially plant-based foods with a lot of fiber, defense chemicals, and antinutrients — as these cause great damage that can accumulate rather quickly. We also see a lot of cancers related to the cardiovascular system, which is the result of damage being done by unnaturally elevated levels of blood glucose, as from the consumption of carbohydrates. The same goes for any cancer related to organs such as the kidney, pancreas, and the gallbladder. Again, the common nominator is diet, as in non-human-appropriate food.

“Also, in five cancer types, mortality rates also increased:

  • liver and intrahepatic bile duct in females
  • endometrial cancer
  • gallbladder and other biliary
  • testicular
  • colorectal cancers”

Again, cancer does not kill. Cancer is your body’s last line of defense. It’s a mechanism that tries to keep you alive for as long as possible so you can turn it around and heal, as in eliminating the toxic load that is damaging your body.

So, do not focus on the “cancer” or the “tumors,” they’re only a natural survival response, instead focus on your lifestyle, your diet and exposure to toxins that are causing this damage that forces your body to develop “cancer” and “tumors.”
Change your diet to our natural human diet of animal foods and try to limit other environmental toxins, and your body will heal and break down the tumors as they are no longer needed. That is how I and thousands of other people did it.

Why the sharp increase in cancer rates?

“While this study was not designed to explain why these cancers increased, the researchers explain that obesity likely plays a substantial role.

10 of the 17 cancers listed in the study are associated with obesity. The authors explain that, since the 1970s, obesity has increased in all age groups, but the swiftest increase has been in younger people, aged 2–19 years.

This is backed up by other research demonstrating that excess weight and obesity at a younger age are associated with an increased risk of 18 forms of cancer.”

You frikkin’ imbeciles. Correlation does not imply causation. Obesity is a symptom of a very unhealthy lifestyle, as in a very bad and lacking diet and a high exposure to toxins. It is that lifestyle that causes the body to develop cancer as a last measure for survival.
Again, it is the diet, the highly processed plant-based garbage that causes obesity and then other “disease” through all the damage it causes, and eventually, when the body can’t keep up, it forces the body to develop cancer. This is entry-level physiology. It’s not difficult to grasp.

How diet and the “gut microbiome” may affect cancer rates

“The so-called Western diet, which is high in saturated fats, sugar, refined grains, and ultra-processed foods, is linked to increased cancer risk. Emerging evidence suggests that ultra-processed food increases body weight but is also independently associated with the risk of some cancers, such as breast and colorectal.”

Yes, all kinds of processed foods, especially those high in carbohydrates and seed/vegetable oils, will accelerate weight-gain, as they are also extremely toxic. But again, it’s the food and the toxins that causes damage, that causes all these ailments from that damage that retarded doctors have put names on and call “diseases,” and that ultimately forces the body to develop cancer.
And saturated fat has absolutely nothing to do with this, as that is what we are made of and it is our natural energy source.

“Because some cancers affecting the digestive system are not related directly to obesity, the authors suggest that changes in the gut microbiome may also be a factor.”

No, you frikkin’ morons. The gut microbiome will always adapt to the food that you are consuming, since it is bacteria and different strains of bacteria live on different kinds of foods and toxins. Therefore, the only gut microbiome that is healthy is the one you develop when you consume your species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet of animal-based foods.

And as for cancer in the digestive system, that is from repeated damage, as in a hanging healing conflict, and from a high toxic load. And that can only come from the food that you are consuming. Anything plant-based will do damage and add to the toxic load, even worse so, anything ultra-processed with a lot of added chemicals.

After this, Healthline mentions “epigenetics,” which is a pseudoscience, so we won’t even bother with that nonsense.

Exposure to toxins may affect cancer rates

“The authors suggest that certain environmental toxins may play a role in increasing cancer rates. The most harmful environmental toxin thought to contribute to carcinogenesis is the use of plastics and their breakdown products, Walter Kim, MD, an integrative medicine physician with Brio-Medical, told Healthline. Kim was not involved in the study.”

Yes, I’ve already established that a high toxic load is what forces your body to develop tumors, as in “cancer.” However, while plastics are bad, the big elephant in the room, the elephant you simply ignore or refuse to mention, is that of plant-based and processed plant-based foods!

And with that, we will end the article here. It should be a no-brainer why “cancer rates” are sky-rocketing, just as with any “modern diseases.” It’s all about the diet and all other toxins we come in contact with.

If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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