The YouTube channel ‘High Intensity Health,’ with Mike Mutzel, who on occasion do some really good stuff (although he’s still trapped in a lot of pseudo-science,) posted a video today about ‘Testosterone Tanking Chemicals.’ The video is based on what he says is a recently published paper in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, although it is from August 2020.
The paper is a summary of the increase in studies since 2015 and 2016 of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and a deepened understanding of their effects on human health. Now, if you’ve been one of my clients, or even followers/readers since 2012, you should know all about these things, as most of this information has been in all my coaching guides since then. It was around late 2010 and early 2011 that I first come in contact with EDCs while I just had began working with MM Sports as their editor, supplement supervisor, and head coach for their competition teams. I also wrote articles about it for my previous Classic Muscle Newsletter during 2015 and 2016. With that little background out of the way, let’s see what Mike and this paper had to say.
The full paper can be found here:
And you can watch Mike’s video here below:
There is no secret that these toxic compounds do a lot of damage to our health, not only to our hormones, to semen quality, to ovaries functionality, to our cognitive abilities, and in contributing to attention-deficit disorder, or to child development during pregnancy and the early years — but if you can’t detoxify properly, your body will have to store these EDCs and similar chemical toxins in new fat tissue, contributing to massive fat gain, far beyond that of simply bad eating habits. Toxins contribute just as much as bad food to obesity. I covered this in my ‘What Makes You Fat’ article.
In Mike’s video, he goes through the list on how to protect yourself and eliminate exposure, which is exactly what I have covered in all my coaching guides for the last 12 years.
With that said, these chemicals are pretty much everywhere. So, in order not to overwhelm your body, you need to limit the most dangerous and intense forms of exposure so your body can keep up with detoxifying the exposure that is unavoidable, as in the air you breathe and other things you might get in contact with both indoors and outdoors, and especially at work or school. You also need to make sure that your body is healthy enough to run its detoxification cycles, which is only possible if you are fully nourished – and that is only possible if you follow our natural species-appropriate, species specific diet of animal-based foods.
If you do not consume meat and animal fat on a daily basis, you will not be nourished, and you will not be healthy, and you will accumulate toxins. With that out of the way, let’s continue to the list of what to avoid and what to do instead.
#1 Plant-based ‘food’ items, processed foods, and beverages
Every single plant and vegetable, but especially blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, papaya, peaches, mango, pineapples, nectarines, grapes, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, avocado, bell peppers, celery, lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, asparagus, and beans are heavily sprayed with pesticides, as in EDCs.
So, while all plant-based foods are toxic for humans as they contain natural plant defense chemicals and antinutrients, most of the more popular ones are also completely saturated with pesticides and EDCs. Considering that they have close to zero bioavailable nutrition, there is absolutely no reason ever to consume any of them.
As for processed foods, all of them are bad. The worst offenders though are food items that are canned, preserved or packaged in anything plastic. And this is very important! All plastics will leak chemicals. Never have any plastic touch your food or liquids (or your skin.) Only use glass, steel or ceramic containers – same for bottles, never use plastic bottles or cups, or aluminum cans. That also goes for fake paper cups and the like that actually have thin plastic layers on the inside to hold the liquid.
And if you need to reheat food, never use microwaves or food containers made out of any kind of plastic. Use an oven and keep your food in stainless steel or glass containers.
#2 Behavior changes
Never use any kind of commercial beauty/cosmetic-, skincare-, sunscreen- or hygiene products, or at least none of those that contain phthalates, parabens, or any kind of fragrance. The worst offenders are any kind of deodorant, perfume, aftershave, colognes, body sprays, skin lotion, and makeup. There are a lot of natural products you can use instead, or make on your own. My coaching guides gives you several examples and guidelines.
Now, in Mike’s video he recommends to use a sauna to detox. That is not a good recommendation, as it’s a very unnatural exposure to heat and it stresses the body to the extreme. It’s just as bad as ice- and cold-water baths. Extremely unnatural and very damaging to the body – and it also stops the healing process. Simply spend more time outdoors and get a natural sweat going. Also do some grounding, as in going barefoot. But be aware of lawns that can have been sprayed or where they might have use Roundup or similar herbicides.
And if you’re sensitive to the sun, it’s because you are malnourished, you have nutrition deficiencies. Make sure to consume more meat, and especially organ meat such as beef/veal liver, and you will be good to go within a week – and you will never experience sunburn again. I know, because I got red, burnt, and shed skin flakes all the time in the past, but not one single time since going full raw carnivore in 2018 – although I more than tripled my sun exposure during the summer months.
And as for NAC glycine supplements for detox, or any supplement for that matter, you do not need that if you eat according to your species, as in plenty of meat and some organ meats – as our natural diet will provide everything our bodies need.
Also, when it comes to detox, as I’ve mentioned manty times, fasting will speed things up, as it also does with healing and fat loss.
#3 Your home
Here they recommend to keep a clean house – and if you live in a city, I do agree, as much of the dust that settles comes from outside and is heavily polluted. However, if you live in a small town, or more on the country side, dust or dirt is not a problem, it’s actually healthy. What can be a problem though is unnecessary clutter, as in too much furniture and other stuff that are plastic and has been covered with flame-retardant chemicals, as these chemicals slowly get released as gasses, especially in heat and sun light, and settles within your home (where you inhale it.)
Also note that these flame-retardant chemicals are in all kind of non-stick and plastic cookware. Again, never use these things, only use steel or wooden cookware.
Also, make sure to wash your clothes and bed clothes with natural detergents and softeners. For example, borax and vinegar. Never use any commercial crap, as these will leave a lot of chemical residues in your laundry and you wear your clothes on your skin and you spend all night in your bed. In other words, your skin gets exposed to chemicals 24/7 if you do not wash these items as naturally as possible.
Same with any cleaning products. Only use natural soap and such things. Never use anything that is anti-bacterial/anti-microbial like hand sanitizers or detergents/cleansers as these are extremely toxic and bacteria is our best friend.
And again, never use anything with fragrances, as these gasses that make it “smell nice” are extremely toxic and full of EDCs.
And that was about it for the paper and Mike’s video. Although there is a lot more to say on this subject, it was a good first introduction for those who are not that familiar with all these damaging and unnatural chemicals.
As for the connections of these chemicals to the raise in some forms of cancer, I have covered that in my previous articles, as cancer is many times a defence mechanism where your body incapsulates toxins in tumors to shield them off from more vulnerable tissues. And since these EDCs get stored in fat and are prone to mess with your endocrine system, it’s not surprising that they contribute to ‘breast cancer’ and ‘prostate cancer,’ as they get shielded into tumors within the fat tissue close to these areas.
All-in-all, Mike did a good job with his summary – and people need to get more aware of these toxins, especially when it comes to food.
And if you need help and guidance with nutritional plans, health issues, fat loss, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, or going fully ‘raw’ carnivore, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.