
How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished

Today we return to Science Daily, a.k.a, Pseudo-Science Daily, another shithole for summarizing useless and backwards studies from the inverted and evil medical field as well as the non-existing field of “nutritional science.” However, this time they kind of exposed one of their many ways to keep the population malnourished, weak, and dumbed down. Let’s see what they have to say. “Childhood obesity rates have been increasing year on year, with government pledges and […]

How To Condition The Young Generation To Consume More Toxic Crap And Keeping Them Malnourished Read the Full Article »

Real Organic Nutrients Makes A Meal More Satiating

A lot of studies nowadays are a total waste of time and resources. Most of the time when browsing new “study finds” and summaries, you will likely keep repeating the question, “how the f**k did they come up with researching such a useless and retarded thing?” Well, today’s study summary from is no exception. Hopefully I can salvage it by adding something useful. Quick Summary “In this randomized crossover trial, 44 adult participants

Real Organic Nutrients Makes A Meal More Satiating Read the Full Article »

Obesogens: One Of Many Toxins That Can Be Stored As New Fat Cells

Today we return to the supplement-pushers at T-Nation and a recent advertisement article they published concerning obesogens. Let’s see if they managed to get at least one thing right this time. “Imagine a pair of identical twins. Let’s call them Robert and Matt. Imagine they’re separated at birth and adopted by different families. Now, fast-forward a few decades. Robert and Matt are overweight but decide to clean up their diets and start training. Both

Obesogens: One Of Many Toxins That Can Be Stored As New Fat Cells Read the Full Article »

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health

Medscape recently posted an article illustrating the extreme retardness of the backwards thinking and reasoning within the fields of medical care and nutrition — once again showing us how incredibly stupid these people/puppets are, and why you should never visit a hospital for any kind of ailment. Let’s see what kind of twisted propaganda they tried to stuff down the throats of their readers this time, and I’ll give you my thoughts as we

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health Read the Full Article »

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

Humans Are Shaped By The Environment And How We React And Learn From Our Experiences

The medical-, pharmaceutical-, government-, and pseudo-science shills at Healthline recently published an article about human personality, where they try to sell you on the genetic/DNA theory — and in extension the use of drugs and other procedures to “alter” you physiology to the “better,” as visioned in the transhumanism agenda. Without further ado, let’s see what these tinfoil hats have to say this time. “Were you born this way, or are you a byproduct

Humans Are Shaped By The Environment And How We React And Learn From Our Experiences Read the Full Article »

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Healthline for a perfect example of how little researchers understand human physiology and biology — especially when it comes to symptoms and the healing processes and what actually happens when you consume something that relieves you of that symptom. Yes, I’ve covered this in articles such as “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs,

Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics Read the Full Article »

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth?

The shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a new study performed on mice, which should say all you need to know — as mice react differently to various toxins, have a completely different anatomy and organ proportions, have a different metabolic profile, including a different nutrient uptake, processing, and storage. With that said, the study looked at mice with “cancer” and what happened during a refeeding period after fasting

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth? Read the Full Article »

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